The National Biodiversity Strategy
of Japan 2012 - 2020

Roadmap towards the Establishment of an Enriching Society in Harmony with Nature

28 th September, 2012


Preamble 1

Part 1 The Strategy towards Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity 6

Chapter 1 Importanc e of Biodiversity and Rationales for Achieving a Society in Harmony with Nature 6

Section 1 What is biodiversity? 6

1 Origin of the earth and the birth of life 6

2 Mass extinction and human activities 6

3 What is biodiversity? 7

Section 2 Biodiversity that supports life and livelihoods 8

1 What are ecosystem services? 8

2 Biodiversity that supports life and livelihoods 9

(1) Atmosphere and water produced by organisms (supporting services) 9

(2) Basis for human life (provisioning services) 10

(3) Supporting cultural diversity (cultural services) 13

(4) Our life secured by nature (regulating services) 14

Section 3 The rationales for achieving a society in harmony with nature supported by biodiversity 15

Chapter 2 The Current Situation and the Challenges concerning Biodiversity 17

Section 1 Summary of the outcomes of COP 10 and COP-MOP 5 17

Section 2 The current situation of biodiversity in the world and its connection to Japan 21

1 Biodiversity in the world 21

2 Characteristics of biodiversity in Japan from the global perspective 26

3 Japan causing impacts on global biodiversity 28

Section 3 The structure of the biodiversity crisis 30

1 First crisis (caused by human activities including development) 30

2 Second crisis (caused by reduced human activities) 31

3 Third crisis (caused by artificially-introduced factors) 32

4 Fourth crisis (caused by changes in the global environment) 34

Section 4 The current situation of biodiversity in Japan 37

1 Japan Biodiversity Outlook 37

2 The current situation of wildlife, etc. 38

3 The current situation of ecosystems 43

4 Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake on biodiversity 47

Section 5 The current status for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components 49

1 Overview of the legal system for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components 49

2 Overview of area designation systems for the conservation of biodiversity 51

3 Efforts for the Conservation and Management of Wildlife 54

4 Reconstruction Efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake 55

Section 6 Challenges towards the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components 57

1 Understanding of and action for biodiversity 57

2 Securing human resources and cooperation 58

3 Recognition of the “socio-ecological sphere” connected through ecosystem services 58

4 Conservation and management of national land in light of the decreasing population, etc. 59

5 Increasing scientific knowledge 59

Chapter 3 Targets for the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Sustainable Use of Its Components 61

Section 1 Japanese targets 61

Section 2 Grand design for national land in a society in harmony with nature 61

1 Basic approaches set forth in the “Centennial Plan” 61

2 The overall picture of the grand design for national land 63

3 A grand design in accordance with national land characteristics 64

(1) Natural mountain areas 65

(2) Satochi-Satoyama/rural areas (including areas where artificial forests prevail) 67

(3) Urban areas 69

(4) River/wetland areas 71

(5) Coastal areas 72

(6) Oceanic areas 74

(7) Island areas 75

Chapter 4 Basic Policies for the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Sustainable Use of Its Components 76

Section 1 Basic perspectives 76

1 Scientific recognition and a preventive/adaptive attitude 76

2 Community-based efforts 77

3 The wide-area view 77

4 Coordination and collaboration 78

5 Mainstreaming biodiversity in socio-economic systems 79

6 Integrated viewpoint 80

7 The long-term merits of sustainable use 80

Section 2 Basic strategies 82

1 Mainstreaming biodiversity in our daily life 82

2 Reviewing and rebuilding relationships between man and nature in local communities 87

3 Securing linkages between forests, the countryside, rivers and the sea 95

4 Taking action from a global perspective 103

5 Strengthening the scientific foundation and utilizing it in policies 107

Section 3 The roles of different entities and coordination/collaboration 110

Part 2 Roadmap for the Achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets 114

1 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 – 2020 (Aichi Biodiversity Targets) 114

2 Establishment of Japan’s National Targets for the Achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets 115

Part 3 The Action Plan on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity 127

