Town of Indian Trail
Department of Economic Development
P. O. Box 2430
100 Navajo Trail
Indian Trail, NC 28079
Notice of
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
For Candidates to Provide
Economic Development Strategic Plan
Proposal’s Due Date: May 26, 2011 by 5:00pm
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
- General Description of Project
The Town of Indian Trail is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The premise of this RFQ is to indentify qualified economic development consulting teams for the preparation of an Economic Development Strategic Plan for the Town of Indian Trail. The Town seeks an economic development firm that has specific experience in the preparation and implementation of Economic Development Strategic Plans (EDSP). It is expected that the selected firm will prepare an EDSP that contains specific economic development goals, strategies and implementation measures. The Town desires the EDSP to also contain an Implementation Plan, outlining the timing, anticipated cost and funding source of each Implementation Action. The selected consultant will be one that has demonstrated experience in preparation of city-wide economic development strategic plans. This RFQ was prepared to solicit responses from economic development consulting firms that desire to be considered for this important project.
- Background
Indian Trail is located in Union County just fifteen miles from the center city of Charlotte, the largest city in North Carolina. We are also just two miles east of the I-485 Loop with Hwy 74 running directly through the heart of our town. The $1 Billion Monroe Bypass/Toll-road is expected to begin construction this Fall 2011 and this new 19+ mile stretch of highway will give our community two interchanges on the Bypass. Since 1990, the population has grown from 1,942 people to a population of 33,518. In January of 2009, The Gadberry Group, a location services firm based in Little Rock, Arkansas, released a report noting the eight most high growth areas in the nation. Indian Trail placed fifth out of the eight cities due to a 95% increase in population from the year 2000 to 2008. Additionally this same report found that the average household income increased 38% from $63,578 to $87,707. The growth in income levels and net worth data earned Indian Trail a ranking of second place for a high economic stability index. Then in August of 2009, Family Circle magazine also recognized Indian Trail as one of the “Top 10 Best Towns for Families”.
- Contact Person
Questions regarding this RFQ may be directed to the following person:
Town of Indian Trail
Kelly Barnhardt
Economic Development Coordinator
100 Navajo Trail
P.O. Box 2430
Indian Trail, NC 28079
704.821.3689 (fax)
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
- Proposed Project Schedule
RFQ issuedApril 27, 2011
Deadline for Proposed submissionMay 26, 2011
Consultants Selected for interviewsTo Be Determined
Interviews conductedTo Be Determined
Consultant agreement approved by CouncilJune 2011
- Scope of Services
The Consultants overall responsibility and scope of work is to prepare an Economic Development Strategic Plan containing goals, objectives and implementation measures. The Consultant will also provide meeting facilitation services during the public outreach process as necessary. The Consultant shall provide professional services to support the following tasks:
- Review and analysis of existing demographic and socioeconomic data, labor force characteristics, sales tax revenue and other key economic data.
- Preparation of key demographic trends and forecasts, social factors, economic factors and financial indicators for inclusion into the strategic plan. This task should include preparation of a market segmentation of the Town’s retail/commercial and industrial sectors.
- Recommendations on future Entertainment Districts.
- Recommendations on Industrial, Commercial and Technology parks.
- Preparation and facilitation of up to Three (3) Community Visioning workshops with the business community leaders, the business community in general, the Chamber of Commerce and other leaders/citizens in the Indian Trail community.
- Attend up to Three (3) meetings with Town staff and key community members to indentify and prioritize economic development goals and objectives and proposed activities and programs.
- Preparation of a locally based Economic Development Strategy setting forth goals and objectives for taking advantage of the opportunities and solving the economic development problems of the area.
- Preparation of an economic development action plan including suggested activities, projects and programs to implement objectives and goals set forth in the strategy.
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
- Preparation of performance measures with timelines that will be used to evaluate whether and to what extent plan goals and objectives have been or are being met.
- Attendance of at least two (2) meeting and/or workshops with the Indian Trail Town Council.
- Minimum Requirements
Minimum requirements for submittal of a Proposal in response to the RFQ include the following:
- Demonstrated understanding of local economic development theory and practice, research methods, group consensus building, implementation methods, and monitoring and updating processes.
- Demonstrated familiarity with development and implementation of economic development policies.
- Demonstrated experience, competence, and qualifications of the consultant and the participating staff successfully providing similar services to public entities.
- Understanding of the requested services and appropriateness of the proposed work program.
- Ability to perform the work in a timely manner, availability of staff and contingency plans.
- Proposals must state the proposer’s federal and state taxpayer identification numbers.
- Please complete and attach the following documents from the Attachments section of this RFQ:
- Non-Collusion Certificate
- Equal Opportunity Affidavit – Statement Vendor is in compliance.
- Work Schedule
The consultant’s work schedule will begin immediately upon contract award and is expected to continue until the Town Council approves the acceptance of a complete plan. A proposed work schedule for the Strategic Plan process should be submitted as part of the proposal. Our projected timeline for completion of this plan would be Three to Four months from commencement of project. This would be approximately late August 2011 to Early September 2011.
