Alcohol Beverage Licensing & Public Safety
Minutes for June 11, 2003
Quorum Call-Chairperson Jessica Ward
Quorum established- 6 members (7:15 PM)
- Jessica Ward
- Tom Taylor
- Brenda Artis
- Kit Read
- Richard Sundberg
- Jonnie Jackson
- Jeff Coulter
- Gordon Keller
Meeting called to order
Jessica Ward, Chairperson called the meeting to order (7:19 PM)
Agenda Adopted
Jessica Ward moved to approve the agenda with New business for PS placed first on the agenda. Seconded by Richard Sundberg. No objection the motion approved.
Minutes for 5/14/03 ABL & PS meeting approved
Jessica Ward moved to approve the minutes from May 14th, 2003 ABL & PS meeting. Seconded by Tom Taylor. No objection the motion approved.
Special Orders
1. Jessica Ward moved to change ABL & PS Committee Meeting to the 4th Wednesday of the month (July 23rd). Debate for change
- Will avoid scheduling conflict with PSA 512 Monthly meeting.
- Will avoid scheduling conflict with ANC6c’s new monthly meeting.
- Will avoid ANC6a and ABL & PS‘s meeting in the same week.
Seconded by Brenda Artis. No objection the motion approved.
- Jessica Ward moved to recess for the month of August. Seconded by Tom Taylor. No objection the motion approved.
Officer Reports
Chairperson’s Report
- Marc Borbely’s Nomination for Fifth District Citizen of the Quarter was submitted.
- Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton announces the introduction of the Alcohol Tax Equalization Act of 2003.
- “Alcohol abuse is the leading cause of death among teens and young adults. The need to provide appropriate disincentives is urgent”. The outdated taxing policy makes beer and wine cheaper then hard liquor but yet > 50 % of alcohol sales is beer and 15% is wine (total > 75 % of all alcohol sales).
Vice Chairperson’s Report
- Ward 6 Councilwoman Sharon Ambrose met on Proposed PSA redistricting.
Secretary’s Report
- Jessica Ward moved to defer the ANC Survey until next meeting when Secretary will be present. Seconded by Tom Taylor. No objection motion approved.
- Tom Taylor moved to post the minutes to ANC6a yahoo site after approval by Committee. Seconded by Jessica Ward. Debate For example, if May 14 minutes are posted after they are approved by the Committee on June 11 then there is a month delay for review by the public. Yahoo site is a secondary means of dissemination; attending the meetings is and in the past has been the primary way to receive and
review the previous month’s minutes. A month delay is therefore standard. No objection motion approved.
- Jessica Ward moved to provide a “Certificate of Appreciation” for Presenters. Seconded by Tom Taylor. Debate a letter of appreciation will provide more credence then a certificate hung on the wall or possible not. Tom Taylor moved to amend to provide a Letter of Appreciation for presenters. Seconded by Kit Read. No objection motion approved.
New Business for PS
Brenda Artis provided updates on 5D Staffing changes.
- Lt. R. Caldwell will be heading both PSA511 & 512 meetings effective this week.
- PSA 512 meetings will be held second Wednesday at Miner ES (moved from Lane Church).
Presentation by Roving Leader for the D.C. Department of Parks & Recreation
- Roving Leader Darby Clark (one of three Roving Leaders for Ward 6) described Urban Services Division Youth Intervention Program’s mission. “Providing direct intervention at the community level to help prevent youth violence and crime.”
- Contact Information for one to request assistance: Outreach Supervisor Robin Dwyer Office: (202) 673-6843 Cell: (202) 997-4765 Fax # (202) 673-7299.
Community Comments
Questions and answers for Roving Leader Darby Clark
- Targeting young people between the ages 9 – 21.
- Community resources such as education, health, employment and relative services to develop youth interests and potentials.
- One on one relationship between Outreach Staff and youth are an effective means of preventing juvenile delinquency.
Unfinished Business for ABL:
- ANC6a Special Meeting on 5/28/03 Commissioners present (Wanda Harris, Joe Fengler, Cody Rice, Nick Alberti, Michael Musante, Jessica Ward)
- Excello Liquors: Recommendation to ABC Board to oppose the “Class A” renewal.
- Family Liquors: Recommendation to support the “Class A” renewal.
- Jumbo Liquors: Recommendation to support the “Class A” renewal with a Voluntary Agreement.
2. Protestant Petitions to oppose “Class A” license renewals filed to the ABC Board:
- Excello Liquors (Roll Call 6/11/03)
- New York Liquors“ “
- Friendly Liquors““
- Northeast Beverage““
- Jumbo Liquors““
- Family Liquors(Roll Call 6/18/03)
3. Excello Liquors
- Roll Call 6/4/03: Timely Filing of a Protest to Excello Liquors was approved by the ABC Board (appoximately 37 Protestants).
- Finding of Facts Hearing 6/25/03
- Status Hearing 7/23/03.
Community Comments
- Commissioner Fengler reviewed proposed letters in reference to Excello Liquors.
- Jessica Ward moved to recommend to ANC6a that both letters (Timely Notification & Denial of ANC6a as a Protestant) be sent to ABRA & The ABC Board in the matter of Excello Liquors “Class A” renewal. Seconded by Tom Taylor. No objections motion approved.
New Business for ABL:
- Kit Read moved to defer the Committee Letter to ABC Merchants until later. Seconded by Jessica Ward. No objections motion approved.
Unfinished Business for PS:
1. PSA Boundaries
- Commissioner Rice reviewed east, and south boundary adjustments to new proposed PSA 102 & 105.
- Jessica Ward moved to recommend to ANC6a the west boundary follow Natural boundary of Union Station Tracks (2nd & 3rd Streets) and south boundary follow East Capitol St. Seconded by Tom Taylor. No objections motion approved.
2. Tom Taylor moved to defer Victim Impact Statement until later. Seconded by Jessica Ward. No objections motion approved.