Cambio climáticoTeacher Page

Proficiency level: Intermediate High – Advanced Low

Skills: Listening, speaking, reading

Standards: 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2

The student page is at the end of this document.

1. Using a graphic organizer brainstorm about climate change. Explore possible causes and effects of climate change as well as vocabulary needed to work with this topic.

2. Work with vocabulary produced in the brainstorming session to help students practice and learn the vocabulary. Games, word puzzles, using vocabulary to create a skit or a short story are examples of some ways vocabulary can be practiced.

3. Here is vocabulary that the students will hear in the podcast:

alargarse – to get longerun estudio – a report

la afluencia de turistas – flow of touristsmucha pasta – a lot of money

el cambio climático – climate changepasan cada 500 años -- it happens every 500 yrs.

un ciclo – a cycle el período estival – summertime

unas cifras – figures, numbers subir – to rise, go up

una ola de calor – heat waveser el equivalente – to be the same as

en cuanto al clima – with regards to climate el tema del artículo – the theme of the article

Está muy poblado – It´s very populated.

4. Open this site listen to podcast 15 Cambio climático. This can be done in a language lab setting or in the classroom. For additional listening practice encourage students to download the podcast to their iPods or MP3 players.

5. Allow students to listen to the podcast as many times as necessary and then informally assess their comprehension. Have students make of list of what they understood or answer brief comprehension questions or fill in an information grid with main ideas. These are a few ways to informally assess listening comprehension.

6. Go to or or or any other Spanish language written news source and search for an article about climate change.

7. Have students read the article and then informally assess their comprehension. Have students complete a K-W-L chart or restate what they had read or discuss the ideas expressed in the article. These are a few ways to informally assess reading.

8. Ask students to use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the information in the podcast and in the article.

9. Let students demonstrate what they have learned about climate change. For example, ask them to write an editorial or create a poster or public service announcement or create and perform a newscast or a skit or a song about climate change.

10. Answers to student activities.

  1. Answers will vary.
  1. Answers will vary but should include: artículo en El País, cambios en el clima, el calor, las playas, el Mediterráneo, la economía, los turistas.
  1. ___3___El hombre hace un papel en cuanto al cambio climático.

___1___El período de calor en la region del Mediterráneo va a alargarse. ___2___ El turismo es muy importante para la economía de los países del Mediterráneo.

4.__f__El artículo en El País habla de cambios climáticos en toda Europa.

__f__No hay muchos turistas en la zona del Mediterráneo.

__t__El turismo es el motor de la economía española.

__t__Ben no está muy convencido porque cree que estos cambios pasan cada 500 años.

__f__Marina no cree que el hombre provoque muchos cambios en el clima.

5. Answers will vary.

Cambio climáticoStudent Page

1. Use the following chart to list what you already know about climate change as well as what you would like to learn. In the third column list vocabulary that you think you will need to know to investigate climate change.

Cambio climático
What I already know / What I want to learn / Vocabulary I will need

2. Listen to the podcast. What did you understand? List as many things as you can.


3. Number the following main ideas according to when you heard them in the podcast.

______El hombre hace un papel en cuanto al cambio climático.

______El período de calor en la region del Mediterráneo va a alargarse.

______El turismo es muy importante para la economía de los países del Mediterráneo.

4. Are the following statements true or false according to what you heard in the podcast?

____El artículo en El País habla de cambios climáticos en toda Europa.

____No hay muchos turistas en la zona del Mediterráneo.

____El turismo es el motor de la economía española.

____Ben no está muy convencido porque cree que estos cambios pasan cada 500 años.

____Marina no cree que el hombre provoque muchos cambios en el clima.

5. Use the following Venn diagram to compare the ideas you heard in the podcast with the ideas expressed in the article you read. In the area where the circles overlap write the ideas that were in both the podcast and the article.

Podcast BothArticle

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