Pre-bidMeeting for Ref: SP/TURA/2017-E


Monitoring of the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Refugees

Institutional Consultancy

12September 2017, 10:30-12:00

7th Floor Meeting Room, UNICEF Ankara Office

Questions & Answers

Q-1: During the household visits, will MoFSP support the contracted institution?

A: The Terms of Reference (TOR) for this consultancy is developed in consultation with MoFSP. The Ministry is aware of this study. As indicated in the TOR, personnel from Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations will accompany the contracted institution during the household visits.

Q-2:Do we have flexibility in implementing the questionnaires?

A:The timeline and the schedule should be respected. Any proposal to change the way questionnaires are implemented should be justified and discussed during the inception phase.

Q-3: Will we write the estimated timeframe to the offer?

A:In December 2017, the first wave of quantitative data collection should begin, however you do not need to include the exact dates in the proposal. You can write the estimated number of days and an indicative timeframein your offer.

Q-4: When preparing the sample, will we have access to the list of beneficiary households from the Ministry? Do you foresee any confidentiality issue?

A:The contracted institution will have access to an anonymized list of households (without names and contact information), where each household is assigned a unique identifier. The contracted institution will select the sample from this list and will communicate using the unique identifiers. Only the staff from the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations accompanying the enumerators will have access to the confidential information.

Q-5: Is there any template that we should use for CVs? Do you also request P11?

A:We do not have a template for CV’s. However, it is recommended to complement CV’s with P11 forms.

Q-6:While conducting the KIIs, it might be difficult to reach to public officials in the field. Will you support us in reaching the officers in the field?

A:An official letter can be providedto explain the purpose of the study and the partners behind it which should help the process.

Q-7:In the Focus Group Discussions, what is our target group?

A:You can find information on this in the TOR at page 4 under Methodology. The details are not defined yet. We do not expect you to tell us the profile in the offer. The details of the profile will be decided in the inception phase.

Q-8: Is the number of days for the data collection just for experts or for enumerators as well?

A: For this task, as well as for the other tasks mentioned in the answer to Question 9, the number of person-days indicated refers to the experts only (that is: Team Leader, Technical Leaders, Principle Advisors and Analysts). The person-days for enumerators/interviewers can be added on top.

The calculation of the number of person-days for enumerators should consider the following: a) for the sample indicated in the TOR, the non-response rate is expected to be considerable; b) this is a panel survey on a sample that can have substantial variations (reductions) from one data collection waive to the next; c) although this will be subject to further discussion during the inception phase, eachquantitative data collection is expected to be finalized in approximately 5-6 weeks. Please also see answer to Q9 below.

Q-9: It seems that the number of days are not sufficient for data collection for the mentioned sample. Can we increase the number of days for data collection?

A:As mentioned above, the person-days indicated in the TOR is only for the experts (Team Leader, Technical Leaders, Principle Advisors and Analysts). Person-days for Survey Enumerators and Interviewers (for FGDsand KIIs) should be considered and added separately. This applies to trainings and data collectionfor each wave of quantitative as well as qualitative data collection (Tasks: 8, 9, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 27, 32, 33 of the table starting at page 6 of the TOR). Please use the revised financial proposal template to reflect this.Please also use the “Addendum” spreadsheet to indicate and calculate costs related to enumerators and interviewers, including incidental costs. The total amount from this “Addendum” spreadsheet is also incorporated into the calculation of the grand total in the “Template” spreadsheet (see yellow highlighted cell).

As mentioned in the TOR, the number of person-days indicated is tentative. Bidding institutions can change the number of days in their offer by explaining the logic behind it. For example, for the tasks related to analysis, the number of days in the TOR is based on the assumption that tablets will be used for data collection, hence data entry time will be minimal. However, if the bidding company plans to use a different modality, this should be explained in the offer and the number of days changed accordingly.

Q-10: For the FGDs, are the 6 provinces fixed? Can you clarify?

A:The provinces are not identified yet. You can calculate your cost based on average accommodation and travel expenses. The provinces will be decided later.

Q-11: Is it possible to combine the awareness-raising RFP (RFP-TURA-2017-20 (LRPS-2017-9134223)) and RFP-TURA/2017-21-LRPS-2017-9134227. Do they have similar aspects and requirements?

A: The content of thesetwo consultancies is very different, hence the profile of the institution should also be different. If the same institution wins the tenders for both consultancies, we can look into options to efficiently implement the programmes.

Additional clarifications provided:

On the Team Composition and Qualifications:It is envisaged to include two international experts in the team to have an international insightin the analysis of the CCTE program and allow the final report to cater to an international audience.The international experts should ideally travel to Turkey especially at the inception phase and during the analysis while consolidating the report. Hence we recommend two visits to Turkey to be budgeted in the financial offer for each principal advisor.

If you do not have contacts for international experts, we can provide you a list of experts with relevant expertise. However, this does not mean that we want a specific person. We just have a list of experts who are working in the relevant fields.

The core team will be Turkish. The enumerators and interviewers should be residing in Turkey, speaking Arabic and familiar with the Syrian culture.

On the Financial Proposal Template:For each line, the bidding institution needs to specify which team member will work on this task. At the end of each block in the template, there is a line for incidentals for travel, accommodation and other costs. Travel should be economy class. Accommodation cost cannot exceed UN DSA (Daily Substance Allowance) rate which is available online. The incidental budget offered in this template is considered as a ceiling and will be paid against actuals upon submission of supporting documents. While calculating incidentals, you should be as realistic as possible. In the evaluation process, the budget will be compared excluding incidentals, but the incidentals are evaluated on their own to assess their feasibility and reasonability.

On the Application Process:The weight of the financial offer is 30%. The financial offer should be in a different envelope, signed and sealed. Theweight of the technical proposal is 70%. Please make sure to submit all the documents listed in the Terms of Reference.