January 26, 2016
P.C. Members present: Nickie Cleary, Jaime Weitl, and Eugene Meiners, NOI Board President.
Conference Call: Ashley Lynch, Kim Denman and Teresa Winkleblack.
Staff present: Tonya Weber, HS/EHS Director, Chad Jensen, CEO, and Pam Stanzyk, HS/EHS Office Coordinator.
Nickie Cleary called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Roll Call
Financial Reports
Tonya Weber, HS/EHS Director, presented the final closeout for PY15. All line item categories were within budgeted limits. Early Head Start budget will be completely expended once bills are processed. Required Non-Federal (In-Kind) for PY15 is $527,549.00. The actual reported is $583,769.30. Also presented were the Head Start/Early Head Start Summary and Financial Report for December 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015. There was a general discussion of various line items. All HS/EHS credit card activity was reviewed for November and December 2015.
Jaime Weitl motioned to accept the final closeout report for PY15 and the Financial Report ending December 31, 2015. Ashley Lynch seconded. Motion carried.
Policy Council Minutes
December 15, 2015, and January 11, 2016, minutes were read. Jaime Weitl motioned to approve the minutes as read. Ashley Lynch seconded. Motion carried.
Program Report
Tonya summarized the following items on the December 2015 Head Start/Early Head Start Program Report: HS/EHS Enrollment and Attendance; HS/EHS Education & Disabilities; Communication; Professional Development; Volunteer/Parent Involvement; In-Kind; Child Abuse and Mandatory Reporting; CACFP Reimbursement; and Health. General discussion took place regarding the Program Report.
Health & Safety
There was one report reviewed. The concern has been corrected.
NOI Board Minutes
Approval for the October minutes will be requested Thursday, January 28, 2016. They will be available to policy council at the February Policy Council meeting. There was not a Board meeting scheduled for November and the December meeting was cancelled.
Committee Reports
MATURA Head Start will be partnering with our program in the Self-Assessment process, assessing each other’s program on February 9th and 10th. Tonya will be contacting a few policy council members to help with self-assessment as well.
Staff Updates
Approval was made via email on January 13, 2016, to hire Lindsey Kohorst, Health Assistant, Cecilia Castellanos, EHS Home Visitor, and Emma Cervantes, Perry Teacher Associate.
IM/PI Alerts
ACF-PI-HS-16-01: Changes in Federal Reporting was reviewed.
2016-2017 HS/EHS ERSEA Plan
Some revisions were made to who is responsible for carrying out ERSEA activities to accommodate new Family Support Supervisor role.
Jaime Weitl motioned to approve the 2016-2017 HS/EHS ERSEA Plan. Ashley Lynch seconded. Motion carried.
2016-2017 HS/EHS Application - Revision
A checkbox was added to the application to document if a child will be a repeat child.
Jaime Weitl motioned to approve the revision to the 2016-2017 HS/EHS Application. Ashley Lynch seconded. Motion carried.
2015 Head Start Community Needs Assessment Update
Parents will be asked to fill out a Community Needs Assessment at their next home visit or parent/teacher conferences.
2016-2017 Recruitment
Recruitment for the 2016-2017 Program Year has begun. If parents know of anyone that would be interested, please contact your family advocate or home visitor.
Federal Mileage Rate
Effective January 1, 2016, the Federal Mileage Rate is 54 cents per mile.
Policies & Procedures
Release of Children Policy has been revised to add the process for when a child is picked up consistently late after dismissal.
Jaime Weitl motioned to approve the revision for the Release of Children Policy. Ashley Lynch seconded. Motion carried.
Revision was made to the Child Care Reimbursement form. Reimbursement checks are paid directly to parent, therefore a receipt is not needed.
Jaime Weitl motioned to approve the revision to the Child Care Reimbursement form. Teresa Winkleblack seconded. Motioned carried.
General Discussion
Nickie asked if buses are inspected. Yes, inspections are completed. Teresa asked if all policy council members need training. Yes, Tonya provides training.
Policy Council Training
Tonya presented Program Governance 101 – Module 1: The Basics. Training will be provided to Ashley Lynch and Teresa Winkleblack at a later date.
Jaime Weitl motioned to adjourn at 7:15 PM. Nickie Cleary seconded. Motion carried.
Next Policy Council meeting February 23, 2016, 6:00 PM.