EDCP108NN 0401, Monday 10:00 – 11:00a.m.

Nyumburu Cultural Center

Room 0120

INSTRUCTORS: Dr. Ronald Zeigler and Mr. Solomon Comissiong

TELEPHONE: (301)314-7760 (301)314-8439



College and Career Advancement for: Concepts And Skills from A Black Perspective – Diversity Issues and Academic Strategies for Success.


  • To foster positive attitudes and behaviors that will improve academic success at the University of Maryland, College Park.
  • To teach students effective interpersonal skills and academic behaviors needed to succeed in higher education.
  • To encourage students to participate in career exploration as an essential part of the acquisition of a college education.
  • To establish the Nyumburu Cultural Center as a place where students can receive assistance in social, academic, and cultural areas.
  • To assist students in the understanding and development of attitudes that can facilitate scholarly engagements.
  • To understand student activism, scholarly participation, and cultural involvement as visions for academic excellence.


John Langan, Ten Skills You Really Need to Succeed in College, McGraw-Hill (2003).

Herb Boyd, Race and Resistance: African Americans in the Twenty-First Century, South End Press (2002).

Undergraduate Catalog, (UM 2010-2011), Web Site:

Schedule of Classes, (Various Editions)


In addition to textbook materials, the course will involve class discussions. Students will be assigned written and oral reports, and a project. Students are expected to learn about the campus resources and student organizations, and to participate in campus events related to diversity, as the Provost Conversations on Equity and Diversity. Supplemental materials will be distributed as needed throughout the semester.


Your grade will be based on the following:

  1. Oral and written Assignments -30%

(i.e., Academic Services, Student Organizations, etc.)

2. Class Assignments20%

3. Quizzes25%

4. Usage of Student and Campus Resources 15%

5. Class Participation10%

Note: Class attendance and participation are important to your grade. Attendance can be a determining factor if your grade is on the border line .

Visit and utilize academic support office(s) on campus, or join a student organization. Prepare a presentation on organization (i.e., location, what services are provided, nature and hours, etc.) Prepare a 3-5 page typedfinal paper. (Due no later than Monday, December 6, 2010)


Week 1 –

  1. Instructor and Student Introductions.
  2. History of Black Male Initiative.
  3. Summary History of diversity at the University of Maryland.
  4. Course Expectations and Grading.
  5. Office of Human Relations Program – “Inter Group Dialogue Program”.
  6. Race, Resistance & Diversity.

WEEK 2 – Campus Closed – Labor Day Holiday (September 6)

WEEK 3 – September 12

  1. Student Involvement & Time Management.
  2. Introduction to campus resources assignment.
  3. Nyumburu web page (
  4. Cultural Movements as diversity initiatives (e.g., Political Rap, Spoken Word, etc.)
  5. REQUIRED READING: John Langan (Looking Inside Yourself, pp. 5-22)
  6. The Impact of Corporate media.
  7. Issues of Diversity: Herb Boyd, Race and Resistance: African Americans in the Twenty-First Century, South End Press (2002)

WEEK 4 – September 19

  1. Preparing for Academic Success.
  2. Day Study 2. Study Schedule 3. WAM Account. Assignment Due.
  3. Links to Better Education – Cultural explorations
  4. REQUIRED READING: John Langan (Thinking Clearly, pp. 23-42).
  5. What is Progressive Leadership?

WEEK 5 – September 26(Quiz# 1)

  1. Spending Study Time Wisely
  2. Learning Lectures
  3. Study Skills, the Great Equalizer
  4. Independent Learning
  5. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Reading for Pleasure and Power, pp.43-74)

WEEK 6 – October 3

Note: Class will meet in McKeldin Library (Room – To be announced)

  1. Learning with the Computer.
  2. Identifying your School’s Library and Computer Resources.
  3. Using your computer as an Aid to Becoming a better student.
  4. Learning: Internet, Library Databases, Software Packages
  5. USM VICTOR Web (
  6. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Managing Your Time, pp.75-88)

WEEK 7 – October 10

  1. Time Schedules Distributed for time Management Exercise(s)
  2. EDCP108N “Class Exercises”
  3. Study Skills – Time Management
  4. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Taking Notes in class, pp.89-104)
  5. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Managing Your Time, pp.75-88)

WEEK 8 – October 17 (Quiz# 2)

  1. Views on Academic Success (e.g., Fail of Failure, Perfectionism).
  2. Black Male Identity and Philosophical Perspectives (i.e., Nihilism, Fatalism, Academic Excellence, Professional Athletics, and aestheticism.
  3. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Improving Your Memory and Study Power, pp.105-118)

WEEK 9 – October 24

  1. Student Resources and Organizations, B. (GPA Management & Learning Devices)
  2. UMCP GPA Calculator,
  1. The food-body connection
  2. Remembering with Mnemonics
  3. External vs Internal Distraction
  1. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Reading textbooks and Taking Notes, pp.119-132)

WEEK 10 – October 31

  1. Exam taking for Academic Success
  2. Types of Exams (e.g., Essay, Short Answer, Multiple Choice, Take-Home).
  3. Exam Preparation (2-3 hours per credit)
  4. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Taking Tests, pp. 133-146)

WEEK 11 – November 7(Quiz# 3)

  1. Reading for Success
  2. Understanding and using key concepts
  3. SQRRR (Survey Question Read Recite Review) Solution SQRRR
  4. Methods of Reading Comprehension for various academic courses
  5. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Achieving Basic Goals in Writing, pp. 147-166)

WEEK 12 – November 14

  1. Understanding Reading and Writing Concepts for Success – Continued.
  2. REQUIRED READING: John Langan, (Achieving Basic Goals in Writing, pp. 167-192)
  3. Prevalent Issues within the Pan-African Communities

WEEK 13 – November 21

  1. REQUIRED READING: (To Be Determined)
  2. Civic Engagement on Campus and Beyond.

WEEK 14 – November 28(Quiz# 4)

  1. Issues of Diversity: Herb Boyd, Race and Resistance: African Americans in the Twenty-First Century, South End Press (2002)
  2. REQUIRED READING: Herb Boyd, Race and Resistance: African Americans in the Twenty-First Century, South End Press (2002)
  3. Becoming Solutions Oriented.

WEEK 15 – December 5

  1. Issues of Diversity: Herb Boyd, Race and Resistance: African Americans in the Twenty-First Century, South End Press (2002)
  2. REQUIRED READING: (To Be Determined)
  3. Campus RESOURCE Reports Due
  4. Course Evaluations
  5. Summary and Review for Academic Success (John Langan, pp.168-205)


SYLLABUS DATE: September, 2011

Herb Boyd, “Race and Resistance: African Americans in the Twenty-First Century, South End Press (2002). (ISBN 0-89608-653-4) (800) 283-3572. Or (800) 538-8478.

Order Status: (800) 343-4499

South End Press, 7 Brookline Street, #1 , Cambridge, MA 02139-4146.