Course Syllabus: Precalculus-Spring 2018

Instructor: Mrs. Bluman

240.236.6400 (THS main office)x66442

Availability: In general, instructorswill be available during FLEX and after school by appointment.

Prereqs: C or higher in Algebra 2 Honors or Advanced Algebra.

Students will need (on a daily basis): Paper, graph paper, binder, pencils, colored pencils or pens, TI-83 or equivalent graphing calculator.

Course description: Students will review and expand on major concepts from Algebra 2, with additional emphasis on trigonometry, matrices, and exponential and logarithmic functions and preparing students for calculus.

Homework (7%): In general, if the day of the week ends in a “y”, your child probably has an assignment. Students should score no lower than 90% on average on their assignments, as the majority is graded on completeness. Most assignments students will have several days to work on to complete.

Tests (55%): Tests will be given every two weeks (approximately). Students are expected to be able to manipulate equations, graph (with a calculator and by hand), and apply material to the world around them.

Projects: Projects may be assigned and applied to Classwork, Quizzes, or Tests categories.

Classwork (8%): Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively the majority of the time. They will be assessed for “on-task” behavior, participation, accuracy, and Basic Occupational Skills of

  • Personal Responsibility: Students are on time and prepared for class daily. Work is turned in completed and on time. You have as many days as you were absent to complete make-up work.
  • Social Responsibility: Students will work cooperatively on in-class assignments and on some projects. Students will participate in class and not interfere with others’ rights to


  • Communication: Students will present problems at the board, explaining their steps and reasoning. Students will present their completed projects, as necessary.
  • Critical Thinking: Tests and projects will require students to explain their thinking, apply material that we have and have not covered, analyze situations, and apply their knowledge, as well as evaluate themselves and others.

Quizzes (30%): Students should anticipate at least one quiz per week, some announced, some not. Exceptions may occur on weeks when tests are given.

Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. First offense will result in receiving a 0% of the score earned, and will forfeit the ability to retake any tests for the remainder of the course. Subsequent offenses will be referred to the administration.

Test retakes: Students learn at different rates. Some students may not fully understand all of the topics covered on a given test at the time the test is given. Therefore, students may retake one testper term if they complete an item analysis and have not been caught cheating. Students will have a maximum of 5 school days from the day the test is returned to complete a retake. Students will earn an average of the two exams on the next retake. Students may NOT retake the end of term test.

Textbook: Pre-Calculus: With Limits: Larson: 2nd EditionYou are responsible for returning your textbook with minimal wear. Excessive wear or a lost book will result in a bill for $110.

Work Ethic: Just doing the daily assignments and attending class will NOT get you a satisfactory grade. This is a work-intensive course that will require you to apply what you learn.


All high schools now have an online student grade viewer accessible through the internet. Once you receive student ID codes and passwords, all grades for every class can be viewed online from home. This is an important tool for you and your parent/guardian to keep track of all your assignment and course grades. Please see your guidance counselor for more information.


The purpose of FLEX is to work on school related activities for 40 minutes. All school rules and expectations apply during FLEX. Students are expected to be on time, to be respectful, to work with all teachers cooperatively, to attend tutoring when requested, and to use the provided time in a productive manner. FLEX is not a free-block; no listening to music, playing cards, sleeping, etc.

Students are strongly encouraged to make effective use of this valuable time. It is imperative that you seek help from Mrs. Bluman as soon as you encounter difficulty in the course. Students are also invited to form study groups and peer pairs for studying purposes. You may sign up for FLEX by signing up on the bulletin board at the front of the classroom. You must do so by the end of the day in order to be called the next day. Remember: that there are priority days, so I may not be able to pull you the day you want – don’t wait – sign up as soon as possible!

Course Syllabus: Precalculus-Spring 2018

Instructor: Mrs. Bluman

240.236.6400 (THS main office)x66442

Grading Policy:

Per FCPS Regulation 500-05 (Grading – Secondary)

3. Exceptions to the Grade Computations

a.A student who fails the second term of a one (1) credit semester course due to lack of acceptable effort may be failed for the course regardless of total quality points earned. Failure for lack of an acceptable effort shall be approved by the principal and shall be preceded by ample notification of the parent/guardian.

A student who fails the third and/or fourth terms of a one (1) credit semester course because of lack of acceptable effort may be failed for the year regardless of total quality points earned. Failure for lack of acceptable effort shall be approved by the principal and shall be preceded by ample notification of the parent/guardian.

Please read and sign the student information sheet on google classroom to indicate that you have agreed to and signed the syllabus by Friday, September 8 for 4 homework points.

Student Name ______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s) ______

(Please specify home/cell/work)

Parent/Guardian Email ______

I acknowledge the above information is correct and have read and agree to abide by the classroom guidelines.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______


Dear Student,

As a member of this classroom community it is your responsibility to act in a manner that promotes the learning, safety, and academic integrity of yourself and your classmates. Your signature below indicates that you have read and understand the class policies and procedures presented in the attached syllabus. It also indicates that you will demonstrate personal character by upholding the honor pledge.

Honor Pledge:

I have chosen to act honorably, not because someone is watching, but because I value my character and our community of trust. I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on assignment. My name on each piece of work will affirm my character and honor.

Students are responsible for:

  • Understanding the definitions of cheating and plagiarism and types of conduct that are deemed unacceptable.
  • Refraining from committing any act of cheating, plagiarizing, facilitating academic dishonesty, abusing academic materials, stealing or lying.
  • Reporting every instance in which the student has knowledge that academic dishonesty has taken place.


Student SignatureParent Signature