11th International Project Week 11th- 15th May 2009

/ country / first name / family name / university / project
1 / Austria / Erich / Hauer / IMC FH Krems / Presentations on conferences
2 / Belgium / Stoyan / Gaydardzhiev / Université de Liège / Treatment of polluted soils
3 / Czech Republic / Linda / Turner / Charles University (Univerzita Karlova) / Basic English communication skills for engineering students
4 / Finland / Seija / Mikkonen / Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences / Win - Win Negotiations
5  / France / Alain / Louvel / ITP Billieres / e-marketing web design
6 / Germany / Carsten / Heise / FH Nordhausen / Broadband access in economically underdeveloped and rural European regions
7 / Hungary / Gábor / Mucsi / University of Miskolc / Complex utilization of Municipal Solid Waste
8 / Ireland / Miranda / Cournane / Institute of Technology Tralee / Cultural Themes in Irish Music and Film
9 / Ireland / Sheila / Fitzgerald / Institute of Technology Tralee / Leadership
10 / Ireland / Peter / Herrmann / European Social, Organisational and Science Consultancy - ESOSC / Global Social Policy - Values versus Professionalism as Basis of Social Work
11a / Lithuania / Jurgita / Raudeliuniene / Vilnius Gediminas Technical University / Formation of Marketing Budgets: Marketing + Finance
11b / Lithuania / Jelena / Stankeviciene / Vilnius Gediminas Technical University / Formation of Marketing Budgets: Marketing + Finance
12 / Lithuania / Vygantas / Vareikis / University of Klaipėda / From Memel to Klaipėda: Transition of Klaipėda Region in the XXth century
14a / Norway / Anne Karin / Arvola / Harstad University College / Emotional skills in communication
14b / Norway / Vivi-Ann / Pettersen / Harstad University College / Emotional skills in communication
15 / Norway / Ingvill / Kristiansen / Harstad University College / Culture, gender and communication
18 / Poland / Maria / Jadamus-Hacura / Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice / Time series analysis with Excel
19 / Poland / Piotr / Milczarski / Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódż / Game Programming for Mobile Devices
20 / Poland / Grazyna / O´Sullivan / Akademia Podlaska / Business ethics
21 / Poland / Martyna / Wronka / Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice / Leadership in Public Sector
22 / Poland / Przemyslaw / Zbierowski / Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice / High performance organization
23 / Russia / Sergei / Kondratenko / Kaliningrad State Technical University / Using of the alternative energy sources with examples of biogas production in piggery (Thuringia) and hennery (Kaliningrad)
24 / Turkey / Ulaş / Çakar / Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi / Turkish Management Culture
25 / United Kingdom / Jim / Blythe / Consultant / Exhibition and trade show management
26 / United Kingdom / Mohan Lal / Kolhe / University of Dundee / Economic Evaluation of Renewable Energy Technologies
27 / United Kingdom / Keith / Lewis / Chief Examiner for The Association of Business Executives / Sports personality branding. The Beckham brand
28 / United Kingdom / Philip / Littlejohn / OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education) / A study of the Titanic Disaster - to understand the difference of fact from fiction
29 / United Kingdom / Amerjit / Walia / Thames Valley University / Motivation and Work
Pr.-N°: / 1
Project: / Presentations on Conferences
Lecturer : / Erich Hauer
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / x / all / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / x / Business Studies
x / Social Management
x / Public Management
x / Systems Engineering
x / Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
x / Renewable Energy Engineering
x / Computer Science
x / Public Management and Governance (MA)
x / Innovation and Change Management (MA)
x / Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / English-skills on a University-level
Aims: / This workshop is designed to develop and improve the linguistic and communicative skills needed by speakers at English-speaking conferences.
Delivery Methods: / This workshop is designed to develop and improve the linguistic and communicative skills needed by speakers at English-speaking conferences.
focussed communicative activities and excercises provide practice in skills and techniques, video recordings to analyse your presentation style, peer feedback
Pr.-N°: / 2
Project: / Treatment of polluted soils
Lecturer : / Stoyan Gaydardzhiev
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / all / x / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / Business Studies
Social Management
Public Management
Public Health and Social Services
x / Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
Renewable Energy Engineering
Computer Science
Public Management and Governance (MA)
Innovation and Change Management (MA)
Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / none
Aims: / The objective is to acquaint the students with the remediation strategies for polluted soils and with some mineral separation techniques adapted for these purposes. At the end of the course students will be able to design a basic flow-sheets of soil processing technologies by combination of unit operations.
Delivery Methods / Soil structure and geochemistry. Principal sources of soils pollutants. Remediation technologies - overview. Physical, chemical and microbiological methods applied for removal of contaminants such as heavy metals, sulphides and organics. Evaluation of natural attenuation capacities of soils. Precipitation of heavy metals, reactive barriers concepts and layouts for control of contaminant plumes.
Lectures, seminars, simple lab tests (if available).
Pr.-N°: / 3
Project: / Basic English communication skills for engineering students
Lecturer : / Linda Turner
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / x / all / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / Business Studies
Social Management
Public Management
Public Health and Social Services
Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
Renewable Energy Engineering
Computer Science
Public Management and Governance (MA)
Innovation and Change Management (MA)
Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / This project is intended for OBS students (beginners in English).
Aims: / The course aims to provide participants with a basic command of spoken and written English as well as some listening and reading comprehension skills. It also aims to make participants feel more confident about communicating in English.
Delivery Methods: / We will work mainly with material from 'natural English' textbooks and audio CD.
Participants will also be provided with other supplementary materials.
