Stephen Slottow - 1
Associate Professor of Music, University of North Texas
2500 North Locust Street
Denton, TX 76209
(940) 382-9150 (home)
(940) 369-7215 (work)
(940) 783-6944 (cell)
Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York
Ph.D. in Music Theory, June 6, 2001
Dissertation: “A Vast Simplicity: Pitch Organization in the Music of Carl Ruggles”
Advisor: Joseph Straus
Second reader: Philip Lambert
Other major professors: Carl Schachter, Charles Burkhart
Queens College, City University of New York
M.A. in Music Theory, February, 1998
Cleveland State University
B. Music History, 1989
Senior project: “Cape Breton Fiddling and its Scottish Antecedents”
9/2008-presentAssociate professorUniversity of North TexasDenton, TX
9/2002-8/2008Assistant professorUniversity of North TexasDenton, TX
9/2001-5/2002LecturerUniversity of North TexasDenton, TX
9/1998-6/2001Adjunct professorHofstra University Hempstead, NY
9/1997-5/1998Adjunct professorTemple UniversityPhiladelphia, PA
9/1993-5/1997Adjunct professorQueens College, CUNYFlushing, NY
1993-2000EditorRILM Abstracts of New York, NY
Music Literature
9/1992-5/1993Adjunct professorCity College, CUNYNew York, NY
1980-90Fiddler Hotfoot QuintetCleveland, OH
1975-1980Fiddler, banjo playerFalls City RamblersLouisville, KY
1970-74Fiddler, banjo playerSwamp Root String BandRochester, NY
Graduate Courses
University of North Texas (2001-present)
MUTH 5382Graduate Aural Skills
MUTH 5470Advanced Schenkerian Analysis
MUTH 5400Invertible Counterpoint and Fugue
MUTH 5370 Analytical Techniques III (20th-c.)
MUGC 5950Thesis
MUTH 6680Music Theory Proseminar. “Schenkerian Rhythm: Chordal Reduction, Hypermeter, Phrase Rhythm, & Durational Reduction”
MUTH 6680Music Theory Proseminar. “How to Write an Analytical Paper (plus Considerations on how to Navigate the Music Theory Profession)”
MUTH 6900Independent Study: The Sonatas of Scarlatti (a Schenkerian approach)
Esther Boyer College of Music, Temple University (1997-98)
Music Studies 508 Schenkerian Analysis
Music Studies 508 Atonal Analysis Seminar: Ives, Ruggles, and Seeger
Undergraduate Courses
University of North Texas (2001-present)
MUTH 3410 16th-c. Counterpoint
MUTH 3420 18th-c. Counterpoint
MUTH 3510Form and Analysis
MUTH 4370Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis
MUTH 4520Post-Tonal Analysis
MUTH 1400Theory I
MUTH 1500Theory II
MUTH 2400Theory III
MUTH 2500Theory IV
MUTH 1410Aural Skills I
MUTH 1510Aural Skills II
MUTH 2410Aural Skills III
MUTH 2510Aural Skills IV
MUTH 3550Aural Skills V
MUTH 4920Senior Colloquium
Hofstra University (1998-2001)
Music 1Music Theory for Non-Music Majors
Music 61 Sight Singing and Ear Training I
Music 62 Sight Singing and Ear Training II
Music 63 Sight Singing and Ear Training III
Music 64 Sight Singing and Ear Training IV
Music 69Rudiments and Two-Part Species Counterpoint
Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College (1993-97)
Music 173Harmony, Counterpoint, and Keyboard Skills I
Music 174Harmony, Counterpoint, and Keyboard Skills II
Music 171Sight Singing and Ear Training I
Music 73Theory Fundamentals
Music 71Remedial Sight Singing and Ear Training
City College (1992-93)
MUS 15200Music in Elementary School (nonmajors)
The Americanization of Zen Chanting. Pendragon Press. Contract signed 11/21/14. In progress.
A Vast Simplicity: The Music of Carl Ruggles. Pendragon Press. July, 2009.
"To Be or Not to Be: Sequences in Schenkerian Analysis" Gamut (online journal of the Music Theory Society of the Mid-Atlantic). Accepted; publication expectedFall, 2017.
