Technology PLC Minutes

Present: Deighton, Meadows, Carter, Wolfe, Tranum, Rogers, DeMoss, Valenta

Goal 1: to find technology that we can utilize to enhance student learning

Goal 2: to learn to utilize technology and all of the options given to us to help us enhance our efficiency

There was a discussion on ideas for future meetings. Topics ideas include: esembler, fcat star charts and excel sorting, textbook software and how to best use it to enhance learning, clickers, smartboard

Other items covered:

· esembler and how to print a class set of progress reports with each student’s data on their own page

· esembler preferences for printing and how to change preferences

· fcat star – looked a the graph icon in the program and determined that it is not working this year. Who can fix it? Deighton will send an email to Barry Farley’s replacement. Where are the Lower Quartile in fcat star this year? Have they been loaded? They used to have an asterisk by their name but it doesn’t seem to appear. Will ask in email and hope to have the answer soon.

· How do we get our wireless devices on the network labeled “tms-byod”

Next meeting: October 17, 2012 at 8;15 AM in room 411. Topic for discussion will be outlook—folders, notes, and calendars.

Technology PLC Minutes- October 17, 2012

Present: Deighton, Meadows, Carter, Wolfe, Tranum, Rogers, DeMoss, Valenta

Goal 1: to find technology that we can utilize to enhance student learning

Goal 2: to learn to utilize technology and all of the options given to us to help us enhance our efficiency

Items covered:

· The use of CTRL + F to “find” items on a page. This is especially helpful when you need to find a student and you only have their student number.

· Outlook-

o New folders are found by selecting file>new>folder. Place them under your inbox. Give them an appropriate name. Click and drag items to the folder.

o You can right click on the title bar to sort by - date, to, from, etc. This is helpful in moving stuff to folders or deleting by date or person.

o Open the folder at the bottom left to see “public folders”. Search for Tavares Middle. Select the activity calendar. Right click to “add to favorites”. You should then have this calendar on your calendar page. You can check the box to view the calendar or hide it.

o Click and drag items to your calendar so you can get them out of your inbox. The body of the email will remain on your calendar item.

· MY PORTAL. This is a new feature available to use at home. You can access it by going to the Lake County website and selecting the staff page. My Portal is listed on the right under popular programs. You sign in using your computer login information. You then have access to your U drive, FCAT-STAR, edusoft, and numerous other programs. We will explore this feature further at our next meeting.

Next meeting: November14th at 8:15 in room 411. (This is a week early since our actual PLC date comes during Thanksgiving break)….If something comes up, we will change this date to our regular December meeting date.

Topic for discussion the “My Portal” option for home use of your U drive, FCAT-STAR, etc

Technology PLC Minutes- November 14, 2012

Present: Deighton, Meadows, Carter, Wolfe, Tranum, DeMoss

Goal 1: to find technology that we can utilize to enhance student learning

Goal 2: to learn to utilize technology and all of the options given to us to help us enhance our efficiency

Items covered:

· MY PORTAL. This is a new feature available to use at home. You can access it by going to the Lake County website and selecting the staff page. My Portal is listed on the right under popular programs. You sign in using your computer login information. You then have access to your U drive, FCAT-STAR, edusoft, and numerous other programs. We will explore this feature further at our next meeting.

Next meeting: December 19th at 8:15 in room 411.

Technology PLC Minutes- December 19, 2012

Present: Deighton, Meadows, Carter, Wolfe, DeMoss, Rogers, Valenta, Spiniolas

Goal 1: to find technology that we can utilize to enhance student learning

Goal 2: to learn to utilize technology and all of the options given to us to help us enhance our efficiency

Items covered:

· Learn360-district approved and purchased site that has a lot of good content…video, clips, images, articles. You can search by topic or standard and limit your searches by grade level, subject, etc.. Go to the county intranet page, click the dropdown quicklinks and select learn360. If you need a username or password, email me and I will find out how to get you access.

· Teacher’sDomain. free registration. Teachers' Domain is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. You’ll find thousands of media resources, support materials, and tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities. You will find complete lesson plans, interactive shorts, videos and video clips, pictures, and articles. You can browse by standards, content, grade level and more.

· Teachers pay Teachers. . This site has a tremendous amount of free content.

· Share my lesson. . Free registration and a bunch of great lessons. Search by standard, common core, subject, etc…

Next meeting: January 16th at 8:15 in room 411.