Thurrock Council

Common Assessment Framework (CAF)

Section 1

Name of child
Date of birth
Phone number
First language
Interpreter required?
Unique pupil number

Section 2

For which purpose are you using this form?

As a CAF to assess a child's or young person's needs:

To refer a child or young person to the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
where concerns have been identified in respect of that child or young person:

Consent must be obtained for CAF to proceed, except:

a)where there are clear child protection concerns – that is, a child or young person has an injury or has made allegations against the parent or carer

b)when the referrer suspects that by attempting to get consent from the parents, the child or children or young person or adult victim could potentially be placed at risk of harm

c)when the referrer has sought consent but the parent or carer has refused permission – in this instance the referrer believes that by not sending the CAF to the MASH the identified concerns are likely to escalate and may place the child or children or young person at further potential risk of harm

The parent or carer HAS NOT consented to this CAF. My rationale for sharing information without consent is:

Where consent has been obtained please refer to section 10

Section 3

Person completing this CAF:

Job title
Phone number
Email address

Lead professional, if different from above:

Job title
Phone number
Email address

What has led to this child or young person or family being referred?


Start date of assessment
Completion date of assessment

Names of those present during the assessment:

Section 4

Household members:

First and last names / Relationship to the child or young person / Gender / Date of birth, or estimated due date / Address / Ethnicity / Parental responsibility

Significant others:

First and last names / Relationship to the child or young person / Gender / Date of birth, or estimated due date / Address / Ethnicity / Parental responsibility

Is the child or young person living in a private fostering arrangement? Yes No

Definition of private fostering is:
"when a child under the age of 16 (under 18 if disabled) is cared for by someone who is not their parent or a 'close relative'. This is a private arrangement made between a parent and a carer, for 28 days or more. Close relatives are defined as step-parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts (whether of full blood, half blood or marriage/affinity)."

If 'yes', please provide details (if known):

Is the child or young person a young carer? Yes No

Definition of young carers is:
"children or young people under the age of 18 years of age who are regularly undertaking a significant caring role, including physical, practical and emotional support to a family member. The family member maybe disabled or mentally ill or have a substance misuse problem."

If 'yes', please provide details (if known):

Services currently working with the child or young person or family:

Service / Key contact / professional

Case previously known to:

Children's social care / Youth Offending Service
Troubled Families / Police
Early Offer of Help / Other –

Section 5

Presenting issues – child

At least one presenting issue must be selected. If multiple issues have been indentified, select all that are applicable:

Behaviour – please specify below / Gangs
Substance misuse / Missing from care or home
Disability / Abuse and neglect
Private fostering / Mental health
Child exploitation / Special education needs / EHCP
Trafficking / Missing education
UASC / Other – please specify below

Where required, please specify:

Section 6

Is the family previously or currently known to Troubled Families? Yes No

Please tick all that apply:

Parents and children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour
Children who have not been attending school regularly
Children of all ages who need help are identified as in need or are subject to a child protection plan
Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusions or young people at risk of worklessness
Families affected by domestic violence and abuse
Parents with children with a range of health problems

If you have ticked any of the above, please provide further information in the box below:

Section 7

Child's oryoung person's developmental needs –

To include:general health;physical development;speech, language and communication; emotional and social development;behavioural development;identity, self-esteem, self-image and social presentation;family and social relationships;self-care skills and independence.

Presenting issues – parent

At least one presenting issue must be selected. If multiple issues have been indentified, select all that are applicable:

Mental health / Domestic violence
Substance misuse / Learning disability
Family dysfunction / Housing
Ill health / Other – please specify below

If other, please specify:


Attendance at school:

0 to 30% / 30% to 50% / 50% to 80% / 80% to 100%

Does the child or young person have a SEN / EHCP in place? Yes No

Has the child or young person had any fixed-term or
permanent exclusions in the last 12 months? Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

Is Education Welfare involved? Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

Parenting capacity

Basic care, ensuring safety and protection, emotional warmth and stability, guidance, boundaries and stimulation:

Impact upon child or young person:
Family and environmental factors

Family history, functioning and well-being, wider family, housing, employment and financial considerations, social and community elements and resources, including education:

Impact upon child or young person:

Section 8

What services and strategies have been put in place to support the child, young person or parents? What impact has this had?

What are the strengths and protective factors in the family?

Child's or young person's comments regarding this CAF, including wishes, feelings and aspirations, taking into consideration the child's or young person's age and stage of development:

Parent's or carer's views and comments regarding this CAF:

Goals and outcomes desired, next steps, what needs to change, how can this be achieved? Who can help?

Section 9

Threshold statement
I, the referrer, have reviewed the Thurrock threshold document for intervention of need and in my opinion I consider the child/young person/family to fall into the following category based on what I have assessed:
Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3 / Tier 4
Consent for information storage and sharing of information between MASH, EoH and Troubled Families.

"I understand that the information recorded on this CAF will be stored electronically.

The information contained in this CAF will be used in order that the appropriate services are identified to support me /the child/young person that I am the parent of / carer to.

It has been explained to me that MASH, EoH and Troubled Families are a multi-agency team where information is shared by professionals. This is for the purpose of making decisions and to identify services which can provide support to me my child/young person that I am the parent of / carer to."

If it is determined that you will receive support from the Troubled Families programme, you should be aware that information will need to be shared with partner agencies, the voluntary sector, the Department of Communities and Local Government and their partner agencies.

The information will be shared with services involved with your support plan and to provide the Department of Communities and Local Government and their partner agencies with data and outcomes. Your personal information may be used, but at no time will personal data, your name(s), be published.

Information about the Troubled Families programme will be issued to the media to publicise the effectiveness of the scheme in Thurrock and success in reducing the number of families involved. At no time will personal information or names be given.

Information will be used to ensure support and consistency while your family is on the Troubled Families programme.

The reason for sharing information has been explained to me

Section 10

Child's or young person's signature:
Parent's or carer's signature:
Assessors signature:

A copy of this CAF has been provided to the child or young person: Yes No

A copy of this CAF has been provided to the parent or carer: Yes No

Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):01375 652 802 |

Children's Services, Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL

1form version 30 June 2015