Professor of Political Science
The University of Montana - Missoula
Missoula, MT 59812
B.A.: Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, June 1966
Graduated cum laude in Government. Emphasis: International Relations
Honors Thesis: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Major Power Foreign-aid Programs in Indonesia: China, the
Soviet Union, and the United States
Certificate: Universitat Wien Summer School, 1964
M.P.A.: Public Administration, University of Colorado - Boulder, June 1968
Ph.D.: Political Science, University of Colorado - Boulder, 1973
Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honorary Society), 1967
Final graduate G.P.A.: 4.00 (85 semester course credits)
Doctoral Dissertation: The Municipality of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Performance, Mobilization, Integration, & Change
Awards: NDEA Fellowship; Honorable Mention, Munger Africana Library 1976 Thesis Prize Competition for the
"best dissertation on an African topic completed in 1972-75"
The University of Montana - Missoula
Department of Political Science. Instructor (1972/73); Assistant Professor (1973/74 to 1976/77); Associate Professor (1977/78 to 1980/81); Professor (since 1981/82). Awarded Tenure: 1975. Merit awards: 1975, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1991, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014. Undergraduate courses taught: Third World studies, introduction to comparative government and politics, politics of global migration, African politics, public administration, development administration, sustainable climate policy: China and the USA, U.S. and comparative local government and politics, issues in international education, politics of global hunger, issues in global public health, U.S. public policy; capstone course mentor for Global Leadership Initiative (GLI). Graduate seminars taught: rural health issues in global context (MPH course), management skills, public administration and public policy, organizational behaviour, methods of inquiry and research design, and public-sector collective bargaining. Training courses taught: leadership and change (NCIV Mid Winter Seminar, 1993); rural-development planning (Botswana Land-Use Management Seminar, 1991), workshop on ways to introduce transnational competence into the U.S. medical-school curriculum (2004). Orientation sessions offered: overseas study (annually 1988-1996, to outgoing international exchange students); Hong Kong's transition to 1997, Japan's relations with China, and travel in China (1995, to Fulbright Group Study Abroad faculty). New academic-program development: inter-university Masters of Public Administration program, M.P.A. extension program in Helena, undergraduate minor in International Development Studies (IDS; designated first “Peace Corps Prep” program (PCPP) at a public university), Masters of Public Health with a global/rural programmatic theme; undergraduate minor in climate-change studies, undergraduate minor in Global Public Health (GPH). Founding IDS director (2004-2007; 2008-2013). First PCPP Director (2011-2013). Founding GPH director (2012-2016).
Reference: Dr. Ramona Grey Tel. 406-243-5202
Office of International Programs. Founding Director (1987 - 1996). Chief administrator with international programs responsibility. Responsible for coordinating selection of faculty, students, and staff to participate in the University's overseas exchange programs, ensuring the general welfare of visiting foreign scholars and dignitaries, managing the international program budget, promoting campus educational programs and international development activity, preparing and managing grants, and facilitating the introduction of additional international dimensions in the academic curriculum. Chaired the campus-wide International Committee (1987-1996) and the International Development Advisory Council (1992-1996). Member, Council of Deans (1991-1995). Visited educational institutions in Taiwan, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Senegal, Belize, Mexico, Namibia, England, France, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Finland, Russia, and Estonia on behalf of the University of Montana. Initiated "Faculty Abroad" lecture series; International Visiting Scholar Seminar Series; Peace Corps Masters Internationalist Program; Land-Use Management Training Institute for Ministry of Agriculture officials from Botswana; Mid-Winter Seminar Program for USAID-sponsored students from Latin America and Africa (NCIV); Memoranda of Understanding with The London School of Economics and Political Science, The University of Joensuu, and The Université de Saint-Louis; curriculum-development trip to China by 12 Montana educators; international symposium on refugees and development assistance; campus World Food Day Teleconference planning; award for distinguished service to international education; staff-exchange programs with The University of Joensuu (Finland) and The University College of Belize; executive-fellow program; membership in CID; and Directory of Faculty with International Qualifications. Co-Project Director, FIPSE-funded International Natural Resources Management Program (1990-92); USAID University Development Linkage Project (FY 1991-96). Principal Contact Officer (1993-96), Board of Trustees (1993-97), Consortium for International Development (CID). Half-time appointment, 1987/88 - 1990/91; full-time July 1991 - July 1996 (reported directly to the President and to the Provost).
Reference: Dr. Royce Engstrom, President e-mail: Fax: (406) 243-2797
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science & International Relations (PSIR), Addis Ababa University (December 2010-January 2011). Presented seminars for Ph.D. students on Trends in Comparative Political Analysis, Nonstate Actors and Horizon-rising Challenges, Igniting Bottom-up Sustainable-development Transformations: Diasporic Initiatives and Indigenous Associations, In Whose Interests? Transmigration, Diasporas, and Nonstate Foreign-Policy Making in the 21st Century, Emerging Approaches to Foreign Assistance: Transnational Partnerships & Development Funds, and Global Climate Change Policy: Bridging South-North Gaps.