Chapter 1 Measures and Policies for National Land 129

Chapter 2 Cross-Sectoral and Fundamental Measures and Policies 130

Chapter 1 Measures and Policies for National Land 131

Section 1 Ecological networks 131

1 Ecological networks 131

Section 2 Conservation of priority areas 133

1 Nature Conservation Areas, etc. 133

2 Natural parks 134

2.1 Designation and other measures for natural parks 134

2.2 The Protection and management of natural parks 135

2.3 Promoting the use of natural parks 137

2.4 Natural park development 138

3 Wildlife Protection Areas 138

4 Natural Habitat Conservation Areas 139

5 Places of scenic beauty, natural monuments and cultural landscapes 139

5.1 Places of scenic beauty and natural monuments 139

5.2 Cultural landscapes 140

6 Forest reserves and protection forests 140

7 Special green space conservation districts, etc. 142

8 Ramsar Sites 142

9 World heritage sites 143

10 Biosphere Reserves 145

11 Geoparks 145

12 Local voluntary management areas 146

Section 3 Nature restoration 147

1 The steady implementation of measures for nature restoration 147

2 The promotion of new measures for nature restoration 148

Section 4 Environmental impact assessments and other measures 150

1 Environmental impact assessments 150

2 Other major efforts to reduce environmental impacts 152

Section 5 Forests 153

1 The desirable conditions of forests for maintaining their priority functions and how to develop such conditions 153

2 Promoting the development of diverse forests 155

3 The National Campaign for the Promotion of “Utsukushii Mori Zukuri (Fostering Beautiful Forests)” 158

4 Appropriate forest conservation and management 159

5 The promotion of measures to control wildlife damage to forests 159

6 Promoting human resource development, exchange between cities and mountain villages and the settlement of new residents in mountain villages 160

7 Forest operations that take account of biodiversity 160

8 Promoting forest development activities with citizen participation and diverse forest uses 161

9 Expanding forest environmental education and human-forest interaction 161

10 The development of forestry and the timber industry mainly through expansion of domestic timber uses 162

11 Promoting administration and management of national forest including forest reserves and green corridors 162

12 Promoting forest resource monitoring 167

13 Promoting sustainable forest management on a global scale 167

Section 6 Rural and Satochi-Satoyama areas 169

1 Promoting agricultural production that has an enhanced focus on biodiversity conservation 169

2 Promoting soil cultivation, fertilization and pest/weed control with an enhanced focus on biodiversity conservation 171

3 Promoting the management and conservation of Satochi-Satoyama areas with the aim of reducing wildlife damage 172

4 Promoting the conservation of networks of ecosystems and water environments including paddy fields, waterways and reservoirs 172

5 The conservation and utilization of rural environments and agricultural development using local resources 173

6 Promoting the creation of spaces where people can experience rich natural environments 173

7 Promoting the improvement, conservation and utilization of grasslands 175

8 Promoting activities to improve, conserve and utilize Satoyama forests 175

Section 7 Urban areas 176

1 The development of ecological networks in urban areas 176

2 The formulation of comprehensive plans on the conservation, restoration, creation and management of green spaces 177

3 Promoting measures and policies for the conservation, restoration, creation and management of green spaces and waterside areas 177

