Karen DePersia

Project manager


Date:March 17, 2016

From: Karen DePersia, Project Manager, CREC Construction Services

Subject:RESPONSE TO RFIs: RFP/Q Architectural Services

For:CREC Academy of Aerospace Elementary 241-0105 MAG/N/PS

Addendum #1 is the response to questions submitted for clarification of the CREC RFP/Q for Architectural Services for the CREC project listed above.

This Addendum includes; 1. The Addendum #1 Document (two pages), 2. Property Survey, 3. Site Plan.

PROPERTY SITE VISIT: There will be an opportunity for bidders to visit the school property this Friday, March 18 at 10 AM. Please meet at the main entrance to ‘Gardner’s Nurseries’ at 400 Brook Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067.

(Attendance is not required, this is a curtesy for those interested in viewing the property).

  1. QUESTION 1: How many copies of the proposal are required?

ANSWER: ‘Five copies of qualifications, and one copy of fee proposal in a separate sealed envelope.’ Refer to page 6 (six), ‘VI. WRITTEN PROPOSAL’ of the RFP/Q document.

  1. QUESTION 2: What is the construction budget for this project?

ANSWER: $44,800,000.

  1. QUESTION 3: What site information is available?

ANSWER: A property survey and site plan are included in this Addendum. The school site is located on parcels 6, 7, 8, 9, and a portion of 10.

  1. QUESTION 4: The CREC Educational Specifications discuss benefits of co-locating the proposed Rocky Hill Intermediate School and the CREC Academy of Aerospace Elementary schools. How does this affect the selection process?

ANSWER: The CREC Academy of Aerospace Elementary Magnet School is a stand-alone project. There are no plans at this time for collaboration.

  1. QUESTION 5: Are there environmental reports of the property available at this time?


  1. QUESTION 6: The RFQ/P identifies the Aerospace Academy as a K-5 school. The Educational Specifications mention two Pre-K classes included in the 32-classroom count. Please clarify.

ANSWER: Specific program will be developed with the successful proposer.

  1. QUESTION 7: RFQ states all subcontractors are subject to the same insurance requirements as the primary firm. Is there flexibility?

ANSWER: Yes, provided the successful firm will accept ultimate responsibility.

  1. QUESTION 8: Will CREC provide specifications and cut sheets for wind tunnel aerodynamic equipment?

ANSWER: Specific program will be developed with the successful proposer.

  1. QUESTION 9: Is the IMAX projection Studio an actual IMAX Theater or working lab only?

ANSWER: Specific program will be developed with the successful proposer.

SITE VISIT OPPORTUNITY: There will be an opportunity for bidders to visit the school property this Friday, March 18 at 10 AM. Please meet at the main entrance to ‘Gardner’s Nurseries’ at 400 Brook Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067.


111 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 860-240-6642  