Beaver Valley Public Library
2013 Provincial Grant Report
The Beaver Valley Public Library is a hub of free literacy based programming/services for the people of our communities and this has come more to the forefront especially in light of many of the local services centralizing to the nearby city of Trail. Whether it is literacy based programming for babies, children, young adults or help for seniors, job seekers or those in need of computer help for government forms, etc. we strive to meet the needs of our community members.
The Beaver Valley:
The Beaver Valley Public Library serves the communities of Fruitvale, Montrose and Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area A. The challenges faced by the Beaver Valley Public Library and our communities are as stated before the loss of many services from our communities to the city of Trail; in addition the lack of a local newspaper also makes communication of services, programming and what resources are available for residents of our communities.
Strategic Plan:
Our Strategic Plan is currently in the Draft stage and will be voted on by the Board of Trustees at the March meeting.
Summary of Goals and Objectives:
· Supporting and strengthening partnerships within and outside our communities.
· To enhance services for youth; develop and implement library centered programs with all local schools and community youth service providers.
· To enhance services to seniors.
· To participate actively in Kootenay Library Federation.
Goals Set for 2013
The main goals set for the Beaver Valley Public Library for 2013 were:
· Complete Strategic Plan
· Continue to build strong community partnerships
· Enhance services to youth and seniors.
Marie Onyett, Director, Beaver Valley Public Library
March 2014 1
Provincial Priorities
We have done our best to match our activities/events/programs with provincial priorities, while developing our Strategic Plan to meet the priorities of the province and the needs/priorities of the communities we serve.
1. Supports for education transformations particularly in the area of reading for early learners.
Mother Goose hosted at the Library:
In partnership with Columbia Basin Alliance the Beaver Valley Public Library hosts the Mother Goose Program for parents and children ages 1-3years. Mother Goosefocuses on the pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs, and stories for parents/caregivers and their babies and young children. It is a beginning step to literacy and parents/caregivers are encouraged to not only participate in the programming but to borrow a wide variety of library materials suitable for this age group as well as older siblings.
Attendance at the Mother Goose programming at the library is consistently between 25 and 30 parents/caregivers and children; it is the best attended program of this type in our area, according to the CBAL Coordinator. In addition, the parents/caregivers have formed their own play group and Facebook page and meet regularly outside the Mother Goose sessions. This is a great support to new parents who not only gain valuable skills to interact with their infants/young children but also a great way to meet other parents/caregivers and share experiences/resources with other members of our communities.
Beaver Valley Adventure Picnic:
Beaver Valley Adventure Picnic is a showcase of service providers for children ages birth to six years; this free local event is hosted/planned/organized by the Beaver Valley Public Library with support from Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Beaver Valley Recreation. Attendance for 2013 was just over 200 people including parents, children, children from the Strong Start Centre and both Kindergarten classes from Fruitvale Elementary School.
A wide variety of resources are showcased and literacy and physical fitness activities are provided for the children attending; lunch is provided for all attendees.
This event is particularly helpful in our area as with no newspaper it is difficult for community members to find out what resources are available to them in our area.
Our community partners in this event are: Fruitvale Elementary School, Beaver Valley Recreation, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, Childcare Resource and Referral (Trail), Trail FAIR, Interior Health, Strong Start, Kootenay Savings Credit Union, FV Volunteer Fire Dept., Fortis, Sparks, Scouts, Atco Lumber, Aboriginal Pathways and the Village of Fruitvale.
Marie Onyett, Director, Beaver Valley Public Library
March, 2014 2
2. Library Collaboration and cooperation
Kootenay Library Federation (KLF)
One of the ways that the Beaver Valley Public Library collaborates and cooperates is through active participation in the Kootenay Library Federation (KLF); both the Library Director and the KLF Rep from the Board of Trustees regularly attend KLF meetings, training and participate in various ways to support the efforts of the KLF.
Some of the ways the Beaver Valley Public Library participates in KLF activities are:
· Books for Babies: In 2013 the library provided to Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy fifty (50) board books and bags to distribute to Interior Health who in turns distributes the bags to new parents on their first baby visit. Books for Babies materials are ordered through KLF.
· Author readings: In 2013 the library hosted children’s author Penny Draper at the Fruitvale Elementary School, and horticulturalist Carolyn Herriot and One Book One Kootenay award winning author Deryn Collier. Author tours and One Book One Kootenay are organized and supported by the KLF
· KLF Conference: The benefit of a “local” Kootenay Library Conference is that it is then possible for all staff to attend the conference and participate in relevant professional development. The conference being in our area makes it financially possible for us all to attend. The organizing of the conference is one way that we participate with the KLF by planning sessions, working the registration tables, convening sessions and directing attendees to a wide variety of sessions. The conference is organized by the KLF and small grants are available to ensure that all libraries are able to send staff.
Libraries and Literacy Branch (LLB)
The Beaver Valley Public Library also collaborates with LLB through participation in the shared collections DAISY book collections, Sitka Evergreen, Inter Library Loans and a wide variety of training opportunities.
Partnerships for the above: Kootenay Library Federation, Libraries and Literacies Branch and Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.
Marie Onyett, Director, Beaver Valley Public Library
March 2014 3
3. Community engagement and collaboration
The Beaver Valley Public Library places a priority on community engagement and collaboration; each of the following programs is ongoing:
· Story time at the Fruitvale Elementary School Strong Start Centre: The children’s librarian presents a short story time for the children attending the Strong Start Centre located at FES; stories, songs, and rhymes are included and reach children ages 0- 4. Strong Start story times are held bi-weekly.
· Communities in Bloom: The library participates in the communities in Bloom community judging by hosting the judges at the library and outlining the ways in which the library contributes to the community; from lending materials, e and audiobooks, free Internet access, wireless Internet access, delivery of materials to shut-ins, Internet help, Summer Reading Club to participation in Beaver Valley May Days parade and the Montrose Family Days parade. Community participation by the library contributes to the overall score our communities receive.
· Community Gardens: Following an inspiring talk by author and horticulturalist Carolyn Herriot plans were made to meet with our local Youth Initiatives Coordinator and the Seniors Coordinator. Meetings have taken place and planning is underway for a joint “Gardening Around Town” project that will include both youth and seniors in our community.
· Seniors Computer Classes: Planning began in late Fall 2013 to present computer classes to seniors at the senior’s facilities as it is difficult for some seniors to come out to the Library for classes. The classes will be presented at the Mountainside development and at the Beaver Valley Manor and assistance will be provided by students from the local elementary school; planning and presentation will be done jointly with Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, the Beaver Valley Seniors Coordinator, the Youth Initiatives Coordinator, Fruitvale Elementary School and the Library.
Marie Onyett, Director, Beaver Valley Public Library
March 2014 4
As you can see by the above the Beaver Valley Public Library is committed to doing our best to align our activities with the shifting provincial priorities while still meeting the needs of the communities that we serve.
Thank you:
The Beaver Valley Public Library Director, staff and trustees would like to take this opportunity to thank the Libraries and Literacy Branch for its ongoing financial support, help, direction and guidance.
Marie Onyett, Director, Beaver Valley Public Library
March 2014 5