Since this is my first opportunity to communicate information to the entire Sectional membership, I wish to express my appreciation to you again for the opportunity to serve as your new Vice President. Your vote showed that you have confidence that I can provide effective leadership to our organization and I do not intend to disappoint you. Although my term of office officially started October 1, 2005, I began my work immediately after the June 2005 election to achieve a smooth transition of leadership. I wish to thank the outgoing Vice President, Mr. Bill Turner for his assistance in getting me off to a running start. I also thank many of the past and present Sectional leaders who have provided assistance whenever they have been asked.

As we embark upon a new year, we have new leadership at both our sectional and national level. The Southwestern Section is proud to boast our first National President in ABA history. CONGRATULATIONS MR. HANK IRWIN JR.! Let us all pledge our support to promote the success of his administration and the ABA. Another Southwest Section CONGRATULATION to Mrs. MARIAN WOMACK, winner of the 2005 Joyce Williams Derby. Marian amassed 1,519 master points to lead all ABA women for the year making her a two-time winner of the prestigious award.

My thanks to all members who have rallied to provide support for my administration during the past few months. I solicit your continued support long after the “honeymoon period” is over. As I have mentioned previously, I plan to utilize the many talents in our Section and will not overlook our sleeping talents. “Calling all volunteers”!


·  To promote bridge education in all clubs and units

·  To increase overall membership by recruiting , retaining and reclaiming players

·  To establish and improve the dissemination of information to all members

·  To stress bridge and courtesy among players

·  To design and implement strategies to improve the overall operation of our section

·  To maintain financial stability and fiscal responsibility

The essence of family is love and the ABA is a family. Family also provides the experience of sharing. Since we all obviously love the ABA, I challenge you to share your time, talents and resources to help advance the organization we all love.

While on the subject of family, our Section has suffered great losses, not only to deaths but to devastation suffered by the victims of the hurricanes KATRINA AND RITA. Thank God Houston was spared and was able to provide help to our neighbors in the form of food, housing, monetary gifts and volunteer work. Thanks to our other Sections who have so graciously donated to the cause. This action was initiated by the thoughtfulness of Mrs. Mary Mason Young, Mid-Atlantic Section VP.

As in most organizations, a large percentage of the members do not participate actively in the overall operations of the organization beyond that of playing bridge. Not to minimize the need for all members to come out, travel to and otherwise support our clubs/units, sectional and national games, but if our organization is to grow and thrive, we need member-support in many other ways. In that regard, I am calling upon all members in our Section to make themselves a committee of one to either bring in a new member or help reclaim an inactive member by bringing that person back to the organization. In doing so, you should endeavor to provide assistance by way of a partner or ride to the game if needed. We have many inactive members who still love the game of bridge but are not playing for various reasons. We MUST try to determine these reasons and try to get them to become actively involved again.

In Houston, Mrs. Freddie Guess has done and continues to do a great job of calling members, setting up partnerships and getting players out to the games. I encourage all clubs/units in the Section to designate a person to do likewise. It works well. Sometimes it only takes a phone call. Thank you Freddie, for a job well done.

The Sectional committee chairpersons have been appointed and the committees should now be operational with committee member positions filled. A list of committee chairs has been sent to all club presidents and will be published elsewhere in this newsletter. When issues arise, they should be forwarded to the club/unit president or directed to the appropriate committee chairperson. Of particular note are matters that involve condolences. Ms. Betty Mann, (Austin) is the chairperson and should be notified in a timely manner when condolences are in order.


Roger Pewick (Houston) has accepted the appointment of Web Site Administrator for the Section. He is in the process of developing the web site for our Section and has made considerable progress in a short period of time. While attending the Grade A Tournament in Ft. Worth, I told Roger that we needed a web site “yesterday”. He immediately went to work and you should see the work in progress. Thank you Roger. Our web address is . Stop by for a visit if you have not already done so. The site is linked to the national website, Other information to be placed on our web page will include but is not limited to Section officers, committee chairpersons, club addresses and contact person(s), local tournament scores, etc. Contact Roger by e-mail at for questions and requests.


