Homework Sheet
October 5-9, 2015
Math- workbook page 87
Reading- workbook page 106
English- textbook page 82 writing prompt #1
Spelling- reading workbook page 109
Science- textbook page 281 #’s 3 and 5. Write questions and answers!
Math- workbook page 89
Reading- workbook page 108
English- textbook page 82 writing prompt #2
Spelling- reading workbook page 115
Science- textbook page 301 #’s 2,3, and 5. Write questions and answers!
Math- workbook pages 91
Reading- workbook page 112
English- textbook page 82 writing prompt #3
Spelling- write words 5 times each.
Science- textbook pages304-305 #’s 1-7. Write questions and answers. Study pages 272-305 for TEST TOMORROW!
Math- workbook page 93. Study textbook pages 189-202 for TEST TOMORROW!
Reading- Review study guide (in homework notebook) and reread story on page 266 . TEST TOMORROW!
Spelling words: dish, than, chest, such, thin, push, shine, chase, white, while, these, flash, which, then, catch, thumb
Reading vocabulary: beware, damage, bend, flash, pounding, prevent, reach, equal
Science Vocabulary: weather, weather pattern, season, temperature, thermometer, wind, precipitation, water cycle, evaporate, condense, drought
*ATTENTION PARENTS: this week in English we will begin the writing process. Students will learn how to write a personal narrative story. We will cover the writing process for 2 weeks . Therefore, this week in English we will not be having a test. Students will be working on their personal narrative in class and at home. Please help them as much as you can at home so they can fully understand the writing process. Students will turn in their final draft of their personal narrative next Thursday for a test grade. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
*Please check our class website! We have been posting some fun things. Also, if your child loses their homework sheet, we will post one every week on the website for you. The website is resurrectionrams.org. To get to our specific class site, click on Staff Directory at the very top right hand corner of the home page and find your child’s teacher and click on it.
* Please remember to review material every night with students. This will help them on their tests.