An Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment
Sponsored by the Diocesan Spiritual Direction Resource Group, chaired by The Revd Canon Dr Nigel Rooms: Department for Development, Jubilee House, Westgate, Southwell, NG25 0JH.
Tel: 01636817232 e-mail:
Course Leaders: The Revd Canon Sylvia Griffiths
Mrs Jean Sims
The Revd Chris Ellis
The Revd Tim Pownall-Jones
To be returned by 12th January 2014 to The Revd Canon Dr Nigel Rooms, address above
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
Denomination………………………………………………… Age…………………….
Postcode…………………………… Telephone…………………………..
Present Occupation…………………………………………. Title………………….
Special Needs: Dietary……………………………….. Mobility………………..
/continued over
An Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment
/Application form continued………………
Please give brief details of any training courses that you have completed which have enabled you to acquire skills that are related to spiritual accompaniment, especially those related to listening.
Please arrange for the reference form (attached) to be completed promptly on your behalf by a person who is aware of your spirituality and gifts and who will support you during the course. This needs to be sent directly to The Revd Canon Dr Nigel Rooms.
Please include a personal statement of up to 500 words saying how you are aware that a basic training in spiritual accompaniment would be appropriate at this stage in your pilgrimage and ministry.
I am aware of the pre-course requirements and the course commitments.
Signed………………………………………….. Date………………………..
An Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment
Pre-Course Requirements
1. A pattern of making time for prayer, spiritual reading, reflection and to be with God.
2. Being in spiritual accompaniment oneself.
3. Awareness that others come to you for help in deepening their relationship with God
4. Some experience of going away from home for spiritual renewal e.g. for quiet days, retreats.
Please read:
Holy Listening by Margaret Guenther (DLT) prior to the course preliminary meeting.
Course Commitments
This course involves a significant commitment over seven months. Although it is part-time, it will obviously make a demand on time and energy. Applicants need to be sure that they can sustain this in the light of their existing and intended commitments, which may need to be adjusted.
1. To be in ongoing accompaniment and to see one’s companion at least twice during the seven month period of the course.
2. To be willing to share, as appropriate, aspects of one’s own Christian pilgrimage and human experience.
3. To listen to others, respecting differences and honouring confidentiality.
4. To be willing to keep a journal during the course as a means of personal reflection and learning.
5. To set aside time for course reading and reflection, which will vary, but is estimated at about two hours a week on average.
6. To give high priority to attend all course meetings during the seven months and the 4 day retreat, respecting punctuality, because of the personal nature of the learning process.
7. To accept responsibility for following up any opportunities for personal growth which may arise during the course.
An Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment
Course Fee
The full cost of the course including tutors’ fees, venues, refreshments, expenses and the residential Retreat is £600.
For those applying for the course from within the Diocese the fee is reduced to £450 for non-ordained and £400 for ordained because of a subsidy from the diocesan budget which enables training for spiritual accompaniment. This means the course is effectively supported by Parish share. Of the remaining left to pay, a large proportion is actually the cost of the Retreat.
Should any applicants from within the Diocese have any problems affording the reduced fee CMD funding may be available to help Clergy and possibly Readers. Contact the Director of Ministry & Mission, The Revd Canon Dr Nigel Rooms in the first instance. Lay participants could approach their local churches for a contribution towards their costs.
The fee could be paid in two instalments of £200 (£225 for lay) within the Diocese at the beginning of each term.
An Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment
Reference Form
A reference is requested from someone who is aware of the applicant’s gifts and will encourage them during the training. Your help in providing a reference is greatly appreciated. This information will be treated as confidential. The only people who will have access to this reference are the course leaders and the Diocesan Spiritual Direction Resource Group. You may also want to share it in a spirit of openness with the applicant.
Please return by 12th January 2014, to The Revd Canon Dr Nigel Rooms, Department for Development, Jubilee House, Westgate, Southwell, NG25 0JH.
Name of Applicant……………………………………………
Referee’s Name………………………………………………. Occupation……………………......
……………………………………………………………… Postcode……………………......
Telephone………………………………………………….. E-mail………………………………....
Please comment on the suitability of the applicant for this basic training course in spiritual accompaniment in the light of the questions for reflection, the pre-course requirements and the course commitments enclosed. Please state how long you have known the applicant and in what capacity.
An Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment
Questions for Personal Reflection
These questions are intended to help you to reflect before making an application and will form the basis of discussion at the meeting with the course leaders prior to acceptance on the course. Please send a copy with your application form.
1. What attracts you to apply for this training course?
2. How is God real for you?
3. How as your praying changed over the years?
4. How have you set aside time to be with God? (e.g. retreats, quiet days)?
5. In what ways have you benefitted from the spiritual accompaniment you have received?
6. Are there any ways in which people seek your help to talk about their prayer and/or Christian pilgrimage?
7. What are your main strengths and weaknesses when listening to other people?
8. Have you ever had counselling, psychotherapeutic or psychiatric help, and if so, how have you benefitted?
9. Do you have the support of the church where you worship, e.g. from the minister/vicar, and the church council/PCC/elders or deacons?