Holy Cross Lutheran Church (HCLC)
Minutes for Council Meeting – March 12, 2017
The March2017 Church Council meeting was called to order by President Ann Larsonon Sunday,
March 12, 2017at 11:30a.m. Pastor Berggren opened the meeting with a prayer.
In attendance were: Pastor Jim Berggren, Ann Larson, Bettie Baring, Jay Byerly,Deacon Karen Davidson, David Garwick, Julie Kilkenny, Bettye Raschke, Wayne Schaper, Warren Schick and Fredda Yurk. Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave and Ernesto Lopezdid not attend.
The minutes from the February Council meeting were submitted by Julie Kilkenny, unanimously approved and will be submitted to CrossTies and the website for publication.
The Treasurer’s reportwas presented by Wayne Schaper. Collections for the month of February 2017were$22,670, a decrease of $10,313from February. Mr. Schaper noted that because the bank statement was not received as of meeting time, his report this month is abbreviated. The Treasurer’s reportwas unanimously approved as presented.
Pastoral Staff Reports:
Pastor Berggrenexpressed his thanks to all for stepping up while he was on vacation, especially to Karen Davidson and Bettye Raschke for filling in at the worship services. He noted that the Lenten season was starting off strong. On Ash Wednesday he conducted the noon service at Holy Cross and then went to Belmont Village to conduct a service for the seniors there. He presided over the graveside memorial service for Stacey Mosburg on March 9th. He continues his hospital visits. Pastor Berggren reported to Council that one of the small colored windows was broken in the Youth Room (the old sanctuary) during a recent break in. He suggested replacing it with a regular window rather than trying to recreate the decorative effect in an area which is obscured by shrubbery. This plan was approved by Council.
Deacon Karen Davidson updated Council on her activities during the past month. Shealso provided the imposition of ashes for homebound congregants during the week of Ash Wednesday. She reported that the new liturgy and responses for services during Lent should help foster a different worship focus. She continues her hospital visits and prayers, phone calls and visits for HCLC members and friends, as well as preparation for Adult Forum and the PowerPoint presentations for the early worship services.
Old Business and Committee Reports:
Bettie Baring reported that WELCAis gearing up for the Craft Sale on March 25th. Several members attended the Zion Retreat Center opening celebration in February. WELCA continues its support for Krause House with items donated for their annual auction. There will also be a special offering box set up in the Atrium for Easter donations for Krause House.
The Bereavement Committee is evaluating the level of service it can provide given its volunteer staffing levels. The current plan is to provide sandwiches and desserts for morning services; afternoon services will probably have only desserts provided.
HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting – March 12, 2017 Page 2
Warren Schick gave an update on Building and Grounds activities. The new phone system has been installed. The bid for new carpet in the administrative offices (church office, the deacon’s and 2 pastors’ offices) was $2,826; this includes moving the large pieces of furniture. Council approved the acceptance of this bid, so that installation can be scheduled before Easter. At that time the installers will also stretch the carpet in the chapel.
Mr. Schick reported on the need for further work on the organ in the sanctuary. Previously repair work was done to replace the speakers and audio processor. There is now a problem with one of the four amplifiers. The $2,900 replacement of the faulty amplifier will be undertaken when funding is available.
Recent rainshowers have drawn attention to drainage issues in fountain courtyard area of the church property. Council discussed having someone check this out, possibly to include blowing out any blockage in the drain lines. Fredda Yurk noticed that the timers on the exterior lights seemed to be off schedule and wanted to make sure these lights are on at night.
Other miscellaneous committee updates include a proposal to have the regular HCLC cleaning staff clean the kitchen twice a week and address “deep cleaning” as needed. Wayne Schaper returned $1,200 to the WELCA discretionary fund to correct an error. Designation of the Easter breakfast proceeds to benefit Adult Protective Services was also discussed.
New Business
Council discussedforming a committee to evaluate the use of the church property. Fredda Yurk continues work on a new phone list.
Ann Larson expressed gratitude to the outgoing Council members for their service, along with special thanks to Council for all the support, help and encouragement during her tenure as president.
The next Council meeting will be on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 11:30a.m.
Upon motion to adjourn, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Kilkenny