OnlineHost: Copyright 1997 Oldsmobile; licensed to America Online, Inc.

OnlineHost: Your hosts this evening are Nina (AOLiveMC14) and Katie (AOLiveMC1).

OnlineHost: Adrian Paul has been described as a cross between Errol Flynn and Douglas Fairbanks, but most of his fans liken him to a young Sean Connery. He was born and raised in London, and in school studied Shakespeare and performed in several plays. However, his focus was on sports, playing cricket and rugby for his school and, later on, semi-pro soccer. He traveled Europe where he modeled, danced and choreographed for eight years before moving to New York and finally Los Angeles. Welcome!

AOLiveMC14: Welcome to AOL, ADRIAN PAUL! It is a pleasure to have you with us tonight.

AdrianLive: Well, thank you for inviting me on. This is my 3rd chat and I hope I'm going to have as much fun as I had with the other two. So why don't we start and I'll try to keep the answers relatively short. I understand there are a lot of questions tonight.

AOLiveMC14: Carismom has tonight's first question...

Question: I would like to know how much practice it takes for Adrian to be able to handle the sword so skillfully?

AdrianLive: Oh, I wake up in the morning and twiddle a little toothpick around and go chop a couple of heads off. It's as easy as that. But seriously, anything you want to do well takes a lot of practice. And believe me, I've had a lot of practice!

AOLiveMC14: LUCKEE J asks this next question...

Question: What other projects do you have in the works, other than "Highlander?"

AdrianLive: Well, Luckee, "Star Wars" is out of the question! But there is a possibility of a "Highlander" feature which is under discussion at this point. There's a long way to go before the ink dries on the contract. By the way, it's not Sean Connery, but Chris Lambert in "Highlander IV-The Movie." I have a couple of other projects that I'm reading right now for when I finish "Highlander" early next year. But it's too early to tell more.

AOLiveMC14: JOESLAG asks...

Question: Will Conner be returning in any of the episode's next season?
AdrianLive: No. And by the way, it's Utah 42, Chicago 37. Can you tell I'm watching the basketball playoffs?
AOLiveMC14: CrumyLepe wants to know...
Question: What is your physical training like?
AdrianLive: It depends when and what I have to train for. If I have a very physical episode coming up, I'll do a lot of form work and weight exercise. For next season I'm working on some new stick work and staff work.
AOLiveMC14: Mystrya asks...
Question: For your fan club PEACE, do you do live things with them?