The Oregon Mental Health CE Consortium is honored to bring you our 4th Friday, February Event:

Deepen Your Therapeutic Work Using an Existential-Humanistic Perspective,

with Bob Edelstein, LMFT, MFT

4th Friday Event – 2/23/2018, 9-12pm and/or 1-4pm

Full day (a.m. + p.m. – 6 CEs) / Half-day (a.m. or p.m.– 3 CEs)

Attend in-person or via interactive webinar: Live event will take place at Lewis and Clark University, Thayer Room, in Portland, Oregon, OR; interactive webinar can take placeanywhere with an internet connection!

To register, click here, or go to

Morning Session: Core Concepts of Existential-Humanistic Therapy; Exploring the Work of Bugental and Yalom.

Description: The Existential-Humanistic approach embraces all of what it means to exist. It values each unique, individual journey. Through this workshop, you will deepen your therapeutic work by increasing your ability to be with the lived experience of your clients and yourself within the therapeutic container. You will understand the purpose of resistance in Existential-Humanistic terms, and learn ways to effectively engage client resistances to facilitate growth and healing.

Learning objectives: Through lecture, discussion, experiential exercises, and demonstrations, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the impact and influence of James Bugental, Ph.D. and Irvin Yalom, M.D. by specifying two major contributions they each added to the development of Existential-Humanistic psychotherapy.
  • Describe and use the inward searching process to facilitate a client’s subjective deepening.
  • Explain why clients resist deepening into their subjectivity and be able to apply three ways to effectively intervene with the client’s resistance.
  • Describe and use a dialogue process to deepen the relationship between client and therapist.
  • Explain why clients resist an authentic connection to the therapist and apply three ways to effectively intervene with the client’s resistance.

Afternoon Session: Cultivating Presence: Being Fully There for Your Client


In Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy, a fully engaged presence is the key to guiding the therapist to make optimal therapeutic choices. Being present is the ability to be fully there for your client in the lived experience of the moment. We will explore two philosophical frames, two relationship attitudes, and two therapeutic skills that serve as a bridge for the therapist to develop a more fully engaged presence.

Learning objectives: Through lecture, discussion, experiential exercises, and demonstrations the participants will:

  • Explain two values of Being with the client and demonstrate the difference between Being with the client and Doing with the client.
  • Describe two purposes for Deep Listening and demonstrate the skill of Deep Listening.
  • Explain two values of reflecting Process. Demonstrate the difference between reflecting process and reflecting Content.
  • Describe and demonstrate three ways to cultivate a therapeutic I-Thou relationship.
  • Compare and apply when Intention needs to be emphasized versus when Resistance needs to be emphasized in working with clients.
  • Demonstrate two ways to be a Mirror to the client’s process.

Bob Edelstein, LMFT, MFT, is an Existential-Humanistic psychotherapist with over forty years of experience. He provides consultation, supervision, workshops, and trainings for clinicians and students. He is a blogger for Psychology Today and has published articles on the existential-humanistic perspective, including a chapter entitled Frames, Attitudes, and Skills of an Existential Humanistic Psychotherapist in the Handbook of Humanistic Psychology 2nd Edition. Bob is the founder and current president of the Existential-Humanistic Northwest professional organization