HBS Site:


Logging into HBS

Logging into HBS – Continued

Navigating HBS

ERROR: User Id not found

Login Errors

Navigating HBS – System Icons

Navigating HBS – Continued

Editing an Exempt Employee Timesheet

Editing an Non-Exempt Employee Timesheet

Leave Requests

Submitting a Leave Request

Viewing and Editing Leave Requests

Leave Balances

Viewing Balances

Leave Balances

Changing Your Password

History Timecard

Timesheet Notes

Audit Trail of a Single Transaction



Roles and Responsibilities
24-Hour Clock / Employee:
All employees, unless otherwise arranged, must complete their timesheet on the web prior to 23:30 on the Tuesday after the close of the pay period, or the holiday deadline communicated by Payroll.
Supervisor’s and/or Designee:
The supervisor/designee must review and approve the time entries in HBS with their electronic signature on the web prior to 23:30 on the Tuesday after the close of the pay period, except during holiday periods when other deadlines are set by Payroll.
Because HBS Payroll uses the 24-hour time format, an example of 24-hour time is included to assist you in determining closing times for payroll entries.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Log In

Logging into HBS

Before you log into HBS
/ Before accessing the HBS Payroll System, an introductory course must be taken, by every employee, in order to activate your account in HBS from our Internet education website: LEARNINGCENTER.
  1. Open your Web Browser and in the address field and type the word:
“LEARNINGCENTER” (not case sensitive) or use the following link:
NOTE: Turn off your popup blocker for this site.

  1. Enter your employee ID number in the User ID field. The user’s employee ID number is a nine digit number preceded by “02”.
  2. (Example: 020000007)
    Click on the hyperlink .Click here to look it up to find your employee ID
  1. In the Search box, enter HBS:
Select:eCourse:Introduction to HBS TimeSuite
  1. Take the introductory course and your account will be activated in HBS.

Logging into HBS
  1. The HBS Time system works best using Internet Explorer. MAC users can use Firefox.
  2. Access the HBS Time System Icon from your desktop computer screen or create a short cut on the desktop with the following link:

  1. Enter Logon ID in the Logon ID field. In most cases, a user’s logon ID is the same as the user’s employee number preceded by “02”. (Example: 020000007)
If you don’t know or forgotten your Log On ID, enter your last name only in the “Help I Forgot My Login ID” field and click the Find button.

  1. Enter your password in the Password field. The password does not display. (For first time log-ins, use the default password: 123.)
  1. Click the Log On button.

Logging into HBS – Continued

Logging into HBS
/ The first time you log on, HBS prompts you to create and verify a new password.

After three unsuccessful logins, HBS locks users out of the system.
Go to your timecard approver to reset your password. Your password will be reset to123.
SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Editing Time Sheets

Navigating HBS

An unsuccessful logon attempt, prompts HBS to display the Login Error screen.

This screen displays a brief explanation of why the login attempt was unsuccessful. Possible login errors, their description, and a suggested corrective action are listed in the table below.

ERROR: User Id not found

To return to the login screen click HERE

Login Errors

Login Error / Description / Corrective Action
User ID not found / The user account number was not found in the employee master file / Re-enter your User ID correctly. Contact your timekeeper if the problem persists
Invalid password entered / The password was invalid / Re-enter your password correctly. Contact your timekeeper if the problem persists.
User ID or Password were not filled in / No information was entered in the Logon ID or Password fields / Enter your User ID and Password. If the error appears again, contact your supervisor or timekeeper
Too many invalid login attempts. Employee status is not active / There were too many unsuccessful logins / Contact your –-supervisor or timekeeper to reset your password.
ERROR: Employee status is not active / Status Code on Master File is not set to “Active” / Contact your Payroll rep (for list see Message Screen).
System is not available / HBS is currently not available / Notification broadcast via Outlook

Navigating HBS – System Icons

Tool Bars contain button that give the user quick access to commands, procedures, and functions. Below is a table that defines the actions/description of each button.