- Various activities to build up vocabulary and practise using language in everyday situations
- Role plays
- Language games
- Mini-presentations and questions
Pr.-N°: / 4
Project: / Win-Win Negotiations
Lecturer : / Seija Mikkonen
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / all / x / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / x / Business Studies
x / Social Management
x / Public Management
Public Health and Social Services
Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
Renewable Energy Engineering
Computer Science
x / Public Management and Governance (MA)
Innovation and Change Management (MA)
Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / Good spoken skills in English
Aims: / The students will understand the importance and practise and master techniques of constructive ways to negotiate.
Delivery Methods: / Strong, weak and principled ways to negotiate and selecting the best strategies to reach an agreement.
Activating lecture and communication exercises, simulations and drama.
Pr.-N°: / 5
Project: / e- marketing & web design
Lecturer : / Alain Louvel
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / all / x / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / x / Business Studies
Social Management
Public Management
Public Health and Social Services
Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
Renewable Energy Engineering
x / Computer Science
Public Management and Governance (MA)
Innovation and Change Management (MA)
Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / principles of marketing
Aims: / to understand the links between web design and marketing methods
to design better websites according to marketing principles & tools
Delivery Methods: / all marketing technics, specific "e-marketing" tools and advice to design a good website according to marketing, technical and design point of views !
powerpoint presentations & workshop (benchmarking exercice + website analysis)
Pr.-N°: / 6
Project: / Broadband access in economically underdeveloped and rural Europian regions
Lecturer : / Carsten Heise
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / x / all / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / x / Business Studies
x / Social Management
x / Public Management
x / Public Health and Social Services
x / Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
x / Renewable Energy Engineering
x / Computer Science
x / Public Management and Governance (MA)
x / Innovation and Change Management (MA)
x / Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / none
Aims: / In the first stage of this project the participants shall get an idea, how the broadband access is realized in European regions similar to the rural district of Nordhausen. The students examine for this purpose economic, social and technical aspects of this urgent task. The second stage of the project will result in an integrated concept draft that makes concrete suggestions how rural districts could solve this problem on their own.
Delivery methods: / Versatile cross-border data steams of the internet have crucial importance in the 21st century for the development of economy and society. It adopts essential functions in the everyday life. The unlimited access to broadband services like www, email or VoLP provide individuals benefit from the “social networking” – factor and unlimited access to information. Rural regions with a weak broadband infrastructure are structural disadvantaged in the global challenge. This project comes forward with a proposal how rural regions could solve this arising issue.
The scope will be approached by short lectures combined with phases of multidisciplinary intergroup development. A group of business/engineering/social students would fit best to work on the topic and present the result of the project on Friday 15th.
Pr.-N°: / 7
Project: / Complex utilization of Municipal Solid Waste
Lecturer : / Mucsi Gábor
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / all / x / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / Business Studies
Social Management
Public Management
Public Health and Social Services
X / Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
Renewable Energy Engineering
Computer Science
Public Management and Governance (MA)
Innovation and Change Management (MA)
Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / Mathematics
Aims: / Planning and dimensioning of a complex technological system for Municipal Solid Waste utilization (material and energetical recycling based on selecting and mechanical-biological waste treatment) with zero waste deposition.
Delivery Methods: / Evironmental protection, waste management Material properties
Selective waste collecting Waste sorting plant dimensioning
Biogas production Composting methods
Biostabilization processes, dry fermentation Material balance, final product projecting
PowerPoint presentations
Connecting questions and tasks
Pr.-N°: / 8
Project: / Cultural Themes in Irish Music and Film
Lecturer : / Miranda Cournane
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / x / all / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / x / Business Studies
x / Social Management
x / Public Management
x / Public Health and Social Services
x / Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
x / Renewable Energy Engineering
x / Computer Science
x / Public Management and Governance (MA)
x / Innovation and Change Management (MA)
x / Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / none
Aims: / Students will explore themes of nationalism, historicism and identity through local and global representations of ‘Irishness’ in music and film. The impact of politics, history and society in Modern Ireland will be analysed in relation to developments in traditional and popular music at home and abroad. Perception and stereotyping of the Irish in C20th film culture will also be investigated.
Delivery Methods: / Irish Music - introduction to various styles; C20th decline and revival in Irish Traditional Music; international influences in Irish music; globalisation of Irish music
Irish Film - representations of the Irish in Anglo-American film; Irish cultural and global themes in indigenous film.
Students will engage with audio-visual media throughout the week and present an analysis of contemporary themes of ‘Irishness’ through a multimedia presentation
Pr.-N°: / 9
Project: / Leadership
Lecturer : / Sheila Fitzgerald
Language : / English
Suitable for students in the following year(s): / x / all / 1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year
Recommended for : / x / Business Studies
x / Social Management
x / Public Management
x / Systems Engineering (MA)
x / Brownfields and Materials Recycling / Environmental and Recycling Engineering
x / Renewable Energy Engineering
x / Computer Science
x / Public Management and Governance (MA)
x / Innovation and Change Management (MA)
x / Industrial Engineering (MA)
Pre-requisites: / None
Aims: / Explore traditional and contemporary leadership theory
Examine the importance of leadership in difficult economic circumstances
Enjoy the project and learn to apply knowledge of leadership for the beniefit of your community and yourself
Delivery Methods: / Great leaders & Leadership theory
Leadership and context
You too- leaders at all levels
Demonstrating knowledge
Drama, music
Lecture, group work, video.
Pr.-N°: / 10
Project: / Global Social Policy - Values versus Professionalism