Dear Parents,
It’s almost time for the doors of LifePoint Preschool to open and we are looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and fun. Please find enclosed a copy of the 2017-2018 school calendar.
OPEN HOUSE / We will hold an Open House on Tuesday, September 5th, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. This will give you both the opportunity to meet his/her teacher and become acquainted with the LifePoint Preschool environment.SCHOOL HOURS / All preschool classes during the 2017/2018 school year start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. Children may arrive any time after 8:15 a.m. The 3 year-old class will be on T/TH while the 4 year-old class will be M/W/F.
OPENING DAY / Your child’s first day of school is listed below, please arrive between 8:15 & 8:45 on the appropriate day (see below):
Weds., Sept. 6 / 4 year-old class Mon./Weds./Fri. class
Thurs., Sept. 7 / 3 year-old class Tues./Thurs. class
TUITION / Tuition payment is due on the first of every month. Late fees may be added if payment is not received by the 10th.
Please bring or mail payments to the school office at:
LifePoint Preschool
1800 Bombing Range Road
West Richland, WA 99353
DAILY SNACKS / Please send a snack and a small drink for your child every day, beginning the first day of school. Try to keep snacks small, simple and as nutritious as possible, and pack in a small sack or lunch box.
SUPPLIES / Some supplies are furnished by the school. Please see enclosed list for supplies you need to purchase.
CUBBIES/LABELS / Cubbies are located inside the classroom. Please check your child’s cubby at the end of each preschool day for newsletters, correspondence and your child’s artwork.
Please label supplies and outerwear, such as jackets and sweaters with your child’s full name.
SIGN-IN/OUT SHEETS / You, and or the individual you designate, must sign your child in each day when he/she arrives at LifePoint Preschool and when he/she leaves. The Sign-in/out sheet is located in the Foyer.
VOLUNTEERS / Volunteers are needed throughout the year in a number of areas. We usually need some assistance with field trips and party days. We always need lots of help with our holiday programs and graduation. Sign-up sheets will be posted outside the classroom when volunteers are needed. Drivers for field trip are also needed. If you are interested in driving please ask about details in the LifePoint Preschool Office. Make sure you have completed a background check with us.
ANXIETY / The first few weeks of school is bound to be an adjustment for everyone. Your child may be a little fearful and insecure about being separated from you the first few days, and as parents you may also experience anxiety. Please don’t be concerned. Some children simply need time to adjust to a new atmosphere. You are welcome to stay in the classroom for a short while until your child is settled in an activity.
CLASS PICTURES / Classroom and Individual Pictures will be provided by Dorian’s. This usually takes place in the month of October. More information will be given when dates have been chosen.
FIELD TRIPS / Each school year many fun field trips are to be planned. The Corn Maze, Pumpkin Patch, Fire Station are just a few. More information will be given when dates have been chosen.
Ways to stay Connected / Facebook, Email, notes posted outside the classroom, bulletin board in lobby. Check child’s cubby daily for information.
If you ever have questions, comments or concerns, please feel welcome to share them with your child’s teacher or the LifePoint Preschool Director, Shane Williams. We are here for you and your family!
1-8 Classic color watercolor paint set (Crayola or Prang brand please)
1 Box Classic Crayola markers (Washable please)
6-Solid glue sticks (non-liquid)
1 Backpack (labeled with child’s full name)
1 Box Ziploc quart size storage bags or X-large sandwich bags
2 Containers Disinfecting Wipes
1 Box of Kleenex
1 Current photo of Student
1 Box Beginner Pencils