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
- RFQ Proposal Submittal Requirements
Consultants interested in providing these services must prepare and submit a Proposal that includes:
- Cover Letter:
The cover letter is to be signed by an officer of the firm authorized to execute a contract with the Town.
- Consultant Qualifications:
This section shall describe the areas of expertise of current permanent staff and the scope of services that can be provided by the firm without the services of an outside consultant under the consultant’s direction.
- Key Personnel:
Include a proposed project management structure. Indentify the key contact for the project and all personnel who will be assigned to work on this project include a description of their abilities, qualifications and experience. A meeting facilitator shall be included as part of the project team. Include resumes for all key individuals. There can be no change of key personnel once the proposal is submitted without the prior approval of the Town.
- Subcontractors:
Indentify any portion of the scope of work that will be subcontracted. Include firm qualifications (brief) and key personnel, telephone number and contact person for all subcontractors. The Town reserves the right to approve or reject all consultants or internal staff performing consulting services, proposed by the consultant during or after the consultant review and selection process.
- Project Workplan:
A description of project understanding (brief), detailed work approach and methodology. The workplan should list specific tasks and any specific considerations, options or alternatives.
- Project Schedule:
Propose a timeline for completion of the Strategic Plan including start date, milestones and target completion date. Any assumptions regarding turnaround time for Town Council or Town staff review should be clearly noted.
- Fee Information:
Provide a detailed fee proposal by task for the services identified in the scope of services section V of this RFQ. Identify sub-tasks and the respective cost in your fee proposal as necessary. This section of your proposal shall include a professional fee schedule (hourly fee chart) for the consultant’s personnel and the subcontractor’s key personnel indentified above who would be working on this project. Hourly fees for additional or optional services that may be required shall also be included.
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
Unless specified in the submittals, the professional fee schedule shall include any costs associated with complying with the Town’s insurance requirements. Indentify the fee that will be charged for additional public or Town Council meetings not identified in the scope of services provided here.
- References:
A list of projects completed by the proposer under which services similar to those required by this RFQ were performed shall be listed in your proposal. An emphasis should be placed on projects undertaken within the past three years and those projects undertaken for public agencies located in similar sized communities in North or South Carolina. Include a brief description of the services, dates the services were provided, and name and telephone number or references familiar with the services provided.
- Work Samples:
Provide brief descriptions of two projects dealing with economic development, redevelopment, master plans or similar topics prepared by or under the direction of your firm. Include in your description the techniques utilized in using the strategic plan process and the outcome of the planning process.
- Interview:
Proposers may be requested to be available for an interview with Town staff in Indian Trail as part of the Town’s final selection process. The lead members of the consulting team will be expected to attend any interviews scheduled with the Town.
- Deadline and Delivery:
Five (5) copies of the Proposal shall be submitted to the Town of Indian Trail, 100 Navajo Trail, P.O. Box 2430, Indian Trail, NC 28079. Attention: Kelly Barnhardt, Economic Development Coordinator. The deadline for submittal of a Proposal is May 12, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. No information submitted by facsimile or electronic mail will be accepted unless otherwise requested by the Town during the proposal review process. Proposals received after 5:00 p.m. on May 12, 2011 will not be accepted.
- Defense, Indemnification, Hold Harmless and Insurance Requirements
In addition to other standard contractual terms the Town will require the selected vendor to comply with the defense, indemnification, hold harmless and insurance requirements as outlined below:
Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the Town, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the Town.
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
The vendor shall procure and maintain, for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be paid by the Contractor. Insurance shall meet or exceed the following unless otherwise approved by the Town.
Insurance Requirements
- Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the State of North Carolina.
- Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage.
- Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage.
The Town is an equal opportunity employer and requires all Proposers to comply with policies and regulations concerning equal opportunity.
The Proposer, in the performance of this Agreement, agrees not to discriminate in its employment because of the employee’s or applicant’s race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual preference, age, or physical handicap.
- Review Process
Consultant selection will be based upon a qualitative review of the Proposals submitted. Town staff may request additional clarifying information from any or all consultants that submit a Proposal during the review process. Town staff will evaluate the responses to this RFQ, may interview the top rated consultants, and will make a recommendation to the Town Council on the selection of the consultant determined to be the most qualified for the project. It is anticipated that the Town of Indian Trail and the selected firm will enter into a professional services contract for the time period beginning June 2011 through project completion.
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
- General Terms and Conditions
- The Town reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals.
- The Town will not be responsible for any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submittal of a response to this Request for Qualifications/Proposals. The Town Manager will make a recommendation to the Town Council, who will award the agreement.
- The Town reserves the right to modify the scope of the project for this project at any time.
- Reports, Documents, graphs, charts, data, drawings and findings (regardless of format) that are associated with this project shall be the property of the Town. Under North Carolina state law, all information submitted to the Town becomes public record.
- Fee proposals included with the submitted Proposal shall remain effective for 120 days beyond the submitted date.
Attachment A: Non-Collusion Certificate
The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the person, firm, association, co-partnership or corporation herein named, has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in the preparation and submission of a proposal to the Town of Indian Trail for consideration in the award of a contract on the improvement described as follows:
Strategic Economic Development Plan
(Name of Firm)
(Authorized Signature)
Sworn to before me thisday of ,.
Notary Public
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