Icon Example / Action
/ Saves Data
Reset – clears data back to last save
View, Add or Edit notes
Complete – certifies that timesheet is complete and ready for manager to approve
Displays current leave balances through that day
SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009

Navigating HBS – Continued

Once you successfully logonto HBS, the Message Screen displays.

The message(s) that appears on the screen may contain a specific message that pertains to you or your group. Be sure to observe the message(s) for important data.

A Menu Bar is located at the top of the screen. Each item on the Menu Bar is a tab that allows you to perform particular functions.

  1. Click the Employee Tasks tab.

Employees are able to perform the following tasks:

  • Timesheets Entry
  • Leave Requests
  • View Accrual Balances
  • Change Password

By clicking on the task, HBS will direct you to the corresponding screen.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Editing Time Sheets
SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Editing Time Sheets

Editing an Exempt Employee Timesheet

To edit Exempt Employee timesheets, use the yellow and gray Edit Lines. The first gray Edit Line is a summary of the time the employee worked during a pay period coded “Normal Hours Worked” charged to the DPA. The additional edit lines are to add/edit pay codes other than “Normal Hours Worked”.

Example: An exempt employee uses a vacation day during the week.

  1. Under Employee Tasks, select Timesheet.
  2. Select the correct pay period in the Pay Period box. Click Go.
  3. Delete the hours of the vacation date from the “Normal Hours Worked” gray edit line.
  4. Add the hours of the vacation to the yellow line below and change the pay code to “Vacation” using the drop-down menu.”
  5. Click the “Save” icon in the upper right-hand side of the screen to save and re-calculate your time changes.

Editing an Non-Exempt Employee Timesheet

To edit a Non-Exempt Time Sheet:

  1. Under Employee Tasks, select Timesheet
  2. Select the correct pay period in the Pay Period box. Click Go.
  3. In the Input Summary box, click the hyperlink for the day that you want to edit. In the example above, Wed 12/15was clicked to display at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Editthe “Time In” and “Time Out”as appropriate.

To add an additional entry for a day (for example, I leave work early due to illness),

  1. Change the “Out” time to the time you left work.
  2. In the next set of Edit Lines, enter your sick “Time In” and “Time Out” and select the appropriate Pay Code (for example, “Sick Personal”) from the drop down menu.

NOTE: When you make a change in the “Time In” or “Time Out” boxes, check the “Meal Break” box to insure it reflects your accurate Meal Break.

To change a day’s entry (for example, I took a vacation day or a sick day).

a.Go to the Pay Code column for that day.

a.Change the entry from “Normal Hours Worked”to “Vacation” or “Sick” using the drop down menu.Change the value in the “Meal Break” column, if necessary.

  1. Click the Save icon in the upper right-hand side of the screen to save and re-calculate your time changes.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Leave Requests

Leave Requests

Submitting a Leave Request

An employee can request time off in advance for various reasons by utilizing the leave Request Application. The deadlines for submitting these requests are posted on the HBS Message screen every pay period.

  • A leave request must indicate type of leave, such as Vacation, PTO, and Comp Time selected from a drop down menu for the request but only allows a maximum of two reasons. The request must be for whole shifts only, not partial hours in a shift. If a partial day is selected, then you must select ‘Normal Hours Worked’ on the second line of the Leave Request for the balance of the hours for that shift.
  • HBS only displays the appropriate leave request types for each employee.
  • Once the requested period is in the current pay period, the approved leave request automatically populates the current timesheet.
  • Denied Leave Requests expire and cannot be retrieved.
  1. To access the Leave Request screen, click Employee Task and then click LeaveRequests. HBS displays the Leave Request Screen.
  1. Enter the first day of your requested leave in the From column by clicking on the calendar function and selecting the appropriate start date. (The date can also be entered manually, using the mm/dd/yyyy format).
  2. Enter the last day of your requested leave in the To column by clicking on the calendar function and selecting the appropriate ending day. (The date can also be entered manually, using the mm/dd/yyyy format).

Ifyou input your leave request dates manually, always use:

Two digits for the day and the month

Four digits for the year

Always enter your leave request on the first line before using the second line, if appropriate, and do not delete line one.

