Principal: Rebecca Hendry Assistant Principal: Scott Johnson
To:F.U.S.D. Board Members, and Dr. Amy Fuller
CC:Jan Kreisinger
From:Rebecca Hendry, Principal
Re:July 2014 Board Report Summary
During the first week of June, we finished our state reports that were due and worked on finalizing items that closed the 2013-2014 school year. Our two assistant principals, Jeff Miller and Bryce Solberg packed their offices and completed their commitment to FUSD. Scott Johnson, CCR’s new assistant principal moved in and unpacked. He is eager to begin and is going to be a great addition to CCR.
We moved a few offices around and solidified the team’s work calendars for the upcoming school year. The office team included the principal’s secretary, registrar, school nurse, and receptionist. It was decided that the CCR office will be open on July 7, 2014 and each intersession break for the first four days in order to save a few extra days for the team to work in June 2015. This will help next year when we reach busy weeks and need an extra day of work and prepping for a new year. The administrative team will return from summer break on July 1st to begin prep for the upcoming year and attend the district leadership retreat on July 2nd.
We also spent time in June walking the facilities with Harvey Gillispie, our facilities specialist. I was very impressed with the condition of the building. It was evident that Harvey takes much pride in his work, and keeps CCR in good working condition. We discussed some minor work orders that he will take care of during June/July such as touching up paint on specific walls, hanging banners, bulletin boards and more sports photos. The custodial staff had already begun waxing floors upstairs and they were hard at work. I have full confidence that CCR will be in excellent condition for Meet the Teacher in July.
During the first week in June, I was fortunate to be able to send my master teacher and mentor teacher to the PLC Conference that we attended in February. I feel great that my leadership team members will be fully on board in Julyhaving the necessary training for our future vision using the PLC model at CCR.
As the instructional leader at CCR, my focus this past year was to establish a clearly defined mission, shared vision and list of school values. I am happy to report that we accomplished that. We also set a goal to develop an implementation schedule for the essential components of the B.T. program. This took most of first quarter to develop. Part of this process was correlating and connecting the TAP Evaluation System into the B.T. program. It fit nicely, but the staff at CCR needed professional development to ensure that both programs fit together and supported the overall goal of student achievement.
We received our preliminary AIMS Results and I am super excited about the “preliminary results.” I told parents in both promotion ceremonies….that CCR is on a Journey to Excellence to be an A+ School… and by the looks of our scores, this is quite possible! I feel confident that we have a solid chance at raising our letter grade from a C to a B.
Mr. Solberg and Ms. Dalby completed entering our master schedule into Schoolmaster’s Scheduler. This is a very time consuming task and takes much concentration in order to enter the information accurately. Our schedule has been approved by Lisa Jimenez who checks our times and ensures that we have students scheduled for the correct amount of time in the classroom based on A.D.E.’s guidelines for required instructional hours. Junior high students will be able to pick up their schedule at Meet the Teacher night in the cafeteria. Other K-5 student placements were completed by Mr. Solberg and me. We sent placement letters and suggested school supply lists home with all K-5 students on the last day of school, so that their parents will have the summer to prepare.
To date, staffing at CCR is almost complete. We are still looking to hire a 4th grade teacher, a .5 ELL teacher, and a .5 band teacher. We are hopeful that we find great candidates for these positions.
We are looking forward to a great school year and I am very excited to have the opportunity to work another year in F.U.S.D. with a great team.
Rebecca Hendry