Data Definitions:

Data Element: / Data Definition:
1.  RACE / RACE or ethnicity of the patient:
African American
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Unknown – unable to find documentation of race
2.  Age / Age of patient in years
Unknown – unable to find documentation of age
3.  Sex / Female
Unknown – unable to find documentation of sex
Arrival Mode:
1.  Walk In / Patient presented to ER by walking in
2.  EMS / Patient was brought by EMS to the ER
3.  Unknown / Unable to find documentation of arrival mode to the ER
PPCI Admission Mode:
1. Direct / Patient presented directly to the PCI center
2. Transfer / Patient was transferred from an outlying facility to the PCI center
3. Unknown / Unable to find documentation of admission mode
System Activated By: / Person responsible for activating the cath team for STEMI intervention
1.  EMS / Emergency Medical System activated the cath team
2.  Referral non-PCI ED physician / ED Physician in the transfer hospital activated the cath team
3.  PCI ED Physician / ED Physician at the PCI center activated the cath team
4.  Other Physician (list specialty): / Any other physician not listed above for example: cardiologist, interventionalist, etc
5.  Unknown / Unable to find documentation of who activated the system
Patient Disposition: / Select the treatment option that best describes the treatment of your pt.
1.  PPCI / Pt is taken emergently to the cath lab for intervention of the culprit lesion/s
2.  Rescue PCI (after lytics) / Pt is taken emergently to the cath lab after failed full dose lytics
3.  Elective PCI (after lytics) / Pt reperfused with lytics (resolution of critical EKG changes and relief of symptoms) and the cardiologist elected to take the pt to the cath lab
4.  None of the above: / None of the above options described your pts disposition.
5.  Unable to find patient and/ or information / The cath team was activated and cancelled and you cannot find any pt information or reason for cancellation
If you answered “none of the above” for patient disposition, what is the “best” reason? Choose one.
1.  ECG consensus not STEMI or new LBBB
(LVH, Early Repolarization, etc) / Conflicting ECG interpretation (ie-paramedic read it as a STEMI, but was actually LVH, Early Repolarization or no change from historical ECG)
2.  No cath lab visit (not cath candidate, reperfused w/ lytics, etc) / Patient has resolution of critical EKG changes and relief of symptoms, or patient was not appropriate candidate to proceed to the cath lab (ie-advanced age, multiple complex medical history, etc)
3.  Clean coronaries/vasospasm/no clear culprit artery / Cath lab data shows no significant disease or culprit artery; or
were able to deduce that spasm was cause of EKG changes
4.  Reperfused w/ lytics (confirmed by cath) / Artery was open and/or clot was dissolving
5.  CABG required / Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery required:
6.  Emergent/urgent-within 24 hours of presentation / CABG priority
7.  Elective-During hospitalization / CABG priority
8.  Expired / Died prior to Primary PCI
9.  Old LBBB / Confirmed old LBBB as documented in chart
10. Lesion not amenable to PCI/unable to cross lesion/medical management / Cath lab results indicate lesion not amenable to PCI –potential cause include inability to cross the lesion, chronic occlusion
And medical management recommended
11. Other (explain): / Any other reasons that you could not choose the above options.

Lisa Monk MSN, RN, CPHQ

RACE ER State Project Leader

Created 8 13 08/ rvsd 07 09 1