1 April 2005

Website Minutes of Executive Committee of COMPRES from March 31, 2005

Attending: Green, Bass, Karato, Rivers, Ross and Liebermann

Absent: Weidner and Williams

1. Minutes of the ExComm meeting of March 17, 2005 were approved for installation on the website. The comprehensive minutes had already been reviewed and approved by the Secretary and the Chair, following some editorial corrections.

2. Annual Meeting for 2005

a. Ann Lattimore and Mike Vaughan visited the Mohonk Mountain house on March 23 and reported that it had all the facilities needed for the Annual Meeting.

b. Program Committee

The program format will follow the Gordon Conference model with Plenary Sessions in the AM and Evening on June 17 and 18, with the afternoons free for recreation and/or special meetings [e.g., ExComm with Advisory Committee, Mini-Workshop on Calorimetry, Poster Sessions].

Business meeting to be held late on the afternoon of June 18, with extension to AM of June 19 if necessary.
Program Committee to identify potential keynote speakers within the next week so that invitations can be extended and commitments obtained.

c. Industrial sponsors

Based on the experience of the 2003 Annual Meeting at Santa Cruz, Liebermann was authorized to approach potential industrial sponsors with an offer of the opportunity to have a table and/or poster at the Mohonk meeting, in return for a $200 contribution for the social events.

3. Election of new officers and members.

The Nominating Committee has been asked to provide a slate of potential candidates by the week of April 4. Green and Liebermann will then contact the potential candidates to obtain their consent to stand for election.

4. Advisory Committee

Meeting with ExComm at Mohonk tentatively set for Friday afternoon, June 17.

Topics for continued discussion at future ExComm meetings include:

a. Membership terms and rotation process.

b. Role and charge of the Advisory Committee

c. Chair of the Advisory Committee—to be appointed or elected.

5. Workshops:

a. IR Workshop: Russell Hemley has agreed to organize this workshop, in collaboration with Zhenxian Liu, Jay Bass and Shun Karato.

b. Rheology in DAC: Proposal by Haozhe Liu of HPCAT/APS was tabled for further discussion and decision at the next meeting on April 12.

c. High Pressure Melts—Carl Agee and others have scheduled a workshop on this topic for July 21-23, 2005 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

6. International meeting in France

The interdisciplinary meeting on the mantle which Jay Bass, Guillaume Fiquet, James Badro and Kei Hirose are organizing has now been re-scheduled for late August-early September 2005 and re-located from Ile d’Oleron to St, Malo in France. Total funding for this meeting now exceeds $26K, of which COMPRES has pledged $10K.

7. Equipment purchased using COMPRES funding

Liebermann has been assured by the Office of Sponsored Programs of the Research Foundation of SUNY that they have been following the NSF guidelines and requirements, with regard to purchase of equipment items [i.e. items costing more than $5K] under both the grant to Stony Brook, as well as all subawards.

Liebermann has scheduled an appointment for April 7 to understand precisely what those procedures are, and will report at the next meeting of the ExComm.

8. Site Visits to Community Facilities

a. The Facilities Committee is planning to visit the NSLS in April or May to see the current status and future plans for both the Diamond-Anvil Cell facilities and the Multi-Anvil facilities.

b. Green and Liebermann are planning to visit the ALS in mid-May at the invitation of Simon Clark and Raymond Jeanloz.

9. COMPRES Posters

Following the very positive reaction to the poster based on the Bass Report [from the NSF and others], plans are underway to produce a more educational poster for COMPRES, using models of similar posters from IRIS, UNAVCO, etc.

Jiuhua Chen is using his graduate class in Spring 2005 as a study group, with the objective of producing a mock-up or template for display and comment at the Annual Meeting in Mohonk.

10.. Supplement to Year #4 Budget in NSF Fiscal Year 2006

Based on the comments of David Lambert during the visit of Green and Liebermann to EAR on March 14, the ExComm is planning on submitting a request for supplementary funding in Year #4 [May 2005 through April 2006] from funding in the Fiscal Year 2006 of NSF [Oct 2005 thru Sept 2006].

11. Next Meeting:
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

1:00 to 3:00 PM [East Coast time]