Reference: Dr. Solomon Mebrie Gofie, PSIR Department
National Association of State Universities & Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Now Association of Public & Land Grant Universities (APLU). 1307 New York Avenue, Washington, D.C. (September-December 2007)
Inaugural Faculty Fellow, International Division. Developed and initiated APLU’s international research and development project database (IRDPD). See About 800 project profiles from member institutions have been posted on the IRDPD website. In October 2008, APLU President Peter McPherson reported that the database “is regularly consulted by universities, funding agencies, and congressional staffers.” American Association of Universities (AAU) joined the database project in 2008. Designed and carried out a joint APLU/AIEA survey of senior international officers’ perspectives on their institution’s international research and development activity and its relationship to campus internationalization. Provided suggestions regarding APLU’s international development strategic planning questionnaire. Participated in strategic deliberations of the Africa-U.S. Higher Education Collaboration Initiative group. Conducted interviews with internationally experienced academics in engineering, medicine, agriculture, business, education, and public administration regarding the introduction of transnational competence in professional education curricula. Attended the “China - U.S. Higher Education Forum on Global Universities in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities” sponsored by APLU for 10 U.S. and 10 Chinese university presidents (24 October).
Reference: Montague Demment, Vice President, International Programs.
(fellowship evaluation letter from APLU President Peter McPherson also available)
University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, 8010 Joensuu, Finland (May-August, 2002)
Fulbright New Century Scholar in Residence, Joensuu Centre for Ethnic Studies (ETNICA). Conducted over 200 interviews with migrants and health-care providers at five reception centers for asylum seekers and in Joensuu and Helsinki as part of the “Transnational Competence and Migrant Health in a Borderless World ” research project; collaborated with post-graduate students; consulted with ETNICA researchers on current and proposed projects.
Reference: Dr. Pirkko Pitkanen, Professor, Department of Education, University of Tampere, 33014 Tampere, Finland
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong - SAR, China (August 1997 - July 1998)
Director of Research and Development, Fulbright Senior Scholar, The Hong Kong - America Center; Visiting Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration. Assisted with Center programming and fund raising; arranged an inter-university seminar series on National and Transnational Population Movements: Social and Policy Tensions in China and the SAR and an international symposium on The Outlook for China - USA Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits: Chinese and U.S. Perspectives; taught post-graduate seminar on Issues in Global Migration: Focus on Hong Kong and China. Raised HK$405,000 (US$52,500) in donations, plus US$25,750 in grant funding, to support the May 1998 International Symposium.
Reference: Mark Sheldon (former Director, Hong Kong - America Center)
Shanghai International Studies University, 550 Dalian Road W, Shanghai 200083, P.R.C. (1996-97 academic year)
Exchange Professor, College of English Language and Literature. Taught Advanced Reading and Writing to 4th-year majors, Spoken English to 1st-year majors, and U.S. Society and Politics to post-graduate students; supervised 23 senior theses; provided editorial assistance in the preparation of A New English Course Level 6 and Level 7 textbooks. Also reviewed and edited eight Senior Middle School English books authored by SISU President Dai Weidong.
References: He Shao-xiong, past Dean, and Li Guanyi, Professor, College of English Language & Literature
University of Namibia, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, PMB 13301, Windhoek, Namibia (August - September 1991)
Visiting Professor, Department of Public Administration. Taught Rural Development Strategies course to third-year students, National Planning Commission officers, and Namibia Development Trust (NGO) staff. USIA Academic Specialist program.
Reference: Dr. Victor Tonchi, Head, Department of Public Administration
Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (1978-79; 1979-80 a/y)
Principal Research Fellow, Department of Research, Management and Consultancy. Fulbright lecturer (1979-80). Taught Theory and Practice of Public Administration to civil servants from 10 states enrolled in the Administrative Management training program; Theory and Practice of Local Government in Comparative Perspective to senior local government officials from 8 states enrolled in the Advanced Diploma in Local Government program; and several short courses on management topics to local government chief executives and department heads. Worked with Masters and Ph.D. candidates on research design, thesis preparation, professional publications, and academic planning. Supervised AMTC students working on rural community-development projects in Niger State and on field attachments in Kano and Sokoto states. Developed curriculum for and arranged a short training course in principles of local government and public management offered to 100 local government secretaries and department heads in 5 northern states. Participated in northern states' local government training needs survey and developed course curricula and admissions and degree/diploma requirements for new local government study programs at A.B.U. (Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Local Government, M.A. in Local Government, Ph.D. in Public Administration with emphasis in Local Government). Participated in A.B.U. recruitment tour to 15 U.S. universities to recruit faculty for a new Local Government Training Center. Organized seminar for field researchers on Rural Underdevelopment in Northern Nigeria. Planned a National Seminar held at A.B.U. on The Role of Local Government in Social, Political, and Economic Development in Nigeria. Directed, supervised, and coordinated field research conducted under a post-reform local government study project funded in part by the federal government, and reviewed and evaluated seven internal and external research proposals.