"An Interview with Edward Laufer," in Explorations in Schenkerian Analysis: Essays in Honor of Edward Laufer, ed. David Beach and Suyin Mak. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2016: 328-48.
"The Sequences in Mozart's Piano Sonata, K. 280/I: Types, Functions, and Dispositions." Res Musica 7 (2015), 128-42.
“Von einem Künstler: Shapes in the Clouds."Res Musica/3 (2011): 123-33
Book review: Michiel Schuijer, Analyzing Atonal Music: Pitch-Class Set Theory and Its Contexts (Rochester, University of Rochester Press, 2008). Theoria, Vol. 17 (2010): 143-52.
“Schenkerian Pedagogy in the Oster and Salzer Teaching Lines: An Oral History Approach.” Essays from the Fourth International Schenker Symposium, ed. Allan Cadwallader. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms, 2008: 259-78.
"Carl Ruggles and Charles Seeger: Strict vs. Free Imitation in Ruggles’s Canons.”Music Theory Spectrum. Vl. 30/2 (Fall, 2008): 283-303.
“Ornamentation in the Fiddling of Eileen Ivers.” Journal of the Society for American Music, Vl. 1/ 4 (November 2007): 485-510.
“Forks in the Road: Teaching Scarlatti’s Sonata in C Major (K.159, Longo 104).” Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, Vl. 21 (2007): 71-99.
"Fortspinnung and Polyphonic Melody in Ernst Kurth: A View through Schenkerian-Colored Lenses." A Composition as a Problem V. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn, September 29-30, 2006: 187-202.
“Analytic Process in Schenkerian Pedagogy: An Introspective Exercise.” Journal of Schenkerian Studies, Vol. I, Fall, 2005: 44-65.
“Carl Ruggles’s Cadential Complex.” Intégral, Vol. 16/17 (2002/2003): 103-138.
“Wayward Compositional Procedure in the Music of Carl Ruggles.” Institute of Studies in American Music Newsletter (ISAM), Fall, 2003: 6-7, 15.
"Sources of Coherence in Carl Ruggles's Lilacs." A Composition as a Problem IV. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn, April 3-5, 2003: 46-60.
"Fifths and Semitones: A Ruggles Compositional Model and its Unfoldings.” Theory and Practice, Vol. 26 (2000): 87-103; awarded the Emerging Scholar Award (Music Theory Society of New York State).
“François Couperin’s La Flore (5th ordre): Motivic Replilcation, Approach to III, and Analytic Methodology,” Euromac 9: 9th European Music Analysis Conference, July 1, 2017
"The Sequences in Mozart's Piano Sonata, K. 280/I: Types, Functions, and Dispositions," Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Tallinn, January 9, 2014. Also read at Laudate Eum: Recital and Symposium in Honor of Professor Graham Phipps, University of North Texas, March 29, 2014
"To Be or Not to Be: Sequences in Schenkerian Analysis," Fifth International Schenker Symposium, Mannes College, The New School for Music, March 16, 2013
"American Transformations of Zen Buddhist Chanting," lecture, College of Music, University of North Texas, October 24, 2012.
"The American Migration and Transformation of Zen Buddhist Chanting," invited lecture, Butler School of Music, University of Texas (Austin), October 1, 2012.
"Theories and Fantasies: Shapes in the Clouds," Texas Society of Music Theory, 33rd Annual Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, February 18, 2011.
“Von einem Künstler: Shapes in the Clouds, " Sixth International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Tallinn, October 14-16, 2010.
"Charles Ruggles's Canons and their Relation to Charles Seeger's Dissonant Counterpoint," Society for Music Theory Annual Meeting, Baltimore, November 15-18, 2007; also at West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis, Vancouver, April 23, 2006.
“Atonal Voice Exchange in the works of Charles Ives, Ruth Crawford Seeger, and Carl Ruggles,” Eighteenth International Congress of the International Musicological Society, Zurich, July, 2007. Based on my 2002 presentation “Voice Exchange in Ruggles.”
"Fortspinnung and Polyphonic Melody in Ernst Kurth: A View through Schenkerian-Colored Lenses." Fifth International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, September 29-30, 2006. Participation by invitation only.
