BWY Pregnancy Yoga Module


Wendy Teasdill

The Conference Centre, Liverpool Hope University,

Liverpool, 2013 – 2014

Course dates:

September 14th/15th 2013; November 2nd/3rd 2013; February 1st/2nd 2014.

Fee: £600 if paid by August 7th or £650 if paid in instalments:

£50 deposit to secure a place

£250 payable by September 2nd;

£200 to be paid at the second meeting, November 2nd;

£150 on or by February 1st.

Please send completed application form (at the bottom of this document), along with:

* your deposit of £50 (payable to Wendy Teasdill)

* the £60 registration fee (payable to the BWY, with your BWY number on the back),to:

Wendy Teasdill, 109, Benedict Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9NQ.

If you are applying more than 6 months in advance, please could you post-date the BWY cheque for one month before the start of the course. The deadline for applications is August 7th- this is in order to register the course one month before hand. The minimum amount of people required for the course to be viable is 6.

BWY Pregnancy Yoga Module, Liverpool

This is an in-depth course which prepares yoga teachers to teach specialised pregnancy yoga classes. The aim is to promote the safe teaching of yoga during pregnancy at all times while equipping teachers with the information and confidence to develop an individual approach.

The course consists of three weekends and the days run from 9.30 for 10.00 to 5.00, totalling more than forty two contact hours. Parameters and definite guidelines for safe practice are clearly supplied in the form of detailed handouts on conception, gestation, birth and post-natal conditions relating to both mother and baby, as well as on the appropriate asana and pranayama practices for each stage.

The emphasis is on Yoga; as a qualified yoga teacher already, you will find that you are able to adapt what you already know and apply it to teaching yoga for pregnancy. Conversely, you may find yourself taking stuff from the pregnancy yoga classes back into your regular classes. Pregnant women generally take to yoga like ducks to water, and adapt to the more subtle practices such as mudra and dhyana with ease. Teaching pregnancy yoga is a delight and a joy and the course is hard work - but really fun as well.

Participants are expected to do back-ground reading and complete eight written assignments over the course, and should expect to spend at least twenty hours in home study, consisting of a minimum of ten hours reading and ten writing. It is also useful to observe other pregnancy yoga teachers in action and you are encouraged to start teaching pregnancy yoga as soon as you feel confident. You are expected to do an observed teaching session within three months of the finish of the course, and a certificate is awarded upon successful completion. This is a professional teacher-training qualification.

I do not propose that people teach exactly as I do - each person will find a way that suits them. This course is intended to enable you to develop confidence and autonomy in teaching pregnant women in a way that is informed, light-hearted and safe.

Pregnancy Yoga Module Assignments

To be submitted before the course begins:

1) A brief explanation of why you want to do this course, what you hope to get out of it and what you hope to put in.

To bring to the second meeting:

2) Choose three of the following common conditions of pregnancy: i) nausea ii) heartburn iii) insomnia iv) fatigue v) back-ache

vi) anxiety

Describe both the symptoms and the causes and explain how you think Yoga could help:

Use any relevant publications and your own experience. If you are unsure, say why. (Maximum two pages of text on each. Illustrations optional.)

3) A one-page hand-out of general advice for pregnant women doing Yoga. It should be designed to be given to pregnant women in your class and needs to be clear, user-friendly and not too technical.

4) Outline the main physiological changes of the three trimesters. Describe the major adjustments which need to be made to Yoga practice in order to accommodate the changes and diminish the discomforts that might come with them. Include Optimal Foetal Positioning.

To submit at the third meeting:

5) 2 simple sequences of exercises lasting no more than ten minutes each to be done on a daily basis- one page for the second trimester, one page for the third trimester. This is for use by pregnant women in your class and should include illustrations if possible.

6) A publicity poster/flyer for a Pregnancy Yoga class.

7) A one-page hand-out describing the mechanics and energy importance of Pelvic Floor exercises/MulaBandha. It should be comprehensible to a first-time mother new to Yoga.

8) A lesson plan for your assessed teaching practice.

Guidelines for writing the assignments

*All assignments must be typed/printed and double-spaced. Handwritten material is only acceptable if it is clearly legible. Some e-mailed assignments are possible - ask.

