September 12, 2017
President Victoria Edwards calledthemeetingtoorderat 8:00 a.m.
Board Members present were:Victoria Edwards, President; Pam Tipton, President-Elect; Audrey Blevins-Winkle, Past President; Monica Bresofski, Secretary;Doris Lockey, Exec. Secretary; Charlie Parada, Co-Treasurer; Jeremy de los Santos, Sgt. At Arms; Deanne Voitle, Public Image; Mike Berger, Administration
Board Member(s) absent were:Shanon Salsbury, Membership; Rick Adams, New Generations; Jan Ricketts, Service; Ashley Harrison-Pena, Co-Treasurer;
The minutes of August 8, 2017Board Meeting were emailed for approval. Charlie moved to accept, with a second by Audrey. Motion carried.
Secretary's Report- Monica Bresofski
- Monica reviewed the Monthly Report and the Individual Report for the month of August.
- This month's attendance average is a up from last month, 84.0%.
- No attendance concerns were discussed.
- Deanna moved to accept the secretary report. Jeremy seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Neither Victoria nor Doris have received additional clarification from Rotary International on the Volunteer Hours report.
Treasurer's Report –Ashley Harrison-Pena and Charlie Parada
Foundation Account: The ending Balance for the Foundation Account: $16,740.74
Charlie reported that all foreign donations made at the installation have been sent out.
Doris moved and motion was seconded by Charlie that any Harvey donations received by our Foundation will be forwarded to the District 5910 Harvey Disaster Fund. Motion passed.
Operating Account: The ending Balance for the Operating Account: $7,672.21
Memory Park Account: The ending Balance for the Memory Park Account: $7,803.59.
Spirit of Texas Bank CDs: Interest earned last year $638.54. Balance is: $62,987.71
CD’s renew 1/2018, 6/2018 and 9/2018.
Member Balances: Total of $1,550.62 outstanding.Reminders were sent this month.
No concerns were noted.
JeremymovedtoaccepttheTreasurer'sreport.Audreyseconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Directors' Reports
Administration – Mike Berger
- Mike reviewed the up-coming programs. Mike is recruiting his Program Committee. Halloween Social will be held Oct. 26th at Longview Green Miniature Golf. There won’t be a morning meeting. Christmas social will be moved from Dec. 7 to Dec. 14th.
Membership – Shanon Salsbury (absent)
- No report
Service – Jan Ricketts (absent)
- Jan was unable to attend.
The board discussed the bags and bags of toilet paper rolls in the storage units. Victoria and Doris will meet on September 20th to start to purge the items in both storage units.
Youth Services– Rick Adams (absent)
Doris gave an update on the exchange student. Host Dad had to have surgery and Randall and his family hosted Leo while the Dad was in the hospital.
Public Image – Deanna Voitle (absent)
- No Report
Foundation – Audrey Blevins-Winkle
- Audrey will give weekly reports on our progress of the EREY campaign.
Pam said everything is on track for Los Compadres.
Victoria informed the board that the District meeting scheduled for October 14th has been moved from Liberty to Lone Star College. Additional information will be provided when it is received from the District Governor.
Victoria has arranged for an on-line book sale for Basic Education & Literacy Month. USBorne Books will award free books based on our number of sales.
The District has asked for volunteers to help with Hurricane Harvey relief on September 22nd. An email will be sent to the club. We were informed that Lorrie, Sandy and Alfred all had water in their homes during the hurricane.
Pam is working on the 2018-2019 board. She asked for input from the board.
Other Business
There were 11 children who did not show for the Clothing for Kid’s day at Old Navy. Victoria will continue to reach out to the schools for children to meet the requirements of the District Grant.
Coverage for Victoria’s maternity leave were discussed. Victoria has sent an email to past presidents asking for volunteers to cover the weekly meetings. Audrey will chair the October board meeting and Doris will chair the November board meeting.
The Role of Fame District Chair has requested our recommendation. Doris will provide the board with a list of past recipients. Prior recipients are ineligible.
Next Board Meeting
Next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, Ocrober 10th at 8:00 a.m. Meeting will be held at Jeremy de los Santos office.
RCLC Board Minutes, September 12 2017 | Prepared by dlockey
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