3.1 The development of city parks 177

3.2 Consideration for biodiversity conservation in road development 178

3.3 The conservation of biodiversity in sewage systems 178

3.4 Special green space conservation d istricts and green space co n servation districts 179

3.5 Suburban Special Green Conservation Areas and Suburban Green Conservation Areas 179

3.6 Special historic landscape preservation areas and historic landscape preservation areas 180

3.7 Scenic districts 180

3.8 Civic green spaces 180

3.9 Productive green zones 181

3.10 The conservation of protective groves around residences, coppices, etc. 181

3.11 Promoting the creation of greenery on private land, the greening of rooftops and walls 181

3.12 The securing of green spaces on factory sites 181

4 Raising public awareness about greenery conservation, restoration, creation and management 182

4.1 Promoting public awareness campaigns on greenery 182

4.2 Raising public awareness about biodiversity conservation in sewage systems 182

Section 8 Rivers, wetlands, etc. 183

1 The conservation and restoration of habitats for living organisms 183

1.1 Nature-oriented river works 183

1.2 The conservation and restoration of ecosystems in rivers, wetland areas, etc. 183

1.3 Environmental consideration in dam construction 184

1.4 Environmental consideration in landslide disaster prevention measures for mountain streams and slopes 184

1.5 Integrated soil management from the mountain to the seashore 185

1.6 The designation and conservation of wetlands 185

1.7 The conservation of fishing grounds in inland waters 186

1.8 Alien species control measures in rivers, wetland areas, etc. 187

2 The improvement of water environments 187

2.1 The improvement of water quality in rivers, lakes, etc. 187

2.2 Ensuring clear water in rivers 189

2.3 The improvement of river environments through conducting tests on “flexible dam management” 190

3 Cooperation and collaboration with residents 190

4 Environmental education and nature experience activities using rivers 190

4.1 The “Children’s Waterfront” rediscovery project 190

4.2 Promoting nature experience river activities conducted by citizen groups 190

4.3 Kodomo Hotarangers (Kid Firefly Rangers) 191

5. Surveys and research into river environments 191

5.1 National Census on River Enviornment 191

5.2 Academic research on river ecology 191

5.3 Aqua Restoration Research Center 192

5.4 Aquatic life survey 192

Section 9 Coastal and oceanic areas 193

1 The comprehensive conservation of biodiversity in coastal and oceanic areas 193

1.1 The conservation of marine biodiversity based on scientific findings 193

1.2 Protected areas for the conservation of marine biodiversity 194

1.3 The conservation and restoration of seagrass beds and tidal flats 195

1.4 The conservation and restoration of coral reefs 196

1.5 The conservation of island ecosystems 197

1.6 The protection and management of marine life 199

2 Fisheries in Satoumi and the Ocean 199

2.1 Promoting the conservation of important fishery environments such as seagrass beds, tidal flats, etc. 199

2.2 Promoting fishery infrastructure projects that take biodiversity into consideration 200

2.3 Promoting the conservation and utilization of fishing village environments by tapping into local resources 201

2.4 Promoting the conservation and management of marine resources that takes biodiversity into consideration 201

2.5 The continuing promotion of resource management under the framework for implementing the resource management guidelines and the resource management plans 202

2.6 Propagation that takes biodiversity into consideration and sustainable aquaculture production 202

2.7 Promoting biodiversity conservation while considering the protection and management of rare species 203

2.8 Promoting measures to prevent fishery damage caused by wildlife 203

3. Coastal environments 203

4 Port and harbor environments 206

5 Marine pollution control measures 206

5.1 Measures to control pollution caused by marine activities 206

5.2 Water purification measures in sea areas 207

5.3 The conservation of water environments in closed ocean areas 207

Chapter 2 Cross-Sectoral and Fundamental Measures and Policies 209

Section 1 Promoting the mainstreaming of biodiversity 209

1 Promoting communication and public involvement 210

2 Interaction with nature 213

2.1 The promotion of nature interaction activities 213

2.2 Providing places for interaction with nature 216

3. Education, learning and experience 219

3.1 School education 219

3.2 Out-of-school activities and lifelong education 219

4 Recruiting and developing human resources 221

5 Economic valuation 222

6 Promoting efforts by businesses and consumers 222

Section 2 Appropriate conservation, management and other measures for wild organisms 224

1 The conservation of threatened species and their habitats 225

1.1 The Red List 225

1.2 The conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 225

1.3 Ex-situ conservation 227

2 The conservation and management of wildlife 228

2.1 The designation and management of Wildlife Protection Areas 228

2.2 Regulations on the capture of wildlife 229

2.3 Scientific and systematic conservation and management 229

2.4 Surveys and research into wildlife habitats 231

2.5 The prevention of illegal capture 232

2.6 Wildlife relief systems, etc. 232

2.7 Raising public awareness 233

2.8 Avian influenza, etc. 233

3 Welfare and proper management of animals 234

3.1 Promoting the appropriate management of animals 234

3.2 Promoting the use of identification devices 234

3.3 Comprehensive public awareness measures 234

Section 3 Measures to control alien species and other factors causing disturbances to ecosystems 236

1 Alien species control measures 236

2 Genetically modified organisms, etc. 239

3 Abiotic factors including chemical substances 239

Section 4 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 243

1 Biodiversity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries 243

Section 5 Ecotourism 245

1 Ecotourism 245

Section 6 Sustainable use of biological resources 247

1 The use and preservation of genetic resources 247

1.1 The use of genetic resources 247

1.2 The preservation of genetic resources 250

2 The use and preservation of microbial resources 251

2.1 The use of microbial resources 251

2.2 The preservation of microbial resources 252

3 Access and Benefit-sharing of genetic resources (ABS) 253

Section 7 Promotion of international efforts 254

1 Japan’s international contribution based on the outcomes of COP 10 254