Reference: Dr. A.Y. Aliyu (former Department Head and Institute Director)
(deceased; 1981 letter available)
Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1970-71; 1971-72 a/y) (now Addis Ababa University)
Lecturer, Department of Public Administration. Sponsored by the International Council for Educational Development and by TransCentury Corporation. Taught second-, third-, and fourth-year courses on Public Administration; Local Government; Policy Development; Development Administration; Organization, Management and Communication; Research Methods; Social and Political Theory; and African Political Ideas. Supervised 10 B.A. theses on local government in Ethiopia. Elected Faculty of Arts representative to the Student Relations Committee.
Reference: Dr. Asmelash Beyene (past Vice President)
International leadership:
Michael P. Malone International Leadership Award (2011) Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU)
Fulbright New Century Scholar (inaugural class, 2001-2002)
University of Montana’s Distinguished Scholar (2005 campus-wide award)
Fulbright Senior Specialist awards: Finland (“global/public health,” March/April 2006); Hong Kong (March 2003)
Invited scholar, U.S. Department of State’s week-long Scholar-Diplomat Seminar on African Affairs (1977)
George M. Dennison Presidential Faculty Award for Distinguished Accomplishment (2012 campus-wide award)
University of Montana’s Distinguished Service to International Education award (1999 campus-wide award)
Faculty Fellow (inaugural award, 2007). National Association of State Universities & Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
Development Specialist in Residence. Japan International Cooperation Agency, International Training Center (1991)
Paul G. Lauren Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Award (inaugural recipient, campus-wide award, 2011)
Provost’s Distinguished Faculty lecture (“Symmetry, Synergy, and Serendipity: Reflections on Transnationalism”) 2011
USIA Academic Specialist. Namibia (1991).
Consultant to APLU’s International Division on sustaining and extending the IRDPD (September 2008 & October 2009).
Member, Reuters Insight Community of Experts (since summer 2008).
Consultant to Canada’s Cinemaginaire on transPacific networks for a theatrical documentary film on “progress traps” (Martin
Scorsese, executive producer) (May 2008).
Consultant to the International Division of APLU on modification of the COSMIC database and its extension among
member universities (2008).
Fulbright Senior Specialist, Finland. Presented 12 lectures/seminars to physicians, nurses, social workers, hospital staff,
university faculty, researchers, and students, and local government, international organization, and NGO personnel in five cities
(Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Joensuu, & Kuopio); consulted on migrant-health research projects with senior and junior
scholars; discussed medical-curriculum issues (March/April 2006). Principal local host: Department of Sociology,
University of Helsinki.
Project Co-director, workshop on ways to introduce transnational competence into the U.S. medical-school curriculum held
at Salmon Lake, Montana, 6-11 July 2004. Arranged program and resource faculty for the workshop. Faculty and
administrators from Mayo Medical School, the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the University of Texas
Health Sciences Center - San Antonio, and Northeastern Ohio College of Medicine (NEOUCOM) participated.
Fulbright Senior Specialist, Hong Kong. Presented featured paper at the Second International Conference of Institutes
and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies co-sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Library
and Ohio University; recommended acquisitions that would enhance the CUHK Library’s Chinese American
studies, world-migration, and global-migration collections based on a comparative study of holdings at Harvard
University, The University of California at Berkeley, the U.S. Library of Congress, The University of Montana; and
presented invited lectures at CUHK and at City University of Hong Kong (March 2003).
Project Director, Transnational Competence and Migrant Health in a Borderless World research project, Fulbright New
Century Scholar program (2001-2002).
Program Chair and Principal Organizer, International Symposium on The Outlook for China - USA Relations Following
the 1997-98 Summits: Chinese and U.S. Perspectives, 28-29 May 1998. Symposium themes: The Outlook for
Peace, Security, and Conflict Management; Organizational Linkages and Cultural Exchange in the 21st Century;
The Outlook for Trade, Investment, and the Exchange of Technology. Arranged in collaboration with the
Contemporary China Research Centre (City University of Hong Kong), the David C. Lam Institute for East-West
Studies (Hong Kong Baptist University), the Centre of Asian Studies and Board of American Studies (The
University of Hong Kong), the Faculty of Social Science and Department of Government and Public Administration
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong), The Hong Kong Transition Project, The Asia Society Hong Kong Center,
and The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. Keynote addresses by Harry Harding and Yang Jiemian.
Over 40 papers presented, including 25 by China Mainland scholars.
Consultant to the Consortium for International Development regarding a proposed Executive International Banking