Personal Development 17, SECTION 7671 – Spring 2011
College Survival Skills Development, UC:CSU (1) UNIT
INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Colocho
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM,Student Services & Administration Building, (SSA),Room 103E.
TELEPHONE: (310) 233-4043
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Becoming a Master Student, 11TH Edition,
By:Dave Ellis, Houghton Mifflin.
This course provides the student with a variety of survival skills necessary to be a successful college student. Course includes instruction in using the library, study skills, time management, effective communication, self-esteem, stress management, and developing a healthy lifestyle. Campus resources are explored.
The main course objectives for students are to identify and develop survival college skills such as study, time and stress management, effective communication, self-growth, self-esteem, as well as, explaining the desire of a healthy lifestyle to become a master college student. It is also hoped that students will identify and explain various resources and services available on the College campus.
SPECIFIC COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES – What the student will learn in this class.
1. The student will be able to explore, identify, and use relevant student support services on the college campus.
2. The student will be able to list at least 5 support services available at the college.
3.The student will be able to compare past time management behaviors with new, learned, time management behaviors.
4. The students will be able to explain the desire of a healthy lifestyle.
5. The student will be able to practice techniques such as effective communication, self-esteem, growth, stress management, reading, note taking and test taking strategies, dealing with diversity.
Course Week:The week begins at 8:00 am on Monday morning; it ends at 11:59 pm on Saturday night.Because this is a SHORT-TERM class, students are expected to spend at least 4 hours per week in reading the Modules and Chapters, preparing and turning in assignments, as well as participating in class discussions.
Weekly Assignments:Complete assignmentsare worth 30 points each.(Use proper English language and type correctly). Assignments are due at 11:45 PM Saturday night. Do assignments by clicking in the "Assignments, Tests and Surveys" tool in the left drop down menu of the Etudes System.
Discussions:In order to get full credit forthe discussions, you must post yourPOST/ITEMby WEDNESDAY and reply to three classmates' posts by11:59PM on Saturday.Total of 20 points for each discussion.Post/Items not posted by Wednesday WILL BE MARKED5 POINTS OFF.No late posts will be accepted. (I agree or disagree is not accepted, you should develop your answers).Discussions must be posted on the "Discussion and Private Messages" tool in the left drop down menu of the Etudes system.
Tests:The test (1 test, 100 points) will be available by 8:00 AMSaturday.Any tests not completed by 11:59 PMon Saturday will not be accepted.The Test is open for One hour. You may onlytake your test by clicking on the "Assignments, Tests and Surveys" tool in the left drop down menu of the Etudes system.
1.Make-Up assignments, discussions, or final test:Will not be given because they are open 24 hrs. Monday thru Saturday.
2.Post/Items not posted by Wednesday WILL BE MARKED OFF5 POINTS OFF.
3.Rude or uncivil behavior when posting your comments on line will result in student being dropped from the class.As college students, you are expected to respect each other’s opinions and act in a professional manner.
4. Students must use correct English grammar in all the assignments and tests to get the total points.
5. According to the Los Angeles Community College District/Harbor College, Board Rule 9803.26.Unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and passwordwill receive an automatic “F” for the class and may be subjected to disciplinary action.
A / 400-450B / 300-399
C / 200-299
D / 100-199
F / Below 99
Course Calendar:This is a tentative schedule for the Spring 2011.The Instructor reserves the right to change the calendar to facilitate learning and understanding of the course.
Week/Date / Topics / Readings / AssignmentsWeek 1
2/7-2/12 / College Resources & Syllabus / Module 1 / Virtual tour of the Library, Online Orientation, etc.
Week 2
2/14-2/19 / Survival College Skills / Module 2,
Book Readings: Intro Chapter Pgs. 1-23
Pgs. 16, 18-19, and 21-22 / Provide instructions, College Survival Skills, Ways to Change a Habit, Power Process, Self-Esteem.
Week 3
2/21-2/26 / Motivation, Goal Setting, and Planning / Module 3,
Book Readings: Chapter 1 & 2 / Discovery Wheel, Master Monthly Calendar, Discovery Intention Statement,
Education by the Hour.
Week 4
2/28-3/5 / Reading and Note Taking Strategies / Module 4,
Book Readings: Chapter 4 & 5 / Muscle Reading, Effective Reading Techniques, Discovery Statement,
Taking more effective notes.
Week 5
3/7-3/12 / Tests, Stress Management, and
Relaxation / Module 5,
Book Readings:
Chapter 6 & 11 / What to do before the test,
Discovery Intention Statement,
Student Health Center,
Life Skills Center
Week 6
3/14-3/19 / EffectiveCommunication Skills, and Dealing with Diversity / Module 6,
Book Readings:
Chapter 8 & 9 / Power Process: "Employ your Word"
Master Student Profile Article,
Discovery/Intention Statement, The World you Live in,Sexual Harassment.
Week 7
3/21-3/26 / Final Exam / Study quizzes on pages 57,105, 155, 183, 213, 277, 303, 361. (Look at the questions and study them for the final. / The final consists of 40 questions (T/F, multiple choice, filling the blank), andOne Essay question.
Discovery Wheel - Coming Full Circle, Final assignment.
Note: If you need help paying for books and other college expenses, go to:http://www.lahc.edu/finaid, or call the Financial Aid Office at (310) 233-4320, or visit the Student Services & Admin. Bdg., Rm. 114.