
PRESENT: H. Hurley, H. Anderson, G. Stetson, A. Kinahan and J. Noyes


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

1. 12 Stoney Road: Jonathan Asker was present.

A Form A and Plans were submitted by Professional Land Survey on behalf of owners, Jonathan & Pippa Asker, for the property located at the above address. It was noted that the Board recently endorsed a Form A and Plans for this same site.

Mr. Asker stated that the purpose of this plan is to redefine the Lot lines to ensure that the septic system is now on the correct lot; the one with the house on it. He noted that this would make it much easier to sell Lot 1. Lot 1 will now contain 3.918 acres and Lot 2 will have 6.189 acres and contain the existing dwelling at 12 Stoney Road. It was noted that both properties contain adequate frontage and area.

A Motion (GS) was made to endorse the Form A and Plans for Jonathan & Pippa Asker of 12 Stoney Road as presented. Second (HA). Vote: Unanimous.

Mr. Asker stated that he was embarrassed to ask the Board to sign a letter to his bank, Harbor One, stating the decision they just made. He noted that since he has a mortgage on the property, the bank was asking for confirmation from the Board that this was now an approved plan and is considered to be legal, buildable lots by the Town. Mr. Hurley reviewed the letter and stated that it clearly stated the facts and that he had no concerns with signing it on behalf of the Board.

A Motion (HA) was made to have Chairman Hurley endorse the letter to the bank as presented by Mr. Jonathan Asker. Second (GS). Vote: Unanimous. A copy was placed on file.

2. Map 24, Lot 174 - Spring Street:

A Definitive Subdivision plan was submitted for review by William Self of Curley & Hanson Surveyors on behalf of Briarwood Construction Corporation for property owned by the Slapik Revocable Trust for a one (1) Lot subdivision to be located at the above site.

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall conference room. Notices will be published in the Enterprise on October 28, and November 4, 2014.

3. Maple Street:

A Form A and Plans were submitted by Silva Engineering on behalf of V.S. Haseotes & Sons for review. The intent of the plan is to divide the parcel at the corner of Maple and Scotland Streets into two (2) Lots. Lot 7 will consist of .76 acres and Lot 8 will have .72 acres. The


West Bridgewater Planning Board

Minutes of 10/15/14

Page 2.

remaining land, Lot 11B, will have 44.62 acres. It was noted that there was also an easement so that the rear parcel would remain accessible for possible future development.

Upon review of the plan, Mr. Hurley noted that the Town layout was not up to the required standards. Mr. Stetson stated that there was no way he would approve this until the road had been brought up to meet the regulations.

The Board agreed that since they have twenty one (21) days to make a decision on a Form A plan, they were going to further review this plan at the meeting on November 5, 2014 before making any decisions or to formulate a response.

4. Meadow Spring Drive:

The Board noted that the deeds and conveyances for the roadway and easements for the above subdivision still have not been submitted, reviewed or approved for this subdivision. The last time the Board met with Mr. Donato he stated that his attorney, Ron Whitney, was preparing the deeds, conveyance documents, and roadway easements and would submit them as soon as they were done. Mr. Hurley had noted that once all of the paperwork was in order, the Board would schedule a public hearing to release the surety. They would then forward the plans to the Board of Selectmen for street acceptance at the next town meeting sometime in 2015. Mr. Donato had assured the Board that he would make sure that everything was submitted as soon as possible. It was noted for the record that the above documents have still not been submitted

5. MAIL:

Bridgewater Planning Board public hearing 10/6/14, re: modification, 663 Elm Street, approved.

Bridgewater Planning Board public hearing 10/6/14, re: modification, 8 Romney Rd. approved.

Easton ZBA public hearing 10/21/14, re: special permit/variance 181 Washington Street.

Easton ZBA public hearing 10/21/14, re: variance, 200 Washington Street.

Raynham ZBA public hearing 10/22/14, re: site enhancement, 600 South Street.

Mass Interchange fall 2014 newsletter.

OCPC (JTC) minutes of 8/14/14 and agenda for10/9/14.

Treasurer/Collector memo, re: postage through 9/30/14.

6. A Motion (HA) was made to pay the secretary payroll for the period ending 10/14/14.

Second (GS). Vote: Unanimous.

7. The minutes of 10/1/14 were accepted and filed.

8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna M. Cotter,
