Pastoral Care
St Joseph’s Payneham

Pastoral care is an individual and community response to Jesus’ call to

‘love one another as I have loved you’ (John 13:34).


Pastoral care may be defined as the expressions of care in the school community which bring together the diverse aspects of the school life – academic, social, physical and religious. Pastoral Care is love in action. It invites students, staff and parents to make choices about life which fulfil their destiny as sons and daughters of God, created in God’s likeness. Pastoral Care embraces the whole entirety of the curriculum and grounds the school’s mission statement in the quality of daily relationships.”1


Pastoral care is based on a deep respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the individual person

who is made in the image of God.

The ministry of Jesus is announced in Luke’s gospel as bringing good news to the poor, liberating those who are captive, recovering the sight of those who are blind and setting free those who are oppressed. Catholic schools share the ministry of Jesus when they are characterized by the same liberating and life-giving characteristics.

“St Joseph’s Payneham Catholic Primary School lives and celebrates the Gospel values in the rich traditions of the Catholic faith. It is a place where students are nurtured and empowered to become independent lifelong learners. St Joseph’s is a harmonious community where all members are valued and respected. As a welcoming and inclusive community, St Joseph’s Payneham embraces compassion and respect for all. We work and grow together in a happy, secure and healthy environment where every individual has a sense of belonging.”

These characteristics find expression in school structures, policies, programs and services that build inclusive, supportive and caring relationships within the school community.When our school is faithful to the call of the Gospel, justice, compassion and reconciliation are evident throughout the life of the school.


That Students, Staff and Parents:

•Feel secure and comfortable within the school

•Are encouraged to participate in the life of the school

•Feel they are trusted and valued members of the community

•Treat each other’s ideas with respect

•Are encouraged to develop within themselves confidence in their own abilities

•Accept and enjoy the diversity of cultures within our school and community

•Share in and enjoy the richness of our heritage.


  • Development of a positive and enriching school culture and climate
  • Affirmation of the giftedness of all members of the school community
  • Encouragement of interaction and effective communication between parents, staff and students
  • Cultivation of a Christian school environment
  • Creation of an accepting atmosphere within classrooms, where learning experiences are meaningful and enjoyable
  • Interaction with local community by participation in programmes and the encouragement of involvement of the local community in school based activities
  • Provision made for recognition of the special role of the Parish Priest
  • Offering care and support of families and need
  • Fostering a sense of self -worth as individuals created and loved by God, with a sense of hope for themselves and for their world
  • Development of an appreciation of and respect for cultural and family differences
  • Furthering the partnership between school and home in managing and supporting student behaviour & care


We believe that all members of the school community have rights and responsibilities to ensure that teaching and learning take place in a supportive and co-operative environment. A right is something that belongs to a person and cannot be taken away. A responsibility is something a person should do to make sure the rights of others are respected.

Everyone has the right to respect

Everyone has the right to learn

Everyone has the right to feel safe and be safe

Rights of students / Responsibilities of students
Students have a right to…..
feel safe and happy
be treated with respect and courtesy
be included
be happy
be their unique self
be heard and to have a voice
know that my property is safe
work and play in a clean and tidy school / Students have a responsibility to….
make others feel safe and happy
respect and show courtesy to others
include and welcome others
approach school activities with a positive outlook
be tolerant of the differences among people
listen respectfully to the views of others
respect and care for the property of myself, others and the school
help others learn
help keep the school clean and tidy
Rights of parents / Responsibilities of parents
Parents have a right to.....
 have the school communicate information about their children and the school
 be kept informed of their children’s progress
 be treated with respect and have their opinions valued
 receive constructive feedback about their children’s education and the school
 have their children learn to their potential
 expect that their children work in a clean and orderly environment
 know that their children are going to a school which takes pride in itself and where pupils take pride in their work / Parents have a responsibility to.....
 regularly keep in contact with the teachers and the school
 make every effort to be kept informed and respond if there is a need
 respect the staff of the school and value their opinions
 talk positively about the school to their children and the community
 act in partnership with the school to help their childrento learn to their potential
 help to keep the environment clean
 ensure that their children are appropriately dressed and prepared for school
Rights of staff / Responsibilities of Staff
Staff have a right to ....
 feel valued as a person and a professional
 teach without disruption
 be shown courtesy and consideration by all in the school community
 work in a safe and supportive environment
 have the support of the parents of the pupils they work with
 have the opportunity to teach a broad, balanced curriculum, with appropriate resourcing
 have the opportunity for professional development
 have my property respected, including that property belonging to the school
 work in a clean, tidy and orderly environment / Staff have a responsibility to .....
 make every effort to value others in the school community
 ensure a professional approach to their work
 provide quality teaching and an appropriate curriculum
 treat all in the school community with care, courtesy and consideration
 offer support to staff colleagues
 promote a safe and supportive community for others
 keep parents informed about the curriculum and the progress of their children and invite their involvement
 allocate appropriate time to plan, evaluate and monitortheir teaching and the pupils’ learning
 be actively involved in whole school planning and policy making
 take responsibility for their own professional development
 respect the property of others
 promote a clean, tidy and orderly environment and to share responsibility for common areas


Procedural Fairness is a basic right of all and should underpin all dealings between the individual and those in positions of authority. Procedural Fairness can be summarized as having two critical elements: “the hearing rule” and the “right to an unbiased decision”.