“Schenkerian Pedagogy in the Oster and Salzer Teaching Lines: An Oral History Approach.” Fourth International Schenker Symposium, Mannes College of Music, New York, March 17, 2006
“Forks in the Road: Teaching Scarlatti’s Sonata in C Major (K.159, Longo 104).” Society for Music Theory National Convention, Seattle, November 11, 2004; also at Texas Society for Music Theory annual conference, Fort Worth, February 21, 2003
"Sources of Coherence in Carl Ruggles's Lilacs." Fourth International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music, Tallinn, April 5, 2003
“‘It’s Against Nature’: Cadential Straight Lines in the Music of Carl Ruggles.” Music Now series, University of North Texas, Denton, March 10, 2002
"Thoughts on Schenkerian Analytic Process." THE Lecture Series, Division of Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology, University of North Texas, Denton, March 5, 2002
“Voice Exchange in Ruggles.” South Central Society for Music Theory annual meeting, Baton Rouge, February 22-23, 2002
"Fifths and Semitones: A Ruggles Compositional Model and its Unfoldings.” Music Theory Society of New York State annual meeting, New York University, April 9, 2000; also at the Georgia Association of Music Theorists, Georgia State University, April 24, 1999; and at South Central Society for Music Theory annual meeting, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, March 13, 1999
“‘It’s Against Nature’: Straight Lines, Sequences, and Whole Tone Collections in the Music of Carl Ruggles.” Society for Music Theory National Convention, Phoenix, Arizona, November 2,
1997; also at New England Conference of Music Theorists, Yale University, New Haven, April 6, 1997
“Modeling Pitch Relations in the Music of Carl Ruggles: Voice-Leading Implications.” Music Theory Society of New York State, New York City, October 10, 1993
“Some Aspects of Traditional Cape Breton Fiddling.” Sonneck Society, Toronto, April 22, 1990 and Society for Ethnomusicology, Niagara Chapter, Cleveland, April 28, 1989
Carl Schachter, The Art of Tonal Analysis: Twelve Lessons in Schenkerian Theory, ed. Joseph N. Straus (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), 54.
Drew Massey, "Imaging the Infinite in Carl Ruggles's Evocations," Music and Letters, Volume 92, Number 4 (November 2011): 586.
Stephen C. Brown, “Dual Interval Space in Twentieth-Century Music,” Music Theory Spectrum 25/1 (Spring 2003): 38.
Thomas Herlin, The Carl Ruggles Page.
Joseph N. Straus, Twelve-Tone Music in America. Cambridge University Press, 2009: 248, 293; and “Uniformity, Balance, and Smoothness in Atonal Voice Leading.” Music Theory Spectrum 25/2 (Fall 2003): 332.
External Referee or Reviewer for Journal Submissions or Book Proposals
Music and Letters, "Timelessness in Carl Ruggles's Evocations," July, 2010
Oxford University Press, proposal by Steven Laitz, Graduate Review of Tonal Theory: A Recasting of Common-Practice Harmony, Form, and Counterpoint, February, 2008
American Music, blind review of "When Men and Mountains Meet: Ruggles, Whitman, and Their Landscapes,” October, 2008
Prentice-Hall, review of Stefan Kostka, Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century Music, 3rd. ed,” December, 2008
External Evaluator in Applications for Tenure and Promotion
Michael Berry, Texas Tech University, tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, August, 2010
Timothy Cutler, Austin College, tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, August, 2005
Membership in Professional Organizations
Society for Music Theory
Texas Society for Music Theory
Offices and Committee Assignments in Professional Organizations
Session chair, Schenker session, Texas Society for Music Theory annual meeting, February 26 (Belton, TX)
Program Committee, Texas Society for Music Theory, 2014-15
CV Review Session team member, Committee for Professional Development, Society for Music Theory Annual Meeting (Milwaukee), November 7, 2014.
