Aquarius Timeline Group Project!
Focus / Aquarius TimelineGrade Level / 5th Grade Social Studies
Focus Question / How did Aquarius become what it is today? What endeavors for the future could Aquarius take and what kind of things can we expect from Aquarius in the future?
Learning Objectives: & Standards / By the end of this project the students will be able to create a detailed timeline of Aquarius from their start to current accomplishments to what the future could hold.
Objective 4.03: Develop a search strategy, which includes the continuous evaluation of the research process and the information gathered.
Objective 4.05: Gather Information
Materials / Internet access, Contact Information and set up to connect with Aquarius personal, bulletin board paper, art supplies (rulers, paint/markers, glue, decorations)
Audio/Visual Materials / Visual connection with Aquarius if at all possible, Internet visual of the Research, examples of timeline
Teaching Time / -1 day of instruction of project (Day 1 basic information and outline of requirements as well as group making, introduction to resource and hands on with students researching)
-1 ½ weeks for project to be completed (Some in class time combined with out of class time)
-Be able to allow after school help
Seat Arrangement / -First day in classroom briefly to introduce and show some information. Then go to computer lab to do research.
-Remaining in class sessions will be wherever students find room for group
Maximum Number of Students / Full class
Key Words / Aquarius, Timeline, History, Future, Research, Resources, Group
Background Information (Prior Knowledge) / Introduction of Aquarius, Using resources, Knowledge of how to research
Opening Activity / Use Introduction videos and virtual tours of Aquarius on their website. Use previous examples to allow students to build on their own ideas and give step for making theirs.
Learning Procedure ( Activity) / Begin with introduction of the Aquarius lab via the website. Use the virtual tour to introduce the lab as well as show pictures of the lab. Have the students’ brainstorm about what could become of the lab and what projects they could do, write on board. Introduce the idea of a visual timeline; give specific instruction on guidelines (number of events, key dates to find what happened on the certain date and give what needs to be addressed). Give out supplies and sort students into groups of no more than 3. After background information has been giving and supplies passed out instruct students to research in the computer lab for their events.
Connections to Other Subjects / Science- Learning the scientific impact that Aquarious has and will have on the field of Marine biology.
Technology- Will allow students to learn how to digitally connect to other locations using video conferencing as well as using appropriate research sources online.
Art- Creating the timeline
Closing Activity and Assignment / -After my first of instructional period I will give them my examples and let them share their main ideas and creative ideas of timeline with other groups by rotating around the room for 5 minute segments.
-After the students deadline I will a lot 1 ½ days of sharing. This will allow the students the time to show-off their creative timelines as well as point out a few key events (not all events due to overlap). We will as a class create a “Master Timeline” of the key events to review.
Assessment (Rubric page 2) / I will provide a specific amount of events (10) that must be recorded on the timeline. Out of the 10 events I will make 3 dates known to the students that the students must include and look up the information and give the right event. They must also provide a bibliography so that they are gathering information from appropriate resources.
Other Links and Resources /
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Content/Facts / Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for most (~75%) of the events reported on the timeline. / Facts were often inaccurate for events reported on the timeline.
Dates / An accurate, complete date has been included for each event. / An accurate, complete date has been included for almost every event. / An accurate date has been included for almost every event. / Dates are inaccurate and/or missing for several events.
Time Use / Classroom time was used to work on the project. Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work. / Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time. Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work. / Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time, but conversations often were disruptive or did not focus on the work. / Student did not use classroom time to work on the project and/or was highly disruptive.
Resources / The timeline contained at least 8-10 events related to the topic being studied. / The timeline contained at least 6-7 events related to the topic being studied. / The timeline contained at least 5 events related to the topic being studied. / The timeline contained fewer than 5 events.
Graphics / All graphics are effective and balanced with text use. / All graphics are effective, but there appear to be too few or too many. / Some graphics are effective and their use is balanced with text use. / Several graphics are not effective.