  1. Select the Type of leave from the drop down.
  2. Click Submit in the Action column. The Leave Request Details screen displays.
  1. Review your request. Add Notes, if necessary, to your manager. Click Submit again.

You can only submit a Leave Request for days on which you are scheduled to work.

Viewing and Editing Leave Requests

  • You can view and/or edit Leave Requests using the Current Leave Request screen.
  • The Current Leave Request screen details time-off requests and current outstanding requests.
  • Any notes an employee saved and a Manager has submitted display with the outstanding Leave Requests.
  • If no requests are outstanding, only the New Leave Request screen displays.

The following table defines each field on current Leave Request Screen:

Column / Description
From/To / Indicates the dates of each period you requested
Total Days / Indicates the total number of days you requested
Type / Lists the specific type of leave request (vacation, PTO, various comp time etc.
Employee Notes / Displays notes or explanations submitted by you when you originally requested time off
Manager Notes / Displays any notes Manager has submitted to employee such as reason for denying a Leave Request
Status / Indicates whether your Supervisor approved, denied, or is still reviewing your request (status pending).
Action / Allows employee to delete a pending request only. Leave request with a status of Denied or Approved cannot be changed or deleted. Approved requests can be changed by having the manager reset the Approved request to Pending; the request can then be deleted and/or changed by the employee.
SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Leave Balances

Leave Balances

Viewing Balances

To view balances click on the Balanceslink located on the Employee Task Bar.

HBS displays all balances for employee by category

This following table defines the fields of the Balance Sheet Screen:

Column / Definition
Category / Defines the categories of time by type
Starting Balance / Beginning balance for the period excluding “Taken and “Earned” amounts
Earned / Additional amount of time the employee is entitled beyond the Starting Balance
Taken / Amount of time employee has used which has not been previously deducted from the Starting Balance
Current Balance / Current amount for the period to which the employee is entitled. This would reflect the Starting Balance plus ”Earned less Taken Balance” amounts.
Approved Leave / Time approved by Manager or Supervisor

From the Timesheet, you can also access the Balances by clicking the Employee Balance Icon from the Toolbar.

Leave Balances

Viewing Balance Details

Click the hyperlink in the “Category” column to view the corresponding detail screen.

A details screen displays the hours taken as well as other summary information by grouping only.

To return to the Summary Screen, click “Return to Summary Screen” link at the top of the page.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Password Administration

Changing Your Password

From the Employee Tasks link, select Change Password. The Change Password screen displays.

  1. Type aNew Password in the Password Box.
  2. Reenter your password again in the Verify Password box.
  3. Click the Submit button to change password.


If you have successfully changed your password, HBS returns you to the Navigation Page and a confirmation message displays indicating that your password was successfully updated.

If you have not successfully changed your password, HBS displays a message indicating that the verification has failed. Try entering and verifying password again until successful. You cannot repeat passwords.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Viewing Past Timecards

History Timecard

Reviewing Your History Timecards

If you’d like to review your own timecard from a previous pay period:

  1. From the Main Menu (purple menu line), click the Historylink.
  2. Click the Timesheet link
  3. Use the drop down menu to select the pay period you’d like to view. Click Go.


History timesheets are “Read Only”. You cannot make to changes to them. To edit a history timesheet, contact your direct supervisor/timekeeper.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Timesheet Notes

Timesheet Notes

To Add a note to a timesheet or to review existing notes, click on the Notes icon.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009
Timesheet Audit Trail

Audit Trail of a Single Transaction

In/Out Timesheet

To view details of a single transaction in HBS, click “Show Pay Period Details” hyperlink.

The Summary Screen appears. To view the detail for the day, click “View”

The pop-up window displays the complete history of the transaction with all the changes, who made the changes and when the change was made.

Hours Only Timesheet

To view the daily timesheet detail, click the “View” link below the date.

Pop-up window displays a history of the transaction that includes all changes, who made the change and when it was made.

SOM Dean’s Office HR / 1 / February 19, 2009