Session Chair, "Sonata Design Reconsidered,"Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Tallinn, January 8, 2013
Local Arrangements Committee, Chair, Texas Society for Music Theory, 2013 (work began in Summer-Fall 2012)
Session Chair, "Brahms Studies," Texas Society for Music Theory 34th Annual Conference,
March 2, 2012, Fort Worth
Program Committee, Texas Society for Music Theory, 2009-10,
Program Committee, Texas Society for Music Theory,2007-08
Local Arrangements Committee, Texas Society for Music Theory, 2005-06,
with responsibility for bringing in Charles Burkhart (Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY) as keynote speaker; and Frank Samarotto (Indiana University) and Gary Karpinski (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) as guest speakers
Program Committee, Texas Society for Music Theory, 2003-04
Additional Responsibilities and Other Activities
Co-Director of the Center for Schenkerian Studies, Fall, 2002-present
Faculty Advisor for the Journal of Schenkerian Studies, 2003-present
Organization of residencies, lectures, and bequests (selected list)
Organized visit of David Smyth (Edward and Catherine Galante Professor and
Coordinator of Music Theory, Lousiana State University), October 19, 2010
Organized residency of Charles Burkhart (Professor Emeritus, Queens College and
the Graduate Center, CUNY), October 25-30, 2009
Organized residency of Carl Schachter, (Professor of Music Theory Emeritus, Queens
College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York; Faculty, Techniques
of Music, Mannes College of Music; Graduate Faculty, Julliard School), UNT, April 12-14,
Organized residency of Poundie Burstein (Professor of Music Theory at Hunter College
and the Graduate Center, City University of New York), March 11-13, 2009
Organized residency of Mark Spicer (Associate Professor of Music Theory, Hunter
College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York), UNT, April 20-22,
Organized residency of Joseph N. Straus (Professor of Music Theory, Graduate Center,
City University of New York), UNT, January 22-26, 2007
Co-organized (with Professor Timothy Jackson) Symposium on 20th-Century Modernism
in Music, UNT, January 26, 2007
Organized lectures by Timothy Cutler (Associate Professor of Music, Austin College),
UNT, November 15, 2006
Organized UNT residency of Charles Burkhart (Professor Emeritus, Queens College and
the Graduate Center, CUNY) and Marian Burkhart (writer), UNT, February 20-24,
Co-organized (with Timothy Jackson) residency of Allen Forte (Professor Emeritus, Yale) and Madeleine Forte (pianist), UNT, February 7-10, 2005
Arranged bequest of Charles Burkhart’s manuscripts, sketches, analytical graphs, and
music theory books to the College of Music, UNT
Arranged gift of manuscripts, compositions, and analyses of Hubert Kessler (Professor of Music University of Illinois) in the possession of Wolfgang Haken to the College of Music, UNT
Facilitated (with Timothy Jackson) gift of manuscripts and analyses of Saul Novack (Professor of Music, Queens College) from Mrs. Phyllis Novack
Thesis Advisor
Alyssa Burscough, MM thesis (two-paper option): on G major fugue from J.S. Bach Well-
Tempered Clavier I. In progress.
William Waldroup, Ph. D. dissertation Debussy’s early songs. In progress.
Bryan Stevens, MM thesis: "Formal Organization in Ground-Bass Compositions." Graduated
August 2015
Rachel Paul, MM thesis (two-paper option): "‘Toward eternity’: A spatio-perceptual reading
of Aaron Copland’s Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson."Graduated May 2014
William Waldroup, MM thesis: "Jacques Ibert: An Analytical Study of Three Movements
from Histoires." Graduated August 2012.
Carlos Gaviria, MM thesis: “Alberto Ginastera and the
Guitar Chord: An Analytical Study." Graduated August 2010
David Huff, MM thesis: “Methods of Atonal Voice-Leading
Analysis: A Critical Evaluation Based on Analyses of Alban Berg’s Four Songs Op. 2."
