August 1 – August 5, 2016

Mary Filak, Presenter


I.  Introductions & Procedures (Monday)

II.  Texts, Review Books & Internet Resources

III.  Reading Selections: Summer & Classroom

IV.  Engaging, Empowering, Evaluating (Tuesday)

A.  Teaching the novel: As I Lay Dying

B.  Writing about As I Lay Dying

C.  Poetry and projects for As I Lay Dying

V.  Teaching poetry (Wednesday)

A.  Analytic skills required for AP Poetry analysis

B.  Poetry Analysis Question ’16 samples and rubric

VI.  Teaching prose style analysis ( Wednesday-Thursday)

A.  The 5 Pillars of Style Analysis

B.  Analysis vs. plot summary

C.  Syntax

D.  Prose Analysis Question ‘16 samples and rubric

VII.  Open-Ended Question ’16 samples and rubric (Thursday)

VIII.  Multiple Choice practice & strategies

IX. Sharing Best Practices* & Group Presentations (Thursday–Friday)


Due Thursday: Multiple Choice, Group Presentations

Best Practices can be shared at any time during the week. Please let me know where you think your contribution would fit best, and we will make time for your presentation. Any best practices which do not fit into areas of discussion earlier in the week will be shared on Friday morning. Please limit your presentation to 5 minutes maximum and bring enough copies for all participants if possible (15).

Group Project due Thursday (15 minute limit)

Working in a group of 2-3, prepare a presentation on teaching a poem or short story that will accompany a novel or play used in the AP English Literature classroom. Use the sample texts you have received so that everyone will have a copy.

Poetry: Select a poem or group of poems from one of the sample texts and construct a lesson demonstrating how you would approach the poem(s) with your students. Consider constructing a unit which employs several poems to pair with a novel or play that you already teach. See samples in the As I Lay Dying packet.


Short story: Select a short story from one of the sample texts and construct a lesson on close reading of a passage (2-3 paragraphs). Try to select a story which would pair with a novel or play you already teach in AP Lit. Select analysis topics from past AP prose prompts (on disk) such as diction, detail, syntax, organization, point of view, speech, tone.

Presentations may include overheads or computer generated material which can be shared with the group via email attachments. Please limit yourself to 15 minutes per group including time for questions. We will present Thursday afternoon and/or Friday morning, depending on the number of presentations. Let me know if I need to reserve computer lab time for these.