“Civil War Battlefields, Pt.4 – Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Atlanta and Surrender”Glue onto pg. ______

  1. Name the various races which participated in the Civil War.
  1. Explain why Lincoln relieved McClellan of his position and replaced him with Burnside.
  1. Comment on the following aspects of the Battle of Fredericksburg:
  2. The effect of Burnside’s decision to wait for Army engineers:
  3. Mary’s Heights:
  4. The role of Richard Kirkland:
  5. Winner/Casualties of Both Sides:
  6. List two facts about General Robert E. Lee.
  1. Fill this in: “During the first _____ months of ______, the Confederacy enjoyed ______after ______.”
  1. Describe the effect of Stonewall Jackson’s accidental death on the Confederate effort.
  1. Why did Lee determine that a second invasion of the North was so important?
  1. Explain why Lee lacked information about the Union forces in the North.
  1. What resource did Gettysburg provide that the Confederate troops desperately needed?
  1. By the end of the first day, where did Lee have his men positioned? Where did Mead have his?
  1. Why was the high ground of Little Round Top so important for the Union to keep? What will happen if they lose it?
  1. List two facts about the Battle at Little Round Top:
  1. By the end of the second day, who controls Cemetery Hill?
  1. By 11:00 AM of the last day, had the Confederates gained ground on the Union?
  1. Why was the Union decision to stop firing their cannons such an important tactic at this point in the battle?
  1. Describe the charge of Confederate men at “the little clump of trees.”
  1. Fill this in: “Of Pickett’s ______men, only ______survive.”
  2. Why did Mead decide not to pursue Lee?
  1. How many men died or were wounded at Gettysburg?
  1. Comment on the following aspects of the election of 1864:
  2. The role of Copperheads:
  3. “Fine Northern Ladies:
  4. Riots in New York City:
  5. Why do Lincoln and the War Party need a “smashing victory?”
  1. Why does Confederate general Albert Sydney Johnston refuse to engage the Union’s William Tecumseh Sherman?
  1. How does Confederate president Jefferson Davis respond to Johnston’s unwillingness to fight?
  1. Comment on the following aspects of the Battle of Atlanta:
  2. Southern Casualties on the first day:
  3. Reasons for the bombardment of Atlanta:
  4. The final battle of Atlanta:
  5. What is the result of the Election of 1864?
  1. What is Sherman’s strategy for his “earth-scorching march?”
  1. What role did “bummers” play during this time?
  1. Summarize Sherman’s ‘Total War’ plan for Savannah.
  1. Comment on the final phases of the War:
  2. The cost of basic foods and the value of Southern money:
  3. The evacuation of Richmond:
  4. Wilbur McLean:
  5. The Meeting at Appomattox Courthouse:
  6. The Fate of Abraham Lincoln:
  7. The Fate of Robert E. Lee:
  8. The Fate of Ulysses S. Grant:

Civil War Video Qs #4