Crondall Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Minutes of the Working Group Meeting
Meeting held on / 17th January at Beech House at 7.30pmAttendees / Simon O’Connor (Chair)
Giles Porter
Peter Hall
Annabel Hall
John Nicholson
Geoff Reeve
David Hallett
Jon Grant
John Wheeler
Emma Groslin
Gillian O’Connor
Apologies / Bill Douglas
Chris Baxter
Mary Harris
Noel Coloe
Purpose of Meeting / Formal meeting of the Working Group to review progress to date and to discuss the actions required following the launch of the questionnaire.
Item / Action
1 / Review of previous actions
All have been completed.
SO’C to follow up on Facebook options once the questionnaire has been issued. / SO’C
2 / Chairman’s Update
SO’C gave an update based on his update to the Parish Council the previous evening. The previous minutes have been circulated to councillors and will shortly appear on the Website which has also been updated with more NP information.
Posters notifying residents of the questionnaire and the Forums have been put up around the Parish.
The online survey has been created (this is an exact replica of the paper version) and has been launched via the CPC website. It was noted that 17 had been completed on the first day.
3 / Questionnaire Progress
The printed copies are available to take away from the meeting. SO’C has created a distribution plan and roped in volunteers to distribute the questionnaire to all households in the parish this week.
Boxes will be made available in the Village Shop and the Parish Office for completed questionnaires. SO’C will be responsible for collecting these and keeping them secure. / SO’C
4 / Open Forums
We discussed what would be needed for the Open Forums being held on 24th January and 8th February. The following were suggested:
Map showing existing SHLAA sites and the settlement boundaries
Link to the NP Video
Slides from the original village presentation
Plan timetable
JW will arrange printing of further items. GO’C will draw up a rota for support each hour. / JW/GO’C
5 / Policy Group Updates
SO’C advised that he expects this part to form the main body of the meetings going forward. It is possible that we could amalgamate some policy groups as we progress. The policy lead will be responsible for providing an update on paper by the Sunday before the meeting as this will give SO’C the information he will need to present to the monthly Parish Council meetings and will mean we can focus on the key issues at the meeting.
PH updated that his group were meeting on Friday to look at the existing SHLAA sites and consider other additional sites.
SO’C gave an update of what a SANG is.
JN stated that we would need an employment and housing needs assessment to understand what we want the vison to be, such as creating opportunities for employment. Some of this will come out of the questionnaire responses.
JG said we may need to create business space and EG said that people need to be able to work from home.
GP stated that young people who work locally want to be able to live locally. EG said however that in her time as a councillor it had been difficult to find local people to move to Lefroys Field
JN will look at a Housing Needs assessment in more detail to come up with ideas and will report back at the next meeting. / ALL
6 / Consultee List
Chris Dorn and JN have produced a list of suggested consultees. We need to review this and divide it into groups for the type of contact needed. Those that are admin only will just need a letter. Agencies whose support we will need should have some personal contact. Local business should have personal contact.
We discussed when this consultation should take place and the general consensus was that this should be once there is a draft plan rather than at the questionnaire stage.
SO’C and GO’C to review the list identify any gaps.
PH asked if we need to use a consultant and SO’C confirmed that we would need one to keep us on track and ensure that we are following the process correctly. JN will help SO’C source a consultant. JN to write a brief of what is required with capped costs.
SO’C noted that we need to update the master plan and he will do that with Chris Dorn. / SO’C/GO’C
7 / AOB
GR asked what the date was for completing a draft document and SO’C as confirmed that it was June for an initial proposal and November for a final draft.
SO’C agreed to investigate Dropbox access through the CPC to allow the working group access to documents. / SO’C
8 / The meeting closed at 9.10pm
Item / Agreed Actions / Who / By When
1 / Facebook follow up / SO’C / ASAP
3 / Collection of paper copies / SO’C / Ongoing
4 / Further printing for Open Forum / JW / 23rd January
4 / Issue rota for Open Forum / GO’C / 23rd January
5 / Provide policy updates / ALL / 19th February
5 / Housing needs assessment information / JN / Next meeting
6 / Review consultee list / SO’C/GO’C / ASAP
5 / Investigate use of Dropbox / SO’C / ASAP
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st February at 7.30pm