Our educational Chairperson, Ms. Nelda Gray has worked diligently to provide bridge education in Houston and has expressed a passion to reclaim inactive members and to recruit new members. I applaud her efforts and the efforts of Ms. Shirley Brown who works with her and who chaired a very successful Pro-Am game October 2005. There are others who quietly go about encouraging new members by way of providing bridge education to small groups in their homes or at other facilities. At the risk of omitting someone, I will name a few others that come to mind: Bill and Bobbie Turner, Mrs. Odessa Sayles, Ms. Marvelyene Henry, Ms. Betty Patrick, Ms. Delores Griffin, Oscar Barton, Ervie Freeman, Mrs. Lela Wilson, Claude Melton, Ms. Ola (Pinky) Hillmon, Ms. Lillie Satterwhite, Ms. Mae Clark, Percy Milligan, Mrs. Iris Carr, Hank Irwin and yours truly. I chose to mention these items because Bridge Education and increasing membership in the organization are at the forefront of my objectives for the Section.


Most if not all of you have been notified of our obligation to the National body to sell thirty-five(35) t-shirts, 600 raffle tickers, obtain as many full page ads and patrons as we can for the souvenir journal. These are the fund raising efforts outlined by the ABA Board of Directors as a method to support the 38th Spring National Tournament in Las Vegas, April 15-22, 2006. My thanks and appreciation is extended to our National Representatives, Mrs. Thelma Morgan (t-shirt sales), Ms. Dorothy Nance (ads and patrons) and Ms. Ethel Black (raffle tickets). I extend a special thanks to the many members who have responded in some way to this effort. It is my understanding from the representatives that our Section has responded significantly. That tells me that we may be small in numbers but we are DEDICATED to getting the job done. If you have not yet supported, please do so as soon as possible. We need your help.

We are facing many challenges in our organization, not only in our Section but in all of the ABA. We face the rising costs of travel, increased hotel rates and a decrease in membership. As our membership ages, we need to attract new members but must strive to retain them through teaching, mentoring and nurturing. As we continue to deal with the challenges ahead, changes must be made. We must decide which changes would be most beneficial and most consistent with our goals, objectives and resources. Then design a plan to implement the necessary changes.

Last but not least, we must be mindful of the need for courtesy to new players and to each other. Nothing is more destructive to an organization than public discord and disruption during play. It is counter-productive and against the Zero Tolerance Policy adopted by the ABA. As your Vice-President, I will do everything within my power to adhere to and uphold this policy and I challenge you to do likewise.


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♥ Earline E. Winn duplicate bridge club – Houston

During the past 18 months, the club has gone through a period of adjustment. First, the passing of our president, Elga Steward, was a great loss and second, having to move from one playing facility to another. First the YMCA on Wheeler where we were housed for many – many years, closed its bridge doors in December 2004. From the YMCA we moved to another facility, a church community center/café, a very unique well kept little place. Thanks to Bill Turner and Nelda Gray for scouting around securing this facility. We were there for six months and finally moved to our present location, another nice church community center more centrally located. Appreciation is given to Barbara Ellison, Freddie Guess and Freddye Rhodes for assistance in securing this site.

The Adjustment and changes made from December through July 2005 entailed much physical activity. Beginning with the YMCA, all of the bridge tables, chairs, file cabinets and other bridge paraphernalia for the three clubs that played there had to be moved. James Mays, Roger Pewick and Joe Ford voluntarily took the responsibility to perform this great task during our last days. Much appreciation is given to each of them. Also, many thanks to all other Unit members who regularly assisted in setting up and rearranging tables and chairs before we moved to our present site. These volunteer services were performed in harmony – hard work, and yet it was easy because we all worked together.

Back to the club for more Bits and Pieces – Our priorities are: good relations with each other, participation, recruitment and personal contact with defunct members. During the past 18 months we have taken in three new members: Doris Wilson, Betty Watkins and Judith Glasco, all are participants at our club/unit. Judith has earned 65 master points, she travels everywhere including a Prairie View Bridge Cruise to Mexico in December. We have two transfer members, sisters, Selina Carter and Delphine Butler, Katrina evacuees from New Orleans. Also, two local transfer members, Nelda Gray and Opal White. We welcome all of the players who have joined our bridge family. Club play is on Saturday at 1 p.m. All games are sanctioned due to the influx of unity games. Some of the members involved with bridge activities are: Nelda Gray, Bridge Education and Recruitment (free bridge classes for all new players are continuous); Lionel Oscar Barton, Education Assistance for intermediate players whenever requested, and Lillian Graham, club membership contact. In addition we extend best wishes for a good tenure to Opal White, new elected MDBU President, Oscar Barton, Southwest Section Tournament Chair and Roger Pewick, with the Southwest Section web site.

Two members are ailing: Agnes Galley and Hattie Jack. For 2006 and always we wish you well.

In spite of the adjustments everyone is still smiling and clinging on to the Unit bridge schedule for 2006.