RAILWAY NEIGHBOUR / Community Relations
6th Floor, Western House
1 Holbrook Way
Tel: 03457 11 41 41
13 April , 2016
Our Ref: BSW 1m 405 yards – Easton Road Bridge

Dear Neighbour

UPDATE: IMPROVEMENT WORK – Filton Abbey Wood - 4 Track Capacity Improvement (Bristol)

Following on from our letter of January, 2016 we are writing to provide greater insight and a more accurate breakdown of the ongoing construction work at Easton Road Bridge.

We are delivering a range of projects throughout Bristol, to transform Brunel’s railway and meet the expected growth in passenger numbers.

Doubling the number of tracks between Dr Days Junction and Filton Abbeywood Station will achieve greater capacity, reduce journey times and allow for trackside maintenance work to be undertaken without disrupting services, plus allowing more freight services to operate.

When will the work take place?

In our previous letter we stated the road would re-open for use between 08 April and 08 May, however, due to factors beyond our control, the road closure will now continue through this period and into the year. The current planned re-opening of Easton Road Bridge is November 2016, any changes to this plan will be communicated in further letters. Works up to the road re-opening include:

·  General site activities throughout, Monday to Friday; 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs

·  Midweek and weekend night shifts; 22:00hrs to 08:00hrs.

·  Weekend day shifts; Saturday 08:00hrs to 17:00hrs, Sunday 09:00hrs to 17:00hrs.

·  Full 76 hour period beginning 00:01hrs on 28 May, through to 04:00hrs on 31 May.

Please note that only works that are essential and must be completed during a weekend will be undertaken in order to cause as least disruption to yourself as possible.

What are the works involved?

As wrote previously, the majority of our work will be undertaken during the above 76 hour possession of the railway. Before the 28th May the works will include service diversion works from the current bridge onto the newly installed temporary scaffold bridge and advance enabling works to facilitate the demolition. During the 76 hour possession the major tasks and approximate times are as follows:

Activity (including any significant plant/machinery) / Estimated Date/time
Demolition (300T mobile crane, blow torch, Excavators) / 28/05/16, 07:30 – 28/05/16, 17:30
Core drilling (drills, generators) / 28/05/16, 21:00 – 29/05/16, 03:00
Bridge beam installation (300T mobile crane) / 29/05/16, 03:00 – 30/05/16, 10:00

During the 76 hour possession the temporary footbridge will be closed to pedestrians for safety reasons.

Once the bridge beams has been successfully installed the works to reconstruct the deck will commence and will include further service diversion works from the temporary scaffold bridge to the new road bridge. Upon completion of this the road will be resurfaced and reopened to the public for general use.

After the reconstruction of Easton Road Bridge pedestrian access will be maintained throughout via use of the temporary scaffold bridge constructed.

How will we manage the impact on our neighbours?

We recognise that construction work on the railway can be disruptive to those living or working nearby. The nature of our work often means some disturbance is unavoidable, but please be assured that every effort is made to minimise any unnecessary noise and we have reminded all staff and contractors to be considerate of the environment they are working in.

Contact Us

I hope this information is helpful and we apologise for any inconvenience these essential works may cause.

However, if you have any additional questions or concerns about the work taking place in your area please call our dedicated 24-hour National Helpline on: 03457 11 41 41 or visit www.networkrail.co.uk/contactus

For further information: www.networkrail.co.uk/greatwesternelectrification

Yours faithfully,

Ben Nelson

Community Relations Executive