2005 Society of Toxicology
Carcinogenesis Specialty Section (CSS)
Fall 2005 Newsletter
Key Dates
October 3rd – SOT Abstract submission deadline (hope you submitted your abstract(s)!!)
October 28th – Deadline for Graduate Student/Post-doctoral research awards (see below for details!)
President’s Message:
Dear Carcinogenesis Specialty Section Members
President’s Letter
Greetings CSS Members,
It seems like only yesterday that we were meeting in New Orleans for the 44th Annual Meeting and enjoying the science and our colleagues. The past month or so of natural disasters has been very difficult for many of us and horrific for those caught in the paths of Katrina and Rita. This has left me with a sense of uncertainty that I know I must shake off and look to the future. My relatives on the gulf coast have survived with only loss of property and are now looking to rebuild and start a new life, although the future is still uncertain. Thus, the belated delivery of this newsletter rests on my shoulders and I offer my apology for any difficulties that has placed on you. Although I never lived very long in New Orleans as a child, I did visit often and I grew up on the gulf coast with my family and relatives ranging from Pascagoula to Beaumont/Port Arthur. The devastation and loss from this natural disaster is incomprehensible. So hug those close to you and try to help all those you can in every way that you can. I wish that we (I) could do that all the time and not have to wait until such a series of calamity occur.
On to other important actions that we cannot lose sight. With gratitude I recognize and thank Ruth Roberts for her tireless effort in the past year on making the CSS function and the CSS meeting in New Orleans successful. Ruth has truly been an inspiration for her organization, energy, and ability to move us forward. Between her efforts and those previously of Jon Cook, I have a significant appreciation of the training and passing of the institutional memory that occurs between each generation of CSS officers. In addition, Mike Cunningham (Vice-President), Mark Miller (Vice-President-Elect) and Councilors Lisa Kamendulis, Abby Jacobs, and Brian Short have been instrumental in maintaining our momentum. Recognition also goes to Kyle Kolaja for his effort towards keeping our reports, newsletters (he tried), and accounts current. Finally, I want to recognize Noël Raynal, the CSS student representative who participated in the SS student representatives meeting and who has actively worked to inform student members of the SOT on the value of student membership and participation in a Specialty Section. This effort is critical to the growth and development and continued relevance of the Specialty Sections. To any of you I failed to mention, you know that it is through our individual contributions that our SS thrives.
A highlight this summer for me was the workshop for Specialty Sections officers held at Chicago O’Hare on August 9 and 10, 2005. The meeting was organized and chaired by Michael Holsapple (SOT Council) and Rita Rose (SOT Headquarters). Kendall Wallace, SOT President, started the meeting off by indicating his and the SOT Council’s interest in increasing Specialty Section activity throughout the year directed to both the SOT and SS missions. The stated purpose of the workshop was to increase the potential for success of the SS by improving their effectiveness and to maximize the value of the SS to the membership. A number of suggestions for the SS leadership was offered, which included the following: 1) consider developing Current Concepts in Toxicology (CCT) Meetings; 2) develop ‘position papers’ on special issues of the SOT and the public; 3) help populate scientific review panels by providing recommendations relative to expertise and interest; 4) help develop congressional briefings and 5) develop a monthly web based seminar series. Our survey on membership and CSS needs was noticed and discussed. We also discussed at length the role of the SS in solicitation and mentoring proposals for the annual meeting and the potential for interaction between the SS and the Annual Program Committee (PC). There were a number of examples this year in which the PC did not use the SS #1 or #2 peer-reviewed proposals. Based on letters from the PC Chair, their intent was to balance the program in terms of consistency and anticipated interest. We established that the program committee does not have equal representation from all SS and, thus, there was concern expressed about representation and advocacy for proposals from SS lacking representation. A number of action items were identified: 1) create a task force to develop web based seminar series; 2) prepare an information packet on SS to be sent to all SOT student members (SS student representatives took the lead); 3) improve planning for SS assignments at the AM; 4) improve communication between SS and PC in the early planning stages for the AM so that SS activities consistent with anticipated program needs. All participants agreed that this was a very active and robust meeting that should become an annual event,
The March 2006 SOT meeting San Diego promises to be an excellent and exciting meeting. CSS is sponsoring a number of CE and Symposia of interest to all our members.
See you in San Diego March 2006!
John Edgar (Jef) French
President 2005-2006
Past President’s Message:
Dear Members
It has been my privilege and pleasure serving you as CSS President during this past year, and as one of your officers for a fourth year. It is a particular honor and responsibility serving in such a position, first as an elected individual by my peers, but more importantly, to serve to continue to build our scientific specialty. This can only be accomplished with the strong support of other individuals as part of the leadership team of the organization, as well as the active participation of the members. I am grateful to all of you for your support. The specialty sections of the Society of Toxicology are extremely important for its strong functioning and performance.
In March 2005, the Carcinogenesis Specialty Section had the privilege of organizing several of the symposia, workshops, and continuing education courses at the annual meeting. Similarly, for 2006 we have proposed 7 Symposia, 1 workshop and 1 CE course. These arise from the vision, energy and efforts of the members so thank you to you all!
SOT HQ are recently setting up a Specialty Section work group aimed at developing a 24-7 Specialty Section strategic plan to offer scientific and social value to all SS members not only at the meeting but all year. The CSS officers felt this could be a job for the outgoing president so I will pick this up and report back in due course.
Key progress in the 2004/2005 period was the consolidation of the graduate student liaison (selected from the student 1st prize winner; current contact Noel Raynal) and expansion of the student and postdoctoral awards to include travel grants. We also had CSS representation (Noel, Jon and Ruth) at the Student Advisory Committee mixer after the Sunday evening reception.
Again, thank you very much for the privilege of serving you and interacting with an outstanding group of scientists and individuals. I look forward to seeing you in San Diego in 2006.
Best wishes,
Ruth A Roberts
Call for 2005 Applications for Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Research Awards:
Call for 2006 Carcinogenesis Specialty Section (CSS) Awards for Best Papers
The CSS Officers encourage graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to submit their 2006 abstracts for competition for best paper awards. To qualify, your poster must be related to the field of carcinogenesis. The due date for submission is October 28, 2005. Abstracts and a recommendation letter from your advisor (not to exceed 2 pages) can be sent electronically to Dr. Lisa M. Kamendulis ( ). SOT Website for full details: (
First, second, and third place graduate student winners receive a plaque as well as checks for $500, $300, and $100, respectively. One Postdoctoral Fellowship awardee will be selected and will receive $500 and a plaque. Students not selected for the monetary awards will receive honorable mention certificates. In addition to the monetary and non-monetary awards, the graduate student who wins First Place will be eligible to be the CSS Student Officer. The CSS Officers will announce the winners at the specialty section mixer in San Diego.
Encourage Your Students to Join CSS:
Advisors, please encourage you students to joint the CSS. It is a great way to network and to have the opportunity to serve as a Student Officer of the CSS.
2004-2005 CSS Officers
President - John (Jef) French
Vice-President - Michael L. Cunningham
Vice-President Elect - Mark Miller
Past President - Ruth A. Roberts
Secretary/Treasurer - Kyle L. Kolaja
Councilors - Brian Short, Abby Jacobs and Lisa M. Kamendulis
Student Officer - Noel Raynal
Submit Articles and CSS Member News for the CSS Newsletter:
Please send Kyle L. Kolaja articles and member information for inclusion in the CSS newsletters () or by phone (650-354-7587). Your continued support will ensure that this remains an excellent specialty section.