World Religions Presentation Evaluation ______/50

Names of Group Members: ______

Power Point Content and Style ______/35

All required content thoroughly and clearly explained: origins, customs & beliefs, figures, holy book, symbol, impact

Organization of slides is coherent, smooth, and logical

Slides are interestingly designed, making good use of font, color, images, and effects but are not distracting

Works Consulted slide is included, follows MLA style, and contains fewer than 3 errors

Conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage)

Presentation Style/Audience Engagement ______/5

Every group member speaks at least once

Each member speaks audibly and clearly

Each member uses appropriate, non-distracting body language

Each member maintains eye contact with the audience and rarely reads from notes or slides

Overall, audience is highly engaged

Study Guide ______/5

Well-developed, drawing out important information about the group’s religion

Contains Works Consulted information

Quiz ______/5

Contains required information: true/false, multiple choice, short answer or fill in blanks

Questions are challenging but answerable from presentation

Key included

Submitted electronically to teacher


World Religions Presentation Evaluation ______/50

Names of Group Members: ______

Power Point Content and Style ______/35

All required content thoroughly and clearly explained: origins, structure, customs & beliefs, figures, holy book, symbol, impact

Organization of slides is coherent, smooth, and logical

Slides are interestingly designed, making good use of font, color, images, and effects but are not distracting

Works Consulted slide is included, follows MLA style, and contains fewer than 3 errors

Conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage)

Presentation Style/Audience Engagement ______/5

Every group member speaks at least once

Each member speaks audibly and clearly

Each member uses appropriate, non-distracting body language

Each member maintains eye contact with the audience and rarely reads from notes or slides

Overall, audience is highly engaged

Study Guide ______/5

Well-developed, drawing out important information about the group’s religion

Contains Works Consulted information

Quiz ______/5

Contains required information: true/false, multiple choice, short answer or fill in blanks

Questions are challenging but answerable from presentation

Key included

Submitted electronically to teacher