Stoke East and Bentilee Walking Group
Minutes of the meeting held atBentilee Neighbourhood Community Centre on Friday 20th July 2012 at 11:00 a.m.
Present:Karen Thompson (Friends of Bentilee Valley, Chair)
Elise Butler (Network Lead)
Andrew Chell (Weston Sprink)
Bill Turner (Weston Sprink)
Apologies:Anne Davies(Weston Sprink)
Jill Mountford
Geoff Kirkham (Milton)
Steve Griffiths (Friends of Bentilee Valley)
The minutes of the meeting of 22nd June 2012 were accepted as a true and correct record.
Matters arising: It was clarified that this group will not be administering the Longton walks.
Committee matters:We have received a letter from Anne tendering her resignation as secretary. Andrew was elected as the new secretary (proposed by Elise, seconded by Bill). Jill has shown an interest in becoming Deputy Secretary; we will discuss this with her when she is available.
New Routes:Elise and Bill will map out the longer route at Weston Sprink. Geoff is looking to do a winter route at Abbey Wood; this is planned but not yet mapped out. A new route is needed for Meir Surgery as some walkers are complaining of the lack of variety. Ken Harper will assist us in devising a new route. The Meir walk is now fortnightly, and will next be held on 27th July. Only 1 walker attended the last walk.
Treasurer’s report:We have received the £900. We are looking for central funding, either through the NHS or on a contributory basis. 100 leaflets and a number of flyers have been produced, at a cost of £7.
Network Lead’s report:The team is now settled in at VAST. Targets have yet to be set, but will probably be to create new groups. Our committee may be split into two linked committees; one for East & Bentilee, the other for Weston Sprink and Meir; this would make us eligible for another £900. A new Bucknall & Bentilee walk will be on Thursdays or Mondays, starting at the Bucknall Community House on Theodore Road. It will be led by Steve, and hopefully new walk leader Daisy, when she completes her training. The hub meeting on Wednesday 18thJuly was very good. Promotion of walks was discussed; photography was mentioned as a possibility. It was also discussed as to whether monthly walks serve their purpose.
Administration:Andrew is acting as administrator for Weston Sprink and Neil will do the same for Meir. Bill is considering being administrator for Abbey Wood, and will be trained.
Special Events:It was discussed holding a photography walk, possibly on the new route at Meir. Geocaching was also discussed.
Promotion:David Zygmund of Weston Sprink will be interviewed as our 3,000th walker. Bill will do press releases for the Sentinel concerning free drinks at the end of walks and the Meir walk’s switch to a fortnightly basis. Some leaflets will be taken to GPs’ surgeries. We will also make sure that Bentilee Community Centre has a sufficient quantity of leaflets. We can take 1 poster and someleaflets to Meir surgery. Bill will do this, whilst Karen will try Moss Green. A decision on the white bins will be taken at the next meeting. There is a coffee morning at Meir Surgery on 23rd October to which we have been invited, giving us an opportunity to talk about the walks. Andrew has updated the WEA Open Learning Map. A new incentive card will be produced.
AOB:It has been pointed out that there are no toilets on the Abbey Wood walk. It is important that this be flagged up at the start of every walk, particularly when the longer route is being used.
The meeting ended at 12:30 p.m. The next meeting will take place at 11:00a.m. on Friday 24thAugust 2012, at Bentilee Neighbourhood Community Centre.