The Hearing Rule

This rule includes the right of the person against whom an allegation has been made to:

1. Know the allegations related to a specific matter and any other information that will be taken into account in considering the matter

2. Know the process by which the matter is to be considered.

3. Respond to the allegations

4. Know how to seek a review of the decision made in response to the allegations

The Right to an unbiased Decision

This includes the right to:

1. Know how to seek a review of the decision made in response to the allegation

2. Impartiality in an investigation and decision making process

3. An absence of bias by the decision maker.

Focus Areas for Restorative Justice

1. Focus on the specific behaviour or incident without blaming

2. Focus on who was affected and how they were affected.

3.Focus questions towards the problem, determine what needs to happen to “make things right”.

STAFF WELL-BEING: Pastoral Care of Staff

Support provided by colleagues;

Recognition of contribution through staff meetings, memos and newsletters;

Informal social interaction;

Awareness of each one’s state of being;

Recognising and celebrating special events and supporting one another in crises;

Counselling support available through Centacare – Staff informed of availability and procedures through Staff Handbook, annual Staff Meeting reminder and information in Staff Handbook

Procedures for Induction of New Staff

  • Walk through existing policies at the beginning of each year by Principal or Deputy
  • Experienced teachers assist new staff in daily procedures
  • Deputy Principal instructs casual teachers in procedures.


  • Buddy System between different classes across the school.
  • Whole school assemblies
  • Student Representatives coming from all year levels
  • Whole school celebrations e.g. St Joseph’s Day Picnic
  • Prayer celebrations for special times

Communication with Parents

  • fortnightlyschool newsletters
  • Class edublogs and newsletters
  • Parent Information Meetings
  • Interview and written formal report twice each year
  • Parents are encouraged be involved in the school
  • Reports of school activities at P&F, Board and Parish Council meetings
  • Sacramental programs
  • Informal social occasions
  • Support for families in need, awareness of family crises

The School as part of the Parish

  • The school is seen as an important part of the Catholic Parish Community
  • The Parish Priest and pastoral associates visit classes regularly
  • Attendance at some Parish Masses
  • Involvement in Sacramental programs
  • Families encouraged to become involved in Parish activities and celebrations

Procedures for Crisis Care

  • St Joseph’s Payneham Critical Incident Policy
  • Procedures for students disclosing abuse
  • Catholic Education SA Policies for crisis situations
  • Awareness and support for those experiencing difficulty


  1. Pastoral Care issues and concerns to be raised at every staff meeting and School board meeting.
  2. Principal will address any pastoral care issues with staff at their individual reviews or as occasions arise.
  3. Student pastoral care issues will be dealt with on a ‘needs to know’ basis and according to the student’s family personal needs. Discussions with the Class teacher, Deputy Principal and Principal. The school counsellor and /or external agencies may be contacted with the permission of the family.
  4. All information will be dealt with in a confidential manner and according to the privacy policy of the school.
  5. The Behaviour Guidance Policy and No Bullying & Harassment Policy support the pastoral care of our students.
  6. The St Joseph’s Payneham Child Protection Policy and Curriculum support the pastoral care concerns.
  7. The Policy for Personal Responsibility and Student Well Being and Support Policy supports the pastoral care policy at St Joseph’s Payneham.
  8. The school buddy system and Parent Class representatives support the pastoral care of the families of St Joseph’s Payneham.


The following programs are available at St Joseph’s Payneham to provide support for students:

  • New Arrivals
  • English as Another Language
  • Reading Recovery
  • InclusiveEducation Program
  • Learning Support Program
  • Learning Intervention
  • Gifted & Talented
  • Program Achieve
  • Behaviour Support Program (Way to A)
  • Religious Education
  • Peer Support Program
  • Preschool/Year 7 Buddies Program

The school either has available on site or can refer parents to:

  • Parish Priest
  • School Counsellor
  • CEO Pastoral Support Team
  • Interpreters


Student Well Being and Support Policy

No Bullying & Harassment Policy

Behaviour Guidance Policy

School Uniform Policy

Drug Education Policy

Child Protection Policy

REFERENCES: Treston. K., 1992, “Transforming Catholic Schools; Visions and Practices for

Renewal” Creation Enterprises, Brisbane.


Yearly review of policy and procedures for Pastoral Care.

All staff are to be involved in this review.


Reviewed:Term 1 2013

ReviewedTerm 3 2014

ReviewedTerm 4 2015

Principal’s Signature:______Date://

Laurie Sammut

Ratified by School Board –

Chairperson’s Signature:______Date://