February 17, 2015
Behavioral Health Board Meeting Minutes:
Call to Order- Patti Allen
Board Members in Attendance:
Patti Allen, Mark Gunning, Dr. Linda Hatzenbuehler, JoAnn Martinez, Brenda May, Michele Osmond, Matt Wadsworth, and Sean Waldron
Others in attendance:
Rebecca Perrenoud- A to Z Family Services, John Hathaway-DHW, William Slaven- Lighthouse for Recovery, Brenda Valle-Optum, Tracy Beeton-SHS, Dave Sorensen-Business Psychology, Lynda Shiflet, Brenda Price-Crisis Center, Marja Slifka- Idaho Federation of family services, Angie Radford-Optum, Barry Jones down counties, Betty Moore, Maggie Mann-Public Health, and Rosie Andueza and Kathy Skippen (on the phone) Central Office.
Standing Agenda items:
11:30 / Welcome & Introductions to Behavioral Health Board Meeting- Patti Allen11:35 / Approval of Minutes
Budget updates: No Changes
Approve Proposed agenda
11:40 / Sub-Committee Updates:
CMH: Provided by Mark Gunning
In the beginning stages of reaching out to the schools in Region 6. Will attempt to meet with superintendents or Special Education teachers and discuss the needs and gaps. Hoping to set up future trainings for their staff.
May 8th- CMH Awareness Week, providing training for providers and families.
CMH sub-committees are going to start holding teleconferences monthly
Call in number: 866-740-1260 Access code: 4338845
Recovery Support Services: Provided by Betty Moore
Educating the Public
Concerns about housing-Priority issue they will be looking into.
11:50 / Old Business:
Central office: Rosie Andueza and Kathy Skippen (video conference) presented:
1- Do nothing: Stay the way it is now.
2- Partner with existing entity, ex: public health
3- Independent (non-profit)- would have to compete for funding just like every other program
out there.
If option 2 is chosen, it will be very important to have an agreement written up. In the agreement, it should provide specific expectation and defined roles of each of the 3 partners. The scope of the work needs to be specifically stated.
There is a FAQ document, feel free to review this as well as submit questions. (Attached is a copy of the FAQ Document.) Here is the hyperlink:
Crisis Center: Brenda Price
December 12th crisis center opened. Churches have been working with the crisis center, AA group, etc. There is still a need to education business' on process when bringing clients in. Here are numbers so far:
161 total episodes (8 counties):
Of the 161, 100 of them were Self-presented and 61 were brought in by Law enforcement.
- co-occurring
- Mental health only
- No significant issue
- Substance use only
There is still the issue of transportation, this is still being reviewed and solution has not been found at this time.
February 27th Provider Meeting: RSVP
Navigation money for Veterans, safety plan
12:30 / New Business:
Change of Title: Matt Wadsworth
The Shoshone Bannock Tribes wants to have a voice on the board. Matt is willing to represent the tribes and has suggested his title be changed. Would be good to have it built into the by-laws.
Determined we need to first pick a direction and then involve the tribe.
How to spend the remaining money:
-It was requested money be spent on meditation cds, flash drives, headphones for the crisis center
-Trainings in the community.
Be thinking about ICCAD. How we would like to select those sent to ICCAD?
1:00 / Adjourn
Childrens Mental Health Sub-Committee will meet prior to the board meeting at 10:30 a.m. @ 421 Memorial, Pocatello.
Recovery Support Services Sub-Committee will meet following the Board meeting at 1:00 p.m. @ 421 Memorial, Pocatello.
Next Meeting Date: