AndresC. GuevaraJr. November25, 2007SUN p.m.

As we look back to the beginningof the New TestamentChurch we find thatafter Peter’s sermon at

Pentecostabout3,000 were added to the disciples,ofwhom therewere about120.

"They thatgladly received his wordwere baptized." These converts proved the genuine nature of their repentance and faith first byobedience to the Lord’s command ofbaptism,and then bysteadfast continuation in four basic areas of the Christian life: 1) doctrine 2) fellowship 3)breaking ofbread 4) prayers

•These features mightbe regarded as the ordinaryactivities bywhich church member-ship is sustained.Steadfastcontinuation in rightdoctrine, spiritual fellowship,attending the Lord’s table, and the prayer meetings should be regarded as normal and bindingupon every church member.

•This isnotonlysupportedby the example of the earlyChristians butby the exhortations of the apostles (Heb.10:24,25)and elsewhere in the NewTestament (Acts 20:16-32;Rev.2 and3; Eph.4:1-16).


•The conceptofchurch membership is importantandscriptural.The Lordwas conferring authority uponHis apostles,indicating thatdiscipline in the churchwould have to be maintained whenHe rendered inMatthew 16:19 the words “the keys of the kingdom”. Keys are used to shutoutand to close in.

•The apostles and their evangelists such as Timothy and Titus usedGod-given authority to appointbishops (or pastors) in the churches. Instructions as to the qualificationsofbishops are provided.Their authorityis clearlygiven—Titus 3;Titus 2.Believers orchurch members are exhorted to obeyand submit themselves to their Pastor–Hebrews 13:17.

•Now itis obvious that we cannotobeypastors unless theyare identified,nor canpastors rule unless thereare specific people forwhom theyare responsible.People who were added to the church were identifiable individuals—Acts 2:47.

•The pastors are responsible for those who areclearlyjoined to the church.On the other hand,all the membersofa church are involved in the calling ofa pastor and in the appointmentof deacons.

•Paul addresses the believers in Philippi.This passage pictures the validityofchurch membership where itincludes all thatare in the localchurch namely: the Pastor and deacons with the church members—Philippians 1:1


•Those churchmembers who cut themselves off from involvement and fellowshipare spiritually sick orstunted in their spiritual growth.

•God providea formula for the believer’s growth.—Ephesians 4:11-12

•Without church membership the believer fails to progress in graceand knowledge. Itis through the localchurch that the individual members develop in understanding,exercise their gifts,give, receive,andshare spiritual life. There will be a believer’s stuntedspiritual growth withoutchurch membership.

•Anyone can attend church butattendance is notmembership.Anyone can tithesand give for faith promise missions butmembership is more than giving.Notall church members doall what they should but thatis no excuse for notbecoming a church member.


How can wemaintain ourmembership to be active?

A.Continuesteadfastlyin the Apostles’Doctrine.—Acts 2:42

•Ecumenical movements have attempted to destroy the order—Acts 2:42.Notice thatdoctrine is much importantand placedbefore fellowship.They errin that fellowship is placedbefore doctrine.Letall things be done in order.Doctrine is importantbutnotto thosewho declared that

we should love one another and unite despite ofdifferences in beliefs.We become a Christianby believing theTRUTH.Manyseek to unite a large assortmentofdenomination;who deny fundamental doctrines of salvation bygrace through faith and reject the supremeauthorityofHoly Scriptures.Essential and doctrines such as the wrath and justiceofGod and the substitutionary blood-atonementofChrist, the virgin birth ofChrist, the inspirationof the Scriptures are omitted.

B.Continuesteadfastlyin Fellowship—Acts 2:42.

•The word “fellowship” in Greek here means communion,or having things in common.

•You do not have to be a Christian to have fellowshipwith others. Unbelievers gather and joined each other whether by association or organization. On the other hand,Christian’s fellowshipis an entirelydifferentkind. Itincludessharing spiritual life,we receive the joyimparted by the Holy Ghost,we worship with praising and edifying activities,we share God exalting testimonies that strengthen the faith ofothers.

•Above all,Christian fellowship is a blessing because of the presence ofJesusChristwho said,

"where two or three are gathered together in my name, there amIin the midstof them"

C.Continuesteadfastlyin the Breaking of Bread—Acts 2:42.

•All church members must be presentat the Lord’s Supper. Here,attendance is desired.Thereis the visible actofcommunion and union together of the believers.

•The purposewhy the disciples are commanded by Christ to celebrate this ordinance is"to show forth the Lord’sdeath" –ICorinthians 11:26.Every time the communion supper is heldwe are reminded ofHis bodyandblood for ourredemption.Church members mustremember the Lord’s vicarioussufferings thatbring salvation.Christsuffers for the sins ofmanyonceand for all that we are sanctified.

•Authority for the maintenance of the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper belongs to the sphere of the localchurch alone.Therecan be no adequatesubstitute for a local church. Itis the dutyofevery Christianwithoutexception to do all that is humanlypossible tocontribute to thewell-being of thelocalchurch.

D.Continuesteadfastlyin Prayer Meeting—Acts2:42

•Everymember of the church should attend prayer meeting eachweekbecause itis a vital partof the life of the church.Something happens whenchurches prays. The church members express their total dependence upon the Lord tosustain the church through prayer.

•We are notprepared and cannoteven begin the spiritual warfare withoutparticipation in prayer.— Ephesians 6:18

•Through prayer weshow our love to the brethren andbearing one’sanother’s burdens—John

13:34;Galatians 6:2

There is no such thing asa perfectchurch, for there are nosuch things as perfectChristians.Joining a church is notto think in terms ofwhatmightreceive,butrather ofwhat theymightcontribute. It is the duty ofeveryChristian withoutexception to do all thatis humanlypossible to contribute to the well-being of the localchurch.