1. OPENING PRAYER: Pastor Mark started the meeting with prayer.
  1. BELL TOWER DISCUSSION: The sole purpose of this meeting was to discuss an option to fix the bell tower. TJ Stockton led the discussion and Barry Krause was a major contributor as he was in very involved in developing this solution. The key points of this discussion are as follows.
  1. The proposed fix is to remove the layer of bricks that are badly deteriorated and replace that height with a 4 sided green metal steeple that will have a white metal wrapped wood cross on top. The steeple will have some overhang over the brick. The cross will serve as an integral part of the structure and will be approximately 6’ tall above the roof and 4’ wide. Replace the first subfloor above the bell. Tuck point and seal the remaining brick structure. Replace the damaged interior drywall.
  2. Several attempts have been made over the past several years; John Gehlert is the only one willing to quote any alternatives. Mr. Gehlert’s quote on the option described in “A” above is $11,550.00. It is possible this could go up if any unexpected damage is discovered.
  3. The quote does not include guttering. If guttering is added it could add up to $500.00 to the cost.
  4. Mark Heinz suggested we insist on a guarantee this will stop the leaks. Barry felt Mr. Gehlert would be willing to guarantee his work, but could not guarantee this solution will fix all leaks because no one has been able to absolutely identify the source of the leak or leaks. Barry also emphasized he personally is going to help Mr. Gehlert on this work and assured all he would do everything in his power to insure the best possible work is completed.
  5. TJ and Barry both stressed the immediacy of this need. The top several layers of brick are badly deteriorated and present a health hazard; it is possible a brick could fall and hurt someone below. Some bricks have already fallen to the inside of the tower. The leaking is getting worse and it is just a matter of time until we incur significantly more cost due to water damage.
  6. Casey Stockton suggested the drywall portion of the project wait until it can be determined if the leak has been stopped or at least significantly slowed. General consensus agreed this was an excellent suggestion and we would proceed that way if the congregation approves to proceed with the proposal.
  7. Some discussion was had on the method of payment. It was agreed a large portion if not all could be covered out of general fund. Some special fund raisers may help, but worse case we may need to use the line of credit to complete at least a portion of the payment.
  1. VOTE:Jackie Dittman motioned we vote to approve the proposed repair; Bob Holzschuh seconded; the repair was approved with a verbal vote.
  1. CLOSING PRAYER: Pastor Mark closed the meeting with prayer.
