Métro 1 Module 4 Mes loisirs Unité 1 pp56-57 Les sports / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Launch: 7S6 (compound sentences); 7T6 (texts as prompts for writing)
Starters / Starter 1: Categorising sports (Framework Pack, p.61)
Starter 2: Squashed-up sentences (Framework Pack, p.61)
Plenary / Answer questions about sports likes and dislikes (Framework Pack, p.62)
Learning objectives / Talking about sports and opinions
Grammar / /
(Programmes of Study) / 3c use knowledge of English
5c express feelings and opinions / 1a
3b, 4d
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1–2 / Identify names of sports and people’s personal preferences / 1c, 3a
Speaking / AT2/2 / Express opinions about sports / 3b
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand short dialogues about preferences for different sports / 4a
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write about someone’s opinions of sports from picture and verbal cues / 4b–d
Key language / Comment trouves-tu …?
J’adore … J’aime … Bof! Je n’aime pas , Je déteste …
l’athlétisme, le basket-ball, le badminton, le cyclisme, l’équitation, le football, le golf, la gymnastique, le handball, le hockey, le judo, la natation, le ping-pong, le roller, le rugby, le skate, le snooker, le tennis, le volley-ball, le VTT
ICT Opportunities / Text manipulation, TG, p.120
ICT Pack: activity 5, sports, opinion phrases
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.34
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 10
R & A File, worksheets 1–4, pp.59–62
R & A File, p.66 (pairwork)
Flashcards 34–46: sport

Métro 1 Module 4 Mes loisirs Unité 2 pp58-59 Que fais-tu?

/ Activity no.
Framework objectives /

Launch: 7S2 (sentence gist)

Reinforce: 7W2 (high-frequency words); 7S5 (basic negatives); 7S7 (time and tenses)
Starters /

Starter 3: Finding the odd-one-out (Framework Pack, p.62)

Starter 4: Writing the opposite (Framework Pack, p.63)
Plenary /

Practice using du, de la, de, and des after a negative (Framework Pack, p.63)

Learning objectives /

Talking about what sports you do in your free time

Grammar / ne …pas
negatives with de: je ne joue pas de …, je ne fais pas de …
frequency expressions
(Programmes of Study) / 2a listen for gist and detail
2i summarise main points of text
3d use dictionaries / 3a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–3 / Identify and note sports and the frequency they are practised / 1, 3a
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Take part in a dialogue about frequency of sports practised / 3b
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand short texts about different sports practised each day / 5a, 5b
Writing / AT4/3 / Write a summary of written texts saying when sports are practised / 5c
Key language / Je joue au tennis / hockey / badminton / football / basket-ball / volley-ball.
Je fais de l’équitation / de la natation / du judo / du cyclisme / du ski / de l’athlétisme / de la gymnastique / de la danse.
Je ne joue pas de …. Je ne fais pas de ….
trois fois par semaine, tous les jours, une fois, deux fois
ICT Opportunities / Word processing, TG, p.120
ICT Pack: activity 1, leisure activities, days of the week
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.35
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 11
R & A File, worksheets 1–4, pp.59–62
Flashcards 34–46: sports
Métro 1 Module 4 Mes loisirs
Unité 3 pp60-61 Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Reinforce: 7S1 (typical word order); 7S6 (compound sentences); 7T7 (improving written work)
Starters / Starter 5: Matching sentence halves (Framework Pack, p.63)
Starter 6: Reordering text (Framework Pack, p.64)
Plenary / Pictionary game to guess phrases about sports and hobbies (Framework Pack, p.64)
Learning objectives / Talking about other free time activities
Grammar / negatives (revision)
(Programmes of Study) / 2d initiate and develop conversation
5c express feelings and opinions / 4a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify and note people’s free time preferences / 3a
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Take part in dialogues to find out personal details including free-time preferences / 2b, 4a
Reading and responding / AT3/2–3 / Read short texts about penfriends’ leisure interests to identify suitable matches / 3c
Writing / AT4/2 / Write about people’s free-time preferences and complete a form / 3b, 4b
Key language / Est-ce que tu aimes …?
j’aime… , je n’aime pas …, je préfère …
aller en ville, aller au cinéma / au McDo, aller à la pêche, faire des courses, écouter de la musique, jouer à l’ordinateur, faire du sport / du bricolage / du vélo / lire des livres / regarder la télé /les BD
ICT Opportunities / Word processing, TG, p.120
Presentation, TG, p.120
ICT Pack: activity 3, personal details and leisure activities
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, pp.36–37
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2
R & A File, worksheets 5, 6, 8, pp.63, 64, 66
Flashcards 47–58: activities
Framework Pack: Writing skills (Sentence building (2)), p.68
Métro 1 Module 4 Mes loisirs Unité 4 pp62-63 Le week-end / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Launch: 7T3 (checking before reading)
Reinforce: 7S2 (sentence gist); 7S3 (adapting sentences); 7S4 (basic questions); 7T1 (reading using cues)
Starters / Starter 7: Verb search (Framework Pack, p.65)
Starter 8: Linking phrases using connectives (Framework Pack, p.65)
Plenary / Make a long sentence about weekend activities using connectives (Framework Pack, p.65)
Learning objectives / Talking about what you do at the weekend
Grammar / some irregular verbs (singular forms): lire, sortir, aller
(Programmes of Study) / 2c ask and answer questions
2e vary language / 3a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3 / Listen to people describing activities and identify them from illustrations / 1c
Speaking / AT2/3–4 / Interview a partner about activities and summarise responses from an interview about weekend activities / 3a, 3b
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Show understanding of paragraphs about weekend activities / 1a, 1b
Writing / AT4/2 / Write a summary of weekend activities from a model provided / 2b
Key language / je dors, j’écoute, je fais, je joue, je mange, je regarde, je rentre, je sors
je ne fais rien
vas-tu …? je vais, tu vas, il / elle va
le club des jeunes
quand? où?
après, sur, avec, et, ou
le matin, l’après-midi, le soir, la nuit
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: activity 2, weekend activities
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.38
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 13
R & A File, pp.68–69 (grammar)
Métro 1 Module 4 Mes loisirs
Unité 5 pp64-65 Que fais-tu quand il pleut? / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Reinforce: 7T2 (reading aloud); 7L2 (following speech); 7C1 (geographical facts)
Starters / Starter 9: Pronunciation practice (Framework Pack, p.66)
Starter 10: Weather map memory game (Framework Pack, p.66)
Plenary / Build sentences about activities in different weather conditions (Framework Pack, p.66)
Learning objectives / Talking about the weather
Grammar / points of the compass
il y a + weather expressions
(Programmes of Study) / 2i summarise main points of text
5d produce and respond to different types of texts / 4d
1c, 4d
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–3 / Understand weather phrases, identify and note people’s weather preferences and what people do when it is raining / 2a, 3, 4a
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Give a weather report and interview people about what they do when it is raining / 2b, 4c
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Understand a short weather report / 1c
Writing / AT4/3 / Summarise responses from interview about what people do when it is raining / 4d
Key language / Quel temps fait-il?
Il fait chaud. Il fait froid. Il y a du brouillard. Il y a du soleil. Il y a du vent. Il y a des orages. Il pleut. Il neige.
Où? dans les Alpes / dans le centre / le nord / le sud / l’est / l’ouest

je reste à la maison, je sors

ICT Opportunities / Text manipulation, TG, p.120
Word processing, TG, p.120
ICT Pack: activity 4, weather, compass points, regions of France
ICT Pack: activity 6, leisure and personal life, weather
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / En plus, PB, pp.68–69 (extension)
À toi! A and B, PB, pp.110–111
Workbooks A & B, pp.39–42
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 14
Song, PB, p.118
R &A File, pp.68–69 (grammar)
R &A File, worksheets 7, 9, pp.65, 67
Flashcards 59–66: weather
Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Living graph: Le week-end de Superman), p.67