Traces of Alchemy in the Literature of the High Middle Ages: AnInformal Study Retreat on the eastern MaineCoast,May 22–25, 2015
Location:TheEagle Hill Institute, Steuben, Maine, located 30 miles east of Mt. DesertIsland and Acadia National Park.
Host:This studyretreat is hosted byArcanum, the journal of esotericcurrents during the High Middle Ages.
Moderator:Dr.Ingrid Lotze, author of …
An Open Invitation:Aninvitation is extended to scholars and graduate students who are curious aboutalchemical motifs andspiritual dimensions in the literature of the High MiddleAges and who would enjoy meeting with others to share theirobservations.
Format and Focus:The study retreat will have a round-table format where participants willdiscuss the alchemical inspiration,especially in the works of Chrétien deTroyes, Wolfram von Eschenbach, and Gottfried von Strassburg. Discussion topicsinclude but are not limited to 1) current research opinions, 2) thetransmission of alchemy, 3) manuscripts extant in the 11th,12thand 13thCenturies, 4) the interweaving of spiritual or inneralchemy with laboratory or outer alchemy, 5) the need todissimulate knowledgeabout alchemy. The goal of the discussions is to work towards a better understandingof alchemy duringthe High Middle Ages with the potential for participating incollaborative research.
Suggested Readings:Guests will be provided with a list of suggested excerpted readings as apractical means of providing aset of common reference points for discussionduring the retreat. Discussions are expected to range widely, as needed. Guestsare welcome well ahead of time to recommend additional excerpted readings thatare of special interest to them.
Call for Manuscripts:The journal Arcanum welcomes submissions of manuscripts based on discussionsduring this studyretreat.
Arrival:Guestsare asked to arrive onFriday, May 22ndin time for a6 PMreception,7 PMdinner, and9PMbriefintroduction.
Departure:Mondaymorning,May 25th. Extended stays are possible for those who mightwish to linger after the study retreat.
Cost:There is nocost for participating in the study retreat, other than for room and board.
Room and Board:Accommodations at the Institute are $30 per night, per person, doubleoccupancy. Meals from dinneronFridayevening through breakfaston Mondaymorning are $150, all inclusive, other than beverages.
Registrations and Questions:,207-546-2821 Ext 4, or718-715-2824.

Joerg-Henner Lotze

Director, Eagle Hill Institute

PO Box 9, 59 Eagle Hill Road, Steuben, ME04680-0009United States

Phone:207-546-2821 Ext. 4. Cell:718-715-2824. FAX:207-546-3042.