Duel Enrollment English IV

Instructor: Dallas Allen


Phone: (870)586-3080 Absolute Emergencies Only!


The primary goal of the course is to help you become a more effective writer, one capable of recognizing the challenges and opportunities of writing in different situations for different readers.You will do a lot of writing in this class. You will also do a lot of writing about writing––your own and others’. You will do a fair amount of reading about writing and reading for writing. You will also be expected to discuss and examine what you write and what you read. The secondary goal for this class is to develop a fundamental understanding of the various genres of writing and their application.

You will also do a fair amount of reading of different genres, extending from novels to plays. This is a rigorous course, and you should take it seriously.

Essential Question: How does writing and communication define us?

We will contemplate literature and writing through the above main guiding question while also considering some of these lesser questions:

  • What is the purpose of writing?
  • What can we do to become better writers?
  • How do we create effective arguments?
  • How are different genres and types of writing defined?
  1. Teacher and Student Beliefs

The value of education is defined by the work put into it. This is true of both students and teachers. In my classroom I like to foster an attitude of curiosity and lifelong learning. I believe all students are capable, and I think all students should be able to explore their own interests. Therefore, all students in my class should be prepared to learn and to work towards the end goal—improved writing and communication.

  1. Classroom Values and Rewards
  • All students should be prepared to work when they step into my class. We will have fun, but in the goal of learning and improving.
  • All students will show respect to their teacher and their fellow students. The success of a classroom is bound to the attitudes of everyone.
  • All students will come with the proper tools and equipment.
  • All students’ work will be their own, original work. Learning does not happen when one simply copies answers.
  1. Discipline System

As a senior, and someone enrolled in a college class, I have high expectations on your behavior. You are entering the adult world, where actions have consequences. As such, you can expect the same in my classroom. My discipline system goes as follows:

  1. The first offense, you will be given a warning.
  2. The second offense, a parent phone call will be made.
  3. The third offense, a referral will be written and you will be asked to leave.
  1. Entry Routine

There is a way we enter the classroom. Follow the steps below:

  1. Come to class with all of your supplies, ready to learn. Once you have entered the classroom, try not to leave again.
  2. Sit in your assigned seat.*
  3. Put your homework on your desk (if applicable).
  4. Complete the Bell Work.
  5. When class begins, follow the instructions to start the day's lesson.

*Free seating will be granted when the class demonstrates it can thrive without the structure.

  1. Exit Routine

There is a way we exit the classroom. Follow the steps below:

  1. After the lesson, you will complete a reflection on the lesson. This can be an individual or class exercise. It will depend on the lesson.
  2. When you finish your reflection, work on another academic assignment and stay in your seat.
  3. I will walk around the room to inspect for cleanliness. I may ask you to clean up, throw away trash in your area, or realign your desk in your row.
  4. Please expect to work up to dismissal time.
  1. Class Supplies
  2. Reading Books

You MUST acquire the following texts for your course:


  • Writing for Writers
  • Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  • Hamlet by William Shakespeare
  • The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
  • Rules for Writers
  1. Daily Preparedness

Bring your binder, a writing utensil, and the current course book to class every day.On quiz days, bring a #2 lead pencil. It will be hard to participate in class if you are ill prepared.

  1. Binders

You will take ownership of your learning by organizing your materials, using a binder. I recommend you will keep a 2-inch binder not shared with any other class.Keeping a binder is a transferrable life skill. You are growing in self-efficacy, organization, and metacognition, because an organized binder is connected to professionalism and learning. When you go to college, you will be expected to keep up with your materials so that you can review them each night. When you enter the workforce, you must keep your projects organized so that your boss can ask about your status at any time and you can turn in the finished product with all necessary materials at the end.

  1. Student Evaluation
  2. Homework

Homework is announced in class and posted on the class calendar, and webpage.When you enter the classroom each day, put any homework due on your desk. I will come around and check for it. If your homework is NOT turned in at this time, it is late and must be turned in through the late work tray.

The practice of homework is a college readiness skill because it builds accountability and responsibility. In English, it is particularly important because homework builds literacy and reviews skills.

  1. Late Work

You must turn in your work on time. On time means that your work is ready to be turned in when I ask for it. Late workcan be submitted through the late work tray for a maximum of 80%, regardless of when it is turned in (i.e. one hour late, one date late, one week late…).If you are absent or have special circumstances, turn in your work at our negotiated time.

Please note: All work before major marking periods (i.e. interims and quarter ends) MUST be submitted well in advance ofinterim/quarter print dates so interim/quarter grades accurately reflect performance. This date will be announced in class, and on the classroom website.

  1. Academic Integrity

Your work must be original or properly give credit to its original author according to MLA format. Otherwise, the work will receive a 0 and must be redone.There will be no warnings about this. I do not tolerate plagiarism.

  1. Communication
  2. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) & Community Contact

Students are capable learners often because of the investment of their parents. This requires an open channel of communication between the instructor and parents. I will contact your parents if there is cause for concern, and will periodically email them in regards to your progress in class. I am also available at all times through email, if a parent needs to contact me.

Classroom Website

The classroom website can be accessed from the Collierville High School page. Here you will find uploads of the syllabus, weekly schedules, and copies of assignment prompts. It is your responsibility to regularly check the website, as this is your hub of information about this course.