*Please include an alphabetically-ordered bibliography at the end of assignments 2 & 4.

*Please ensure your assignments are clearly named and labelled with the number and wording of the question (as on the list I have given you - do not make up your own order - don’t laugh, some do, and it gets very confusing

*If you take copies from any book it should be to back up a point you have made, not used as a substitute for your own work. Acknowledge all sources (eg. Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond, Dorling Kindersley 2004) and remember that copyright laws prohibit you from using other peoples’ published work (including illustrations) on advertising material - without permission.

*Late submission comes with a £5 fine - for a good cause!


Recommended Reading List

Many of these books are out of print but worth pursuing second hand as they contain good information. New books on pregnancy yoga come out all the time: all are useful, none are definitive. Do not think you have to actually buy all or any of the books - for 75p you can order any of the books from the library, and they will obtain them from other libraries. If you like a book and think you would use it, order it from Amazon; otherwise, note what is useful (all books are useful, even if you find some things you disagree with, or if the books appear to directly contradict one another!) and don’t forget to note the title, author, publisher and date of publication before returning it.

New Active Birth by Janet Balaskas (Thorson’s 1989)! Water Birth by Janet Balaskas and Yehudi Gordon (Thorson’s)! New Life by Janet Balaskas (Sidgwick and Jackson) (out of print but excellent if you can get hold of it) New Natural Pregnancy by Janet Balaskas (Gaia Books) Encyclopaedia of Pregnancy and Birth by Janet Balaskas and Yehudi Gordon(Macdonald Orbis)

Women’s Waterworks - Curing Incontinence by Pauline E. Chiarelli

Yoga for Pregnancy by Wendy Teasdill (Gaia Books)

Preparing for Birth through Yoga by Janet Balaskas (Element Books)

The Female Pelvis by Blandine Calais-Germain (Eastland Press, Seattle)

Yoga For Easier Pregnancy & Natural Childbirth by Anjali Devi Anand Sri Ananda Orient Paperbacks! (division of Vision Books Pvt Ltd) New Delhi.Bombay

Birth and Beyond by Dr. Yehudi Gordon (Vermilion)

Yoga for Pregnancy by Francoise Barbira Freedman Doriel Hall (Ward Lock)

Yoga for Birth, Pregnancy and Beyond by Francoise Barbira Freedman (DorlingKindersley)

Mother’s Breath by Uma DinsmoreTuli (Sitaram and Sons -

Pilates Workbook for Pregnancy by Michael King and Yolande Green (Ulysses Press)

Iyengar Yoga for Motherhood - Safe practice for expectant mothers by Gita S. Iyengar, Rita Keller and Kerstin Khattab (Sterling Books)

Inner Beauty, Inner Light by Frederick Leboyer (Collins)

Empowering Women by Andrea Robertson

Prenatal Yoga and Natural Birth by Jeannine Parvati Baker (Freestone, USA) Leading Antenatal Classes by Judy Priest and Judith Schott (Butterworth andHeinemann)

Preparing for Birth: Mothers by Andrea Robertson (Ace Graphics)

Conception, Pregnancy and Birth by Dr Miriam Stoppard (Dorling Kindersley)

Yoga for Pregnancy by Wendy Teasdill (Gaia Books)

Easy Pregnancy with Yoga by Stella Weller (Thorsons)

BWY Pregnancy Yoga Module with Wendy Teasdill

Liverpool, 2013-2014

Name: BWY no.:


Phone Number:Mobile:


Experience of practising/teaching pregnancy yoga (note - no experience necessary):

Please briefly detail any qualifications which might be relevant to the teaching and practice of pregnancy yoga (again, not necessary):

Please detail any medical condition which needs to be taken into account in your practice of Yoga (eg. pregnancy, breast-feeding, back problems etc.):

Please list any other relevant factors overleaf if necessary.

I fully understand the commitment required to complete the BWY Pregnancy Yoga Module and agree to fulfil the work to the best of my ability. I enclose:

*a non-returnable deposit of £50 payable to Wendy Teasdill

*acheque for £60, payable to the British Wheel of Yoga, with my BWY number on the back (if membership is in process, please state this).

Signed: ...... Date: ......

*Please send to: Wendy Teasdill,

109, Benedict Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9NQ.