Minutes: Peppermill Board Meeting
July 17, 2010
Board members present: Al Sebastiani, Dan Henning, Bob Cropp, Bill Pegler, Russ Stearns, Larry Nelson
Citizens present: Sandy Henning, Bette Cropp, Barb Singleton, Phil Singleton, Dennis Schad, Nick Lanza, Donna Coleman, Claudette Wagner, B J Schmitt
Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Bill Pegler
Motion by Al Sebastiani to approve the agenda, seconded by Larry Nelson; approved
Motion by Dan Henning to approve the April 17, 2010 board minutes, seconded by Russ Stearns; approved
Larry Nelson presented the treasurer’s report. Fund balance as of July 17th was $35,571.
Motion by Russ Stearns to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dan Henning; approved.
Old Business:
Committee reports:
- Grants: Reported by Bill Pegler; the existing grant expires the end of the year. The report of activities under grant was corrected and re-submitted.
- LakeAdvisory Committee: Reported by Bill Pegler; nothing to report, but another meeting to be scheduled prior to spring of 2011.
- Fish Stocking: reported by Russ Stearns; Justine Hasz, Fish Biologist shocked the lake early June 2010. But, due to warm water temperature limited data on fish population was available. Justine Hasz plans to re-shock the lake this fall when water temperature is colder. Until we have better information on the fish population and decided on our objective for stocking, the stocking decision is on hold.
- Chara: Chara mounds have not been nearly as prevalent as the summer of 2009. Dan Henning reported that three loads of chara mounds were removed the week of July 12th.
- Pier: Bill Pegler said consideration of a handicap pier is on hold. Dan Henning reported that the location of the existing pier makes it difficult for the harvester to get in and out of the lake. The pier will need to be moved to the South. Also concrete will need to be placed under the legs. George Bennish is aware of this situation. Dan will coordinate the moving of the pier around the end of July. A 6 to 8 foot L-extension on the pier will depend upon the boat launching fees sufficient to do so.
- Audit: The audit needs to be completed prior to the September annual meeting.
- Laptop projector purchase: Bill Pegler will purchase a projector prior to the September annual meeting
- Board recruitment: There will be two openings on the board to be filled at the September annual meeting
- Aquatic plant management review: Bill Pegler summarized the change in the lake from 2007 when a lot of plants required harvesting and chemical treatment to the winter of 2008 that not only caused a fish kill but also plants. Reesa Evans along with Dan Henning located three small patches of EWM or high-bred that is mixed in with Northern Milfoil. Dan Henning suggested that with the use of the boys assisting with clean waters/clean boats the EWM in these three areas could be hand pulled. Motion by Bob Cropp, seconded by Al Sebastiani to hire two of these boys to work with Dan Henning to hand pull the EWM; approved. The week of July 12th the harvester removed Lilly pads, some weeds and chara mounds. It is doubtful there will be a need for a second harvest or any chemical treatment this summer and fall. Bill Pegler has sent the plant samples from the first harvest to the lab.
New Business:
- Variance request: Bill Pegler received a letter from the Jackson Township Planning Committee requesting the board’s input in the variance requested by Barbara and Phil Singleton’s for reduction in setback from the road to build an addition to the garage. Motion by Russ Stearns that the board has no objection to the variance request, seconded by Dan Henning; approved
- Bouys for NorthShore: Russ Stearns expressed concern that pontoons go along the North shore in the West end and stir up the bottom of the lake due to very shallow water. Discussion center around putting bouys or a sign indicating shallow water or something to discourage pontoons from traveling along the North shore. Dan Henning will check with the JacksonTownship as to what may be done with possible follow-up by Russ Stearns or Dan Henning with DNR.
- 2011 Budget Planning: Bill Pegler reminded everyone that this is a budget recommendation to be voted on at the September annual meeting. The projected fund balance at the end of the year is estimated to be around $30,000. Not knowing what the summer of 2011 will bring in terms of the need to harvest or chemical treat it is recommended that the budget for these items remain unchanged. Recommended changes include:
-Increasing newsletter costs, mailings, posted from $700 to $800
-Increase harvesting permit from $200 to $300
-Change electricity for aeration from $2,250 to $2,000 and aerator repair from $425 to $600, but eliminate the $725 for pump replacement.
-Reduce signs, no-wake and other from $500 to $250 and eliminate the $300 for DO monitoring
-Eliminate the special charges
Bill Pegler will put the recommended budget in the newsletter mailed prior to the September annual meeting.
- Other: The 2010 annual meeting is September 4th
Motion by Russ Stearns to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dan Henning; approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:34 a.m.