Erectile Dysfunction
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
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Wittmann, D. (2011). A Biopsychosocial approach to sexual recovery after prostate cancer surgery: The role of grief and mourning. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37(2), 130-144.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.(2011a). STDs today. Retrieved from
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Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Prostatitis
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
Men’s Health Network (2005a). Prostate health guide: BPH—Enlarged prostate: BPH basics. Retrieved from
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Davis, S., Binik, Y. M., & Sage, C. (2009). Sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain in men: A male sexual pain disorder?.Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 35(3), 182-205.
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Cardiovascular Disease
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
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Diabetes Mellitus
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
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Fleischman, K., Smothers, M. K., Christianson, H. F., Carter, L., Hains, A. A., & Davies, W. (2011). Experiences of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes as they transition from middle school to high school.Journal of School Counseling, 9(4).Retrieved from Eric database.
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Colon Cancer
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
Ayanian, J. Z. (2010). Racial disparities in outcomes of colorectal cancer screening: Biology or barriers to optimal care. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 102(8), 511-513. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djq089
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Young, W. F., McGloin, J., Zittleman, L., West, D. R., & Westfall, J. M. (2007). Predictors of colorectal screening in rural Colorado: Testing to prevent colon cancer in the high plains research network. Journal of Rural Health, 23(3), 238-245.
Shiloh, S., Koehly, L., Jenkins, J., Martin, J., & Hadley, D. Monitoring coping style moderates emotional reactions to genetic testing for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer: A longitudinal study. Psycho-Oncology, 17(8), 746-755.
Prostate Cancer
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
Hoffman, R. M. (2011). Screening for prostate cancer.New England Journal of Medicine, 365, 2013-2019.
Men’s Health Network. (2005d). Prostate health guide: Prostate cancer: Rick Factors. Retrieved from
National Cancer Institute, n.d.)
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Testicular Cancer
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
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Shaw, 2008
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Skaali et al., 2009).
Testicular Cancer
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
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National Cancer Institute, 2010
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(Mulcare et al., 2011)
Nekolaichuk, Cumming, Turner, Yushchyshyn, & Sela 2011)
(Sanders, Bantum, Owen, Thornton, & Stanton, 2011),
Testicular Cancer
Defined and Prevention and Treatment
CDC, 2011e
Eaton et al., 2007;
Ho &Yong, 2008;
Miller, Teti, & Larence, 2010;
Phillips, Matusko, & Tomasovic, 2007;
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Möller-Leimkühler, 2003)
(Stanistreet, Gabbay, Jeffrey, & Taylor, 2004),
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(Wilson, Lange, Brundage, & Frommelt, 2003)