TLAC Minutes2/22, 10:00- 11:30 am, LRC 106
Amy Barnsley- chair - present
Kevin McDonough- Secretary - present
Abby Cameron- Standerford - present
Tawni Ferrarini
David Helton - present
LaMart Hightower - present
Katherine (Katie) Menard - present
Josh Sharp - present
Kathryn Johnson - present
Tom Gillespie – CTL - present
Terry Delpier- CTL Teaching Scholar - present
Rachel Harris- Center for Student Enrichment - present
1. Approve Minutes from 1/25
Minutes approved
2. Peer observation program
More people need to respond to Amy’s requests. Amy will post to the list as usual and then if no response, she will contact the Committee. Amy asked if anyone on our Committee had not gone through the peer observation training program. Several hands went up. Tom said we can have a training session at the end of the semester. CalePolkinghorn and Jill Leonard said they are willing to participate as trainers. The Committee debated a date, possibly April 14 or 21, but Tom already told Jill and Calewe would have the training session after the semester. The Committee decided to offer the peer observation training Tuesday, May 9 at 12:30-2:30pm. Kevin asked why we didn’t go to a monthly appointment for peer-reviewers as we decided at the last meeting. Amy said she asked the peer reviewers what months they wanted to participate and she didn’t hear back from anyone. After a discussion it was decided once Amy gets a request she will ask 3 people to see if one of them can handle it.
3. Teaching Engagements
Terry discussed various presentations offered by faculty coming up this semester, but noted the new teaching-scholar will likely need suggestions. Rachel asked how many people attend these sessions. Terry said it varies, but usually from 2-6 per session, or approximately 30 a semester. Kathryn suggested sending one message about all the sessions for the rest of the semester, but Terry said sometimes there are changes and that causes more work (and email messages). A new teaching-scholar is being selected and interviews are beginning tonight. Terry and Amy will be participating in interviews. Amy said there will be a new online teaching scholar, which will be set up similar to the teaching-scholar, but will report to Steve VandenAvond. Amy is wondering how the online teaching-scholar will work with TLAC. No-one has contacted us about this and Terry suggested Amy contact Steve.
4. Conference Grant
Currently there are three applicants, but there is another week for faculty to turn in applications. We will award two grants this semester. David asked how many awards in the past have gone to faculty who have attended subject specific conferences versus teaching conferences. Amy didn’t know, but said she ranks applicants lower that attend subject specific conferences. We modified our ranking rubric, and included a sentence “points are used as a guide for the committee discussions and are not used as the only method of grant evaluation.” A discussion arose over the subjectiveness of this statement and possible concerns. A final decision was to include this statement instead: “points are used as a guide for the selection committee.” Also, Amy will add word to title of grant that says TLAC Teaching [new addition] Conference Grant. Amy created a spreadsheet to track final reports submitted by past grant recipients, as it is a requirement for receiving a future grant.
5. Peer Observations for online courses
Because of the new online teaching-scholar, this person should create a checklist for evaluating online courses. Amy will discuss this idea when the new scholar is selected.
6. Revise the application process for Teaching in Excellence Award for Provost
Amy reviewed the proposed changes she made to the criteria and documents required in the application for the Teaching in Excellence Award. The Committee offered suggested changes and Amy will forward the final documents to the Provost. Amy also asked whether a student should be added to the committee. The Committee felt this would be a reasonable addition.
7. Good of the order
Terry mentioned MTU and NMU have collaborated on a teaching conference for the Friday of exam week and asked the Committee if they could refer any faculty that would be willing to present at the conference. Terry is hoping the NMU administration will allow us to host it next year.
Upcoming meetings: 3/15, 4/12 10:00- 11:30 am, LRC 106