Quality and Effectiveness Framework
for post-16 learning
Quality Improvement Fund2015-16
Final report
Lead ProviderName of organisation:ISA Training
Project Manager: Berni Tyler
Job Title: Managing Director
Telephone: 01656 869986
E-mail address:
If it was a collaborative bid please include names of the other lead provider organisations:
- Acorn Group
- Cambrian Training (CTC)
- Rathbone
- Activity objectives and outputs
Activity objectives:
- To look in depth at the six strands which make up Digital Literacy.
- Understand the use of the CRAAP test to decide if information is appropriate for research; Currency, Relevance, Authenticity, Accuracy Purpose.
- Investigate technology, tools and techniques and look at the advantages of the use of Blended learning.
- To hear about the views of out learners.
- Share ideas and best practice on the above and on ESW delivery.
- Understand the starting point of our learners and the distance delivery staff need to travel to catch up.
- To identify and measure current knowledge and understanding about Digital Literacy and ESWs. Discovering where everyone is currently and where are our comfort zones and training needs. (prior to the digital learning fayre)
- Carry out the digital literacy fayre utilising the outcomes of point 1.
- Reassess knowledge and understanding after the event and evaluate the outcomes and plan any additional learning needs.
2. Benefits achieved from undertaking the activities, includingthose for your organisation, collaborative partners and the wider WBL network.
The following table outlines the benefits that were achieved by undertaking the activities described.
Activities / ISA training / Collaborative partners / Wider WBL network
Digital learning Fayre / It gave our staff confidence that they were not alone in their concerns about delivery and assessment of EDLS. They were able to interact with others and ask questions. It enabled them to hear from learners and understand why Digital Literacy is so important within the apprenticeship framework. / Raised awareness of the new qualification but with the added bonus of being able to share worries and concerns in a safe environment. The networking opportunities were also very beneficial / A simple workshop structure has been created to upskill nervous staff across the provider network,inclusive of admin and managers. Having an understanding of the changing digital world will benefit all.
Workshop 1
Managing your digital footprint / This workshop was enlightening it made us think about what we put online and the close links to information security for the business. This will have personal benefits in that it will make us more aware of security and what others can see about us. It also has a close link with information security that is a key organisational focus. / Good opportunity to raise awareness and to discuss the issues with other providers. / A very useful workshop that could be delivered to anyone in the organisation and wider. It really makes you think about how you protect your own and your organisations identity and how your digital footprint influences others perceptions and views.
Workshop 2
Understanding digital literacy / This took us back to basics and gave everyone a chance to really have time to think about Digital Literacy and what it means to our lives and our learners and how we need to adapt what we do to engage learners. / Good opportunity to gain more information on the new qualification and how it differs from the ICT qualifications. / For the wider network this could be utilised with those not necessarily delivering Digital Literacy for awareness raising.
Workshop 3
Teaching EDLS / This was a very interactive workshop and everyone benefited from having a go at using different tools in a safe environment with the support of the facilitators / This workshop enabled lots of sharing of best practice and ideas. Everyone uses different apps and we were able to share these and demonstrate them. / Every provider will teach EDLS differently but this will benefit those very new to the area and give them some basic tools and knowledge.
Workshop 4
Assessing EDLS / This enabled us to understand what was involved and the complexities and adjustments that we will need to make to enable us to assess confidently. / Great opportunity to work through the controlled tasks and see how the learners would feel. Gained understanding of the assessment process and standardisation. / Although the workshop is available, the assessment method is new to the network and to have real tangible benefits will require someone with good knowledge to deliver it thusachieving the desired benefits.
Hearing the views of our learners / This was the biggest benefit, hearing the views of the learners really helped our staff to put digital literacy into context. This will help them embed it into the vocational area and to explain the benefits to employers. / Partners felt that getting first-hand experience from learners was key. Learners see things so differently to delivery staff and see Digital Literacy as a normal part of everyday life. / By utilising the views of learners the network can develop their delivery staff in ways that complement the abilities and skills of the learners. i.e. getting learners involved in the planning and delivery of Digital Literacy.
Overall the benefits were many and were dependant on the level and past experiences of the participants. The evaluation shows a clear increase in confidence levels about the understanding, delivery and assessment of EDLS. The event goes further than that though as it was very beneficial to have learners in attendance who were able to join discussions in workshops throughout the day and put their views across. One of the learners asked if they could do the qualification after the event and will be undertaking it as an additionality in the future. The full evaluation report is attached.
3. Lessons learnt and any advice for other providers who may wish to deliver similar activities.
The event was a success and the enthusiasm from all that attended was exceptional. The questionnaire clearly shows the shift in confidence and understanding before and after the event. This was a positive outcome when considering that 60% had attended some type of Digital literacy event or training previously. Knowledge of the assessment was low prior to the event with only 40% having any previous exposure to this. An interesting outcome was that prior to the event 60% of participants stated that they used digital technologies in their teaching with this rising to 75% after, an encouraging difference and evidence of confidence gained through the workshops.
The learning curve is clearly for our staff especially those that are not confident with technology not only delivery staff, but our admin teams and managers. Staff delivering the EDLS or those who are undertaking the practitioner’s award are our enthusiasts. It is key that all staff regardless of whether or not they will deliver Digital Literacy have an understanding of how technology will shape our work in and out of teaching in the future.
Advice for any provider wanting to deliver something similar would be to ensure everyone has access to a device such as a smart phone or tablet so that they are able to fully engage with all activities. Also to ensure that learners are part of any activity as they put digital technology into context and have great ideas and views that we can all learn so much from. The final piece of advice would be to share any issues, challenges and best practice as we are all in this together!
4. Resources developed through the activities which can be disseminated to the sector.
The following resources have been developed as a result of the activities:
All content from the digital literacy fayre is available, this would enable any provider to run the same event or to pick parts of it for their own staff development. The video clips outline both teachers and learners views of Digital Literacy and what it means to them. The list of resources is as follows:
Resource / format
Introduction to the fayre and to Digital literacy / PowerPoint
Lesson plan for workshop 1 Managing your Digital Footprint / PDF
Lesson plan for workshop 2 Understanding Digital Literacy / PDF
Lesson Plan for workshop 3 Teaching EDLS / PDF
Lesson Plan for workshop 4 Assessing EDLS / PDF
Presentation for workshop 3 / PowerPoint
Presentation for workshop 4 / PowerPoint
Video clips / You Tube
Evaluation questionnaire / Socrative
5. Further staff developmentwhich has been identified through evaluation of the activities, and scope for further collaboration.
There was a clear appetite for more support to enable confidence and knowledge to be gained. Participants stated that they would like regular updates on how the qualifications were going and how others were managing them. Support was wanted for areas such as marking and the delivery of the controlled tasks. Standardisation was identified a number of times and there could be potential for further activities around this topic or for shared standardisation events between providers. One suggestion was to look at a live controlled task with a group of learners to assess to see how this would actually work.
Many participants want ongoing training to enable them to grow in confidence and asked for more workshops in the future, some want to do the practitioners course. Others just required information on tools and applications that are available.
One suggestion was that there was an online forum where all organisations could post issues and solutions or their experiences of delivering digital literacy.