Graduated October 2010
Heejung Kang, piano, related field professor, DMA thesis: “Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a
Theme by Paganini, Op.43; Analysis and Discourse.” Graduated 2004
Thesis/Dissertation Committee Memberships
Ben Graf, Ph. D. dissertation, committee member
Chia-Ying Wu, Ph.D. dissertation, committee member
Jason Patterson, Ph.D. dissertation, committee member
Colin Davis, Ph.D. dissertation, committee member
Ryan Taycher, MM thesis, committee member
Rene Perez, Ph.D. dissertation, committee member
Michael Schnitzius, MM. thesis, committee member
Greg Dixon, DMA thesis, composition, committee member and related field professor
Tish Davenport, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader
Jason Patterson, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader
Jeff Ensign, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader
Chia-Ying Wu, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader; dissertation, reader
JongKyun Kim, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader
Colin Davis, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader
Chien-Wen Chen, DMA, composition, related field professor
Greg Dewhirst, DMA thesis, saxaphone, related field professor
Christie Armandez, MM thesis, theory, 2nd reader
William Pavlak, MM thesis, theory, committee member
Jennifer Sadoff, PhD dissertation, theory, 2nd reader
Jon Anderson, DMA thesis, composition, committee member and related field professor,
Hsiao-Lan Wang, DMA thesis, composition, committee member
Emerging Scholar Award (2000)
Given by the Music Theory Society of New York State
Graduate Teaching Fellowship (1993-97)
Graduate Center, City University of New York. A competitive fellowship awarded on a limited basis to ABDs for a three-year period (extended to a fourth year). Each Fellow is selected by the faculty of the college in which he or she teaches.
University Fellowship (1992-93)
Cleveland State University
Faculty Review, Tenure, and Promotion Procedures Workgroup (Spring 2014)
Faculty Senator (Fall 2008, Fall 2014-present)
Mentoring Committee (Fall, 2003-Spring, 2008)
Committee for Ethnic Diversity (Spring, 2002-Spring 2007)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (2002-Spring 2007)
Music Theory Search Committee (2013-14)
Lecture Series Committee (Member, Spring 2006 to Spring 2008; Chair, Fall 2008-present)
The Lecture Series Committee has brought in guest speakers of the highest quality and
reputation, such as Charles Burkhart, Carl Schachter, Bruno Nettl, Poundie Burstein, Edward Laufer, and Allen Forte
Music Theory Search Committee (2010-11)
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee (2010)
Graduate Academic Degrees Committee (2003-2005; Fall 2007-Spring 2010; Fall 2014-present)
Publicity Committee (Fall 2008-Spring 2012)
Revised Division guidelines for undergraduate senior projects (Spring 2007)
Music Theory Search Committee (Spring 2006)
Music History Search Committee (Spring 2006)
Task force for Division Mission Statement (Spring 2004)
Helped to move the administration of the music theory doctoral examinations from the Division to the Area, and have since participated in their creation and evaluation (Fall 2008 -present)
Helped research and promote a non-thesis Master's Degree option for the Area.
Worked on and administered the Theory Proficiency Examination (Spring 2008-present)
Observed and made recommendations regarding Michael Lively’s teaching of MUTH 3420 (18th-c. counterpoint), Fall 2008
2010, UNT Research and Creativity Enhancement (RCE) Award for "The Americanization of Zen Chanting." $9,490.
2008, UNT Small Grant: towards copyright permissions for my article "Carl Ruggles and Charles Seeger: Strict vs. Free Imitation in Ruggles’s Canons.”Music Theory Spectrum:
2007. UNT Small Grant: towards copyright permissions for my book A Vast Simplicity:The
Music of Carl Ruggles. $750
2005. UNT Small Grant: for copies of archival materials from the Carl Ruggles, Charles Ives,
and John Kirkpatrick papers at Yale Music Library. $300
2005. UNT Faculty Research Grant: “Schenkerian Pedagogy in the Oster and Salzer Teaching Lines: Interview Transcription and Follow-up.” $2000
2004. UNT Faculty Research Grant: “Carl Ruggles, Charles Seeger, and Dissonant Counterpoint.” (further research on the musical and personal connections between Ruggles, John Kirkpatrick, and Charles Ives). $5000
2003. UNT Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship: “Carl Ruggles, Charles Seeger, and Dissonant Counterpoint.” $5000.
2003. UNT Faculty Research Grant: “Schenkerian Pedagogy in the Oster and Salzer Teaching Lines.” $3000.
Fiddler (bluegrass, old-time, swing), 1973-1990
The Hotfoot Quintet/Cleveland, Ohio/1980-90
Album: Barbecue on Broadway
The Falls City Ramblers/Louisville, Kentucky/1975-1980
Fiddler/banjo player
The Swamp Root String Band/Rochester, New York/1970-74
The New Bethel Tabernacle Drive-In Church/Urbana, Illinois/1966-69
Harpsichordist (University solo appearances and chamber ensembles), 1985-89