Instructor:Bergdolt Course Title: Business Tech Applications Date: Aug 28-Sept1

Class(es): 2nd&3rd period

Day 1 /


Word Processing Applications
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate various formatting styles in business correspondence
Demonstrate knowledge of word processing software tools
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/Activities/Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Take Tying Test
When done with test, complete Multiple Choice Questions that go with Word ch4 in Advanced Microsoft Textbook. / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Typing TEst
Multiple choice Questions
Content Standard(s):
Utilize word processing software to demonstrate professional writings skills by producing and editing business documents / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do you professionally create and develop business documents? Why is this process important?
: / CCRS:
Day 2 /


Word Processing Applications
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate various formatting styles in business correspondence
Demonstrate knowledge of word processing software tools
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Advanced Apps Table Drill #2 (distribute rest of Testout login)
2nd Period only – Finish Vacation Flyer
1st and 3rd periods - Work in Testout Today in Microsoft Word Chapter / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Testout Lessons
Content Standard(s):
Utilize word processing software to demonstrate professional writings skills by producing and editing business documents / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Meet after and before school with students
Essential Questions:
How do you professionally create and develop business documents? Why is this process important? / CCRS:

*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.

Available Industry Credential: Course/Program Culminating Product:

Day 3 /


Word Processing Applications
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate various formatting styles in business correspondence
Demonstrate knowledge of word processing software tools
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Work in New Typing Program for 20 minutes
Take quiz filling in Chart of Keyboard Keys
2 column Newsletter Drill (PHS newsletter) (work together as a class)
Drill Word ch4 creating a table, autofit , creating Customized Theme font set, and footer that begins on second page of file
If done, work in Testout / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Typing lesson (new program)
Keybaord Quiz
Content Standard(s):
Utilize word processing software to demonstrate professional writings skills by producing and editing business documents / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO
. /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do you professionally create and develop business documents? Why is this process important? / CCRS:
Day 4 /


Word Processing Applications
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate various formatting styles in business correspondence
Demonstrate knowledge of word processing software tools
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
bell – drill (2nd Newsletter Practice with table at bottom )
Verizon Table Activity
Typing Practice / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Verizon Table
Content Standard(s):
Utilize word processing software to demonstrate professional writings skills by producing and editing business documents / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do you professionally create and develop business documents? Why is this process important? / CCRS:

*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.

Available Industry Credential: Course